Sunday, January 18, 1998
"One of these days I’m going to sit down and write a long letter
To all the good friends I’ve known And I’m going to try to thank them
For all the good times together, though so apart we’ve grown"
Neil Young (Harvest Moon)
So where were you 20 years ago? What was really important to you in the Fall of 1976? Maybe you’ve entered (or passed) middle age and have been thinking about the things you did when you were younger. Anyway, here’s the crew member lists that were published for the Blue and Gold crews of John Marshall. Maybe you just want to get in touch with someone you haven’t seen for twenty years. If you know the where-about’s of anyone else on the crew list (or someone that didn’t make the "official list"), send me the information - I’ll update the list & send it back out. I have received some suggestions for a 25 year reunion in the year 2001. What do you think?
Dave Cosgrove (Cos)
611 Crew Members
Michael "Andy" Andrychowicz (B)
3524 N.W. Princeton Ln.
Silverdale, WA. 98383
Roger Barker (G) 725 Chesnut St. (304) 453-2376
Kenova, WV. 25530 (606) 783-2010
George Bauman 10018 North 57th Drive
Glendale, AZ. 85302
Harvey Belcher (B) 101 Driftwood Circle
Groton, CT. 06340
Ed Berg (603) 740-8483
Chris Blanchard 751 E. Dana Ave. (760) 375-6263
Ridgecrest, CA. 93555
Tom Bond (B)
Bill Blunt (G) 1170 Refugio St. (805) 489-4672
Grover Beach, CA. 93433 (805) 545-3010 (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)
James Bronkema (B) Box 798 (207) 439-1052
Kittery, ME. 03904-0789
Art Colling (G) 143 Ely Road
Monson, MA. 01057
Dave Cosgrove (B) 728 Shamrock Lane (805) 773-1580
Pismo Beach, CA. 93449 (805) 545-4319 W (or (805) 545-3805 fax
(Diablo Canyon Power Plant)
Jim Crenshaw (G) Rt. 2 Box 57
Shorewood Estates
Toccoa, GA. 30577 Crenshaw)
Jake Davis (G) 16625 Lone Hill Dr. (408) 782-7802
Morgan Hill, CA. 95037 (408) 925-1312 W (408) 925-4133 fax
Dennis Dyckman (G) 1505 Pine Hollow Rd. (717) 657-1354
Harrisburg, PA. 17109-5680
Larry Edwards (G) 435-Sunrise Blvd. (717) 948-8190
Elizibethtown, NJ. 17022 (717) 948-8190 W (Three Mile Island)
Ray Elhaje (B) (303) Unlisted
Littleton, CO. 80120
Ken Erdman (G) 13501 Pflug Rd. (402) 253-2842
P.O. Box 305 (402) 533-6648 W
Springfield, NE. 68059 (402) 533-7390 fax
Mike Estes (G) 2835 Belvidere Rd (847) 249-0277 (x13)
Suite 115 (800) 391-2946 pager
Waukegan, IL. 60085
John Fenning (B) 2817 Trenton Ave.
Bremerton, WA. 98310
Thomas Gardner (B) 139 Creamery Rd. (315) 343-0964
Oswego, NY. 13126 (Nine Mile Pt.)
Boyd Grandy (G) 608 County Rt. 25 (315) 343-3802
Oswego, NY 13126 (315) 349-6221 W (or (Fitzpatrick)
Al Grube (G) 2501 S.E. 134th ST.
Vancouver, WA. 98684 (360) 212-8110 (W)
Gerry Houvener 2242 Midlake Dr. (616) 671-5510
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
Robert Harmon (G) 2031 Thames Pl. (209) 824-1361
Manteca, CA. 95336
Jack Hund 6209 Locust Lane
(supply officer) Mechanicsburg, PA. 17055
Al Jorgensen (G) P.O. Box 656 (805) 595-7418
Avila Beach, CA 93424 (805) 545-4339 (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)
Jean (John) Kirouac (G) 110 Whistle Walk (757) 253-1126
Williamsburg VA. 23185 (757) 229-9200
Steve Knox (G) 6040 Richmond Hwy #115 (703) 960-1736
Alexandria, VA. 22303-2156
Michael Kopycinski (B) 15706 LaPaz Ct.
Oak Forset, IL 60452
Bob Lint (B) 32 Marne Ave. (415) 665-3781
San Francisco, CA. 94127 (415) 665-3781
Jim Marron (B) 3603 Haverhill Rd. (760) 434-6507
Carlsbad, CA. 92008
(San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station - SONGS)
Pat McCord (B) 3150 Shady Pine Ave (407) 677-4838
Winter Park, FL. 32792
Dave Presley (G) 132 Spence Shores Ct. (803) 957-9115
Lenington, S.C. 29072
Tom Plumpton (B) (Fitzpatrick Plant) (315) 598-4691
(315) 349-6393 W
Gary Rodiman (G) Basher Lake Road (860) 873-9362
East Haddam, CT. 06423
Mike Ruby (G) 1142 Brooktree Ln (716) 872-6559
Webster, NY 14580 (716) 771-3572 W (Ginna Station)
Greg Seals (G)
Bill Scott (G) 2425 Jalice Circle (814) 867-3691
State College PA 16801-7429
John Shoemaker (B) 11187 Elwyn Ct. (540) 898-3715
Fredricksburg, VA 22407 (North Anna)
Don Stein (G) 110 Lakeview Rd. (315) 343-6024
Oswego, NY. 13126 (315) 349-1425 (W)
Nine Mile Pt.
Tom Swan (B)
Steve Trowbridge (G)
Micky Wehmeyer (B) 1702 Kauffman Ave. (360) 693-7753
Vancouver WA. 98660 (800) 547-9451 x-6090 (or
Fred Woltman III (B) 1090 Farroll (805) 489-5569
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)
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Polaris Missile Launch - September 1976
Commanding Officer
Commander Thomas H. Bond
Executive Officer LCDR P.B. Woodruff Supply LT V.E. Cunningham
Weapons LCDR R.E. Helm E/RC LT D.M. Flatt
Engineer LCDR T.B. Moore Comm. LTJG W.B. Herpin Jr.
Navigator LT E.P. Peterson A-Weps LTJG W.J. Newton
DCA LT G.M. Samons IC LTJG P.M. Polefrone
MPA LT C.A. Rusch PAO ENS J.T. Hazeltine
HM2 L.S. Addie TM2(SS) T. Crum
ET1(SS) E.F. Abersold FA P.K. Culliton
STS3 M.J. Allen ETN3 S.D. Dahler
RM1(SS) A.T. Allwood STSSN(SS) P.R. Delozier
MM2(SS) M.A. Andrychowicz MS3 J.B. Donaho
TM2(SS) S.W. Arbuckle FA T.V. Edwards
TM1(SS) R.W. Archer MM2 J.A. Fenning
FN R.D. Armstrong ET1(SS) D.G. Fitchie
SA G.M. Austin ETN3 J.C. Flegel
FTG2 L.J. Ayling SA L.E. Franklin
ETN2(SS) M.A. Baerga EM2 G.R. Frogner
STSCS(SS) G.E. Baker STS3 T.K. Ganble
EM2(SS) T.A. Barrett ETR2 T.G. Gardner
MM2 R.S. Beach SA R.A. Garrison
RM3 H.L. Belcher EM2(SS) L.D. Goforth
QM1(SS) E.D. Berg FTB3 D.G. Goforth
FTB2(SS) C.D. Blackburn EM3 S.A. Gregory
MM3 W.J. Bondie SA R.L. Grigsby
MM3 J.P. Bronkema FN R.C. Hall
TM2(SS) F.E. Cartwright ET1(SS) D.V. Hamby
MM2(SS) S.A. Cieskiewicz ETN3 G.E. Harris
FTCM9SS) J.H. Clemons TM2(SS) G.R. Heitmann
EMCM(SS) J.S. Collier IC3 J.M. Heller
MM1(SS) D.K. Cosgrove MT3 M.M. Henwood
MSSA K.R. Covert MM1(SS) B.E. Hill
YN2(SS) R.J. Cowles SK3 W.R. Hiter
ETCS(SS) R.T. Crockford MT2(SS) W.C. Hoehn
Enlisted (Blue Crew)
QMSN C.R. Howard MM2 A.L. Patzke
SN D.A. Huff MT3 M.J. Peryea
HM3 M.W. Jacobs FTB3 M.E. Piazza
QMC(SS) J.P. Jorden RMSN K.D. Picknell
RMSN D.H. King MM1(SS) T.H. Plumpton
EM2 W.C. Kingsley MSSA T.C. Powerinke
MTC(SS) A.M. Kjos STS2 A.G. Poyner
TM2(SS) M. Kopcinski MM2 C. Reiter
MM2(SS) A.L. Labarre FA R.J. Riley
MS1(SS) E.T. Labasan STS2(SS) J.L. Roberts
STS3 T.D. Lamaster MM3(SS) W.D. Ryan
STS1(SS) S.A. Lapp FTB3 H. Sandoval
MMC(SS) G.R. Leonard ETN3 C.H. Sartelle
ETN2 R.A. Lint MT3 S.P. Schaefer
SK1(SS) W.H. Lowery RM2 R.R. Scott
IC2(SS) M.A. Luhman MM3 W.R. Sellars
ETN2(SS) D.C. Lyjak MM1(SS) A.J. Sgambelluri
ETN2 W. Macaras IC1(SS) N.W. Shaw
FTB2(SS) J.E. Mann MM3 J.R. Shoemaker
MM1(SS) S.C. Manofsky IC3(SS) B.C. Sims
ET1 J.J. Marron MMC(SS) R.L. Speir
MT3 E. Martinez MM2 G.N. Sponseller
EM3 J.R. Maxey RM2(SS) C.R. Steele
STS3 J.A. Mayns TM3 G.H. Stugard
MMS(SS) P.M. McCord MM2 T.S. Swan
FTG3 C.K. McIntosh MSCS(SS) T.U. Tayag
FTBC(SS) C.W. Moore MT3 R.J. Treiber
MM1 G.W. Moore YN2(SS) D.E. Tubbs
SA R.F. Murchie IC2(SS) D.C. Warfield
QM2 G.A. Nelson MM1(SS) M.B. Wehmeyer
ETN2(SS) J.R. Nerbel IC2 K.D. West
FTG3 D.V. Neugebauer ETN3 D.E. Wilder
MM2(SS) R.L. Oaks RM3 R. Woods
ETN3 W.J. Paavola EM2 R. Wright
ETN2(SS) T.E. Paige SA A.D. Yancey
ET1 S.C. Parker
MT3 J.A. Patrick
Polaris Missile Launch - September 1976
Commanding Officer
Commander Herndon A. Oliver III, U.S.N.
Executive Officer LCDR F.F. Cochran Supply ENS R.R. Cronin
Weapons LT P.F. Ferguson RC LTJG M.C. Grant
Engineer LT W.H. Kraatz Comm. LT D.S. Berto
Navigator LT D.V. Dyckman A-Weps LT G.W. Palmer
DCA LT A.K. Colling E/IC ENS J.P. Allen
MPA LT A.L. Grube
MM2 K.M. Adams STS3 D.W. Drake
MS1 A.A. Aquinaldo RM2 L.E. Duncan
FA J.P. Alderson SA M.K. Dwyer
ETCS B.J. Armstrong MM3 L.L. Edwards
MS1 Q.R. Arucan STS3 D.A. Ellberg
MM2 R.D. Barker MT3 K.A. Erdman
MMCS G.M. Baumann ET1 M.S. Estes
MT3 R.R. Beasley SN F.J. Ellis
EM1 J.C. Biggans YN2 N.E. Evers
QM2 C.N. Blattner EM2 G.A. Farnsworth
MM2 W.O. Blunt SA R.A. Flathers
SA S.B. Borror MM1 R.D. Franz
TM2 B.J. Brooker MT2 C.J. Gabor
ETN2 B.E. Brown ETN3 M.D. Gandy
ET1 R.E. Brunner FN G.W. Garcia
MS1 G.M. Buffum STS3 F.J. Gartner
ET1 W.H. Burke MSSN E.L. Gonzales
ETR2 P.A. Carlson EM2 S. Gozdzialski
SK2 L.S. Carpenter RMSN R.L. Graham
FTG3 L.S. Carter IC1 B.W. Grandy
RM1 T.E. Crane SKSN A.P. Grazzini
ETN3 L.C. Conway MMC S.L. Handley
MM3 J.W. Crenshaw ETN2 W.D. Hays
MM2 K.M. Davis MS3 S.L. Heseltine
QM3 S.E. Davis ETR3 M.K. Holland
SK2 E.F. Dietz RM1 M.R. Ingram
Enlisted (Gold Crew)
IC3 R.A. Ireland FTB3 M.D. Reed
TM2 D.D. Irish ETN3 D.R. Reese
STSC D.L. Jones MM2 S.G. Retzak
MM2 A.K. Jorgensen EM2 M.J. Robb
MT3 L.J. Ketring MM1 D.P. Robinson
MM2 J.M.H. Kirouac MM2 G.A. Rodiman
STS2 S.G. Knox ETR3 R.M. Ruby
FTB3 K.H. Kramer FTG3 D.T. Ryan
ET1 J.P. Lavelle SN A.J. Schaich
MT2 M.L. Leinen MM2 G.S. Seals
MT3 P.M. Loftus FTB3 B.A. Seawright
MM2 S.J. Londo MM2 G.A. Short
RM3 J.E. Lowden FA J.B. Schultz
RM2 J.R. Lynn STS3 J. Silveira
EM1 J.J. Madison SA B.K. Smith
ETN2 B.J. Manning TM2 D.A. Smith
ETR2 A.J. Mariner EM2 A.P. Snyder
FTG1 C.L. Martelle EM2 D.B. Sowers
MMFN L.A. Martin SN A.G. Sparr
FA R.N. Mast MM1 D.P. Stein
MMCS R.P. McCoy MSSA D. Stoeckl
EM1 W.J. McCusker TM3 G.H. Stugard
QM1 C.F. McGinty MM1 J.E. Tellier
QMSA J.J. McGrogan TMC J.M. Thibault
FN L.J. McHugh YNC A.G. Thompson
MM2 L.A. McInturff MM1 C.S. Toney
MMFA J.R. Morris TM2 S. Trowbridge
FTBC R.E. Morris STS3 R.M. Troxel
STC P.D. Mottard ETR3 D.T. Trudell
SA R.D. Nall ICFN D.A. Tundo
SN C.J. Nelson MM1 D.C. Vicente
IC3 J.R. Newcomb MM2 J.J. Vizzini
MT3 R.L. Newman STS1 S.L. Vizzini
FTB2 G.L. Oar SA M.E. Wallace
IC1 F. O`Donnel MM3 S.W. Ward
MM3 R.A. Parker (?) R.S. Weiss
FTB2 R.H. Pettigrew MM2 J.D. West
MT3 R.C. Phillips ETR2 Weiman
MM2 R.R. Pike ETN3 J.C. Williams
MTC W. Pollard RM3 M.M. Withee
MS3 S.D. Presher FTBSN T. Wolter
EMC D.L. Presley STS2 P.K. Workman
ET1 H.M. Quigley MM2 R.J. Zollars
EM2 D.L. Randall