Hanoi Hilton
One of the first places we visited in Hanoi was the Hanoi Hilton. The place so many of our POW's were kept and tortured by the North Vietnamese.

Interior View
We were not allowed inside of the Hilton but my wife did manage this shot from inside the door. We were than told no pictures but by than we already had the one we wanted.

High Rise Hilton
There is now a High Rise Hotel being built inside of the Hilton. The old walls had broken glass imbedded in the walls and barb wire around the top to keep prisoners from escaping.

This Mig on display in a park in downtown Hanoi is suppose to be the first one to of shot down one of our B52 bombers.

John McCane Monument
This monument that Gen Weise and Capt Ed Garr are standing by is where Sen John McCane was suppose to have been captured at. I will reserve putting what I think of McCane on this web site.

