Hi there! My name is Peter and this is my first attempt at a web page. Just a note.. in no way can anyone sue etc.. for the stuff that is contained herein! Model making just happens to be one of my most favourite hobbies. The idea of creating detailed real life
physical objects in a small scale intrigues me no-end. I prefer to build WW2 armour and figures in 1/72 or 1/76 scale but have also
built in 1/35 scale. At one time I was also obsessed with planes but now have gone back to armour as I can detail and weather the equipment much more easily on these than
on aircraft.
In this section I will attempt too explain the basics of dry-brushing for beginners. The techniques explained here work brilliantly
on a small scale model or figure as it is enough to fool the eye (and the brain) into believing there is true feathered highlights on areas that are
exposed to light. At the end I will also explain a quick wash to deepen recessed areas, although I still believe that this is over done on most models
and is sometimes unnecessary. Sorry, but until finances improve I cannot show any images of my own works as I have no access to a digital camera or a scanner. Anyone willing to help??!!!
Here I will try to briefly explain some some small tips to detail kits that I have learned over time. Again this is mostly for beginners, but more experienced users
may find something here,you never know. If anyone has further tips, please feel free to send an email.
WARNING: In the following tips are some techniques that may be toxic (eg plastic and thinner fumes). Please use a well ventilated area when doing this
and if necessary with adult supervision. In no way do I accept any responsibility for any illness or injuries caused by using these tips.
Here you will find some links to some great modelling sites on the web.
If any don't work, please let me know here.
Get ready to be blasted into hyperspace with some magic links!
Also check out my own little input into each subject!!
Here is my selection of favourite subjects!
It is for entertainment purposes only and is not being funded in anyway whatsoever by anything!
Model Making and tips section
My tips for detailing model armour and figures
Tips on drybrushing for beginners
My small tips for detailing.
Some links to some great modelling sites..
Military Miniatures Magazine
This is a great link to the Military Miniatures Magazine Page which has some great tips and photos.
Model Gallery
This is a link to a gallery page. It has some great pictures of German armour and there are also some good pictures of more obscure allied armour.
Atlas Model Railroad Company Inc.
Atlas model railways. A great site for checking out information on scale model railroads.
Dustball Express
Need I say, but model trains are another big thing for me. Here is a great site showing how to make an N-scale train set to put under your bed. Though, you may want to have a fairly high bed before trying this one!