This was a fairly standard training weekend that is run every year for the whole squadron usually at the demolitions range at Waiorou. The weekend starts with classroom revision of the safety rules and regulations about the handling of explosives materials and other range ordinance as well as their performance and functions before a short examination is given. A 100% pass mark is required. Once this is out of the way then we collect stores and head out to the range to do the Basic Charge. The basic charge is a 1/2 kilogram of High Explosive initiated by a powder fuse and a chemical detonator. To save time the charges are blown in groups of 10 so when you line up to prepare your charge each person has to add an extra 10 seconds of fuse length as each sapper is given the order to light fuse in turn. (This often leads to the uncomfortable situation where sapper number 10 breaks his 3rd match fusee while you stand there sweating, watching yours burn merrily ever shorter!) After you have measured your length of fuse and cut it just so (the fuse cord is always test burned prior to use to determine the rate of burn for that roll) you collect a detonator to fit to the fuse. The fitting is quite a delicate operation and is done with a crimper (similar to a pair of pliers) held daintily behind your buttocks so that if you accidentily crimp the unstable explosive part of the det it should only take a chunk out of your bum rather than your face. Once every body is ready you take your block of TNT or bundle of Powergel tubes out to the firing line where you tape the det in very gingery and await at attention to be given the order to fire. When all ten charges have been lit you all walk back to the 20 meters line and count down to the BOOM! The picture below is basic charge 1/2 Kilo of TNT taken from 20 Meters.
Firing the basic charges the study tends to take up much of the Saturday so we usually head back to camp for a barbeque and a few beers. The next day is filled with practicing various common techniques such as cratering, creating antitank ditches, lifting charges, cutting charges, shearing charges and generally experimenting with whatever we can lay our hands on. This can range from making sky rockets from LPG cylinders and warratahs to cutting cars in half with culvert bombs to mass tree felling!