All proceeds from its sale help make LSM-45
available to tourists, including you and your family, for future generations.
"CIVILIANS.." is the ONLY book in print that describes life aboard an LSM. It's readable and without Navy lingo so that all might enjoy this account of Navy life. Every LSMer should want at least one copy for his family (some have ordered a copy for each of their children) for posterity.
It answers the question: What was father's/grandfather's Navy experience like? During World War II, 98% of all billets on amphibious ships were filled by civilians, volunteers like yourself with limited Navy backgrounds. That inexperience led to conditions that were oftentimes incredible, sometimes outrageous.
The story is humorously told through bizarre incidents and strange personalities in
Every ship's crew included a few eccentric individuals; compare yours with those in "CIVILIANS...".
One reader wrote: "I've only completed about 25 pages;. . . it was an absolute necessity to rest . . . from so much laughing." We don't believe him, but we do believe Admiral Horton Smith, an old LSMer, who declared: "Once commenced, couldn't put it down."
To order your family copies, use the tear-off below. Make check for $15.00 per volume (includes shipping/handling) payable to the author, James A. Kehl. Send check and tear-off to him at: 5057 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236.
Order today! Only 400 copies of the original 1,620 printed remain. Once they are sold, no more will be available. Buy ONCE, but receive TWO BENEFITS: support the LSM Project in Omaha and give your family a lasting impression of your Navy career.
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