

............(STREET ADDRESS)
............(BASE, STATE, ZIP CODE)

SUBJECT: Promotion Testing Policy

1. There are few things we do that are more important than helping our airmen prepare and test for the next rank. Air Force Promotion and Testing procedures are outlined in AFI 36-2605 AF Military Personnel Testing System and includes Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT), Promotion Fitness Examination (PFE), and United States Air Force Supervisory Examination (USAFE). These tests measure all airmen's military knowledge and produces test scores for promotion. These scores are used in a weighted-factor promotion system for promotion to SSgt through CMSgt. To ensure the airman gets the best opportunity possible to do well on the test requires their total commitment to do their best and the involvement of their supervisor.

2. Individual Responsibilities:

....a. Know your promotion eligibility status.

....b. Maintain specialty and military qualifications.

....c. Use self-initiated programs of individual study and effort to advance your career.

....d. Obtain and study all current study references specified for a particular promotion cycle.

....e. Review the annual WAPS Catalog to check availability and correct study references.

....f. Ensure your supervisor is aware of your test date.

....g. Wear an authorized uniform or uniform of the day for testing.

....h. Verify your promotion data verification record.

....i. Have your military ID card with you on the day you test.

....j. Make sure you know where the test is given and what time you have to be in place.

3. Supervisor's Responsibilities:

....a. Be aware of subordinate's promotion eligibility status.

....b. Ensure ample study time is provided and encouraged.

....c. Be aware of test date, time, and location.

4. No-Shows for Testing:

....a. Failure to report for scheduled testing renders an airman ineligible for promotion consideration unless the immediate commander approves rescheduling within 10 workdays. The Wing Commander may approve a second time no-show for testing. Unit Commanders may approve rescheduling of individuals who did not report for testing as specified on the AF Form/RIP 1566. However, the commander must be convinced the airmen did EVERYTHING in his/her power to make the appointment.

....b. I will handle each missed testing appointment on a case by case basis. The individual and their supervisor will make an appointment with me to explain why the individual missed the appointment. The following are examples of unacceptable reasons for missing an appointment for promotion testing:

........(1) Oversleeping

........(2) Forgetting appointment

........(3) Traffic problems

5. Preparing and testing for the next rank are very important and requires the involvement of the supervisor and a total commitment on the part of the individual. It is ultimately the individual's responsibility to be prepared and on time for this important appointment. Let's do our part to insure all of our people are given the best opportunity possible to achieve the next rank and continue on the road to success.

...................................................................................(COMMANDER'S SIGNATURE BLOCK)

Written SMSgt Buddy McFadden

Promotions Page / Below the Zone Letters / Promotion Letters