President Kay Morgan


UNIT 592
106 Lanark
San Antonio, Texas

Kay Morgan
Welcomes You!
Donna S.
"Founding President"

V.P.: Monnie Wilson
Secretary: Jonel Williams
Treasurer: Terry Scharpenber
Chaplain: Annie Langston
Sgt at Arms: Debbie O'Quinn
Historian: Linda Corder
Members At Large: Chris Clerico, Dee Van Vorst, Joanette Smasal

Email any updates or changes so that they may be added or deleted.

2005 President Morgan, attended the Spring convention for the 20th District Auxiliary.  At the function, Unit 592 was presented with an award that was handed out at the AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL CONVENTION held in Hawaii in July.  There were only 8 Units from the State of Texas that were recognized.  The "copy" of the award below was for this website that was reported on our annual report.
The award is signed by the 2005 National Chairman and National President of the Auxilary.

Copy of the 592 award received at the American Legion National Convention in Hawaii

Hilda Gaza, Past President

Mrs. Beatrice Foreman is a presented an award from Department.
Two Past Presidents and Two Past Commanders delivered the award.
Mrs. Foreman receives award from Department August 24, 2003

Oil Painting sometimes used by Auxiliary their during poppy sale.
Hand painted oil

If you haven't had a 592 Auxiliary Breakfast you have missed out.

To This:

These ladies go all out to see that you are happy.
Come join us on the second Saturday of every month.

A Past President gives Santa her list.

Unit 592


Bluebonnets deep in the heart of the



1. Candidates for this award shall be a resident of Texas, child of a Veteran who served in the Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in the American Legion.

A. April 6, 1917 Through November 11, 1918 (WWI)

B. December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946 (WWII)

C. June 25, 1950 through January 31, 1955 (Korea)

D. December 22, 1961 through May 7, 1975 (Vietnam)

E. August 24, 1982 through July 31, 1984 (Granada and Lebanon)

F. December 20, 1989 through January 31, 1990 (Panama)

G. August 2, 1990 to the date of cessation of hostilities (Persian Gulf)

2. Selection of recipients shall be based upon goal, character, citizenship, need, objective, and war service of father or mother.

3. Scholarships are not limited to sons and daughters in their senior year of high school. Anyone meeting eligibility requirements may apply.

4. Participation in the scholarship program shall be voluntary in all Units.

5. Application must be secured from the Auxiliary Unit in the community in which the applicant resides.


(All listed items must be attached to the application.)

1. Completed application form, including a small photograph of the applicant.

2. A letter from the applicant, stating qualifications and intention.

3. Four letters of recommendation:

A. From the Principal or Counselor of the school from which he or she is a graduate, or from the advisor or instructor of the current college or university.

B. Clergyman of the applicant’s choice.

C. Two (2) from representative citizens, certifying to the applicant’s character, Americanism and scholarship.

4. A CERTIFIED COPY of applicant’s high school grades for the last two (2) years of work or college transcript.

5. Recommendation of the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit President or Education Chairman.

6. Resume to include statement on financial support from all their sources not listed on the application, extracurricular activities and honor and awards received.

7. The completed application packet must be returned to the Auxiliary Unit prior to April 1, 1998.

8. The Unit’s winning application must be received by the Department Education Chairman no later than May 1, 1998 for review and judging. Unit officer to mail one winning application to: The Auxiliary Scholarship "Department Chairman"


Gift Scholarships of $500 each will be given, based on contributions received from Units. Final determination shall be vested in the Education Chairman and her Committee.

Recipients will be announced at the annual State Convention, and check will be mailed to the College or University the applicant will be attending. Additional applications and information may be obtained from the American Legion Auxiliary Unit in the community where the applicant resides.

Application must be secured from the Auxiliary Unit in the community in which the applicant resides.