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Name :   Willie (T-Bone) Lloyd
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   11/67 - 6/69
Comments :   I had a GREAT time at the ’04 & ’06 reunions and look forward to the ’08 reunion. We owe it to ourselves to attend if we are still able.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   SK3
Email address :
Telephone # :   334-294-1551
Name :   Morgan, Glen
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1956
Comments :   Great information about LST 1159!
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   RM1
Email address :
Telephone # :   (208) 743-2601
Name :   George Good
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1965-1967
Comments :   woudd love to contact someone from to conatc someone from when I was on the Tom Green
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   E3
Email address :
Telephone # :   310.713.3324
Name :   Bob Soza
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1962-1964
Comments :   Those years that I spent aboard the Tom Green County is a period of my life I will never forget and particularly those that I served with.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   SN/E3
Email address :
Telephone # :   510-352-6095
Name :   Jerry Immell
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1969
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   GMG-3
Email address :
Telephone # :   573-486-3221
Name :   Henry Kangas
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1966-1968
Comments :   Best time I had inthe service
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   E-3
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   William M PORTER II
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1962-1963
Comments :   COMLSTDIV 92 STAFF
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   RM3
Email address :
Telephone # :   301-782-7019
Name :   Lee Rogers
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1971 1972
Comments :   I wasnt the best sailor then but when I retired 29 years later I am pretty sure I was a sucess. FCCM(SW)
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   ftgsn
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Wayne Boelter
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1962/1065
Comments :   Would like to hear from any of you who remember me. Had some good times aboard, did my 20 and retired in San Diego, live in Illinois now
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   EN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   847-531-5760
Name :   Steve Hight
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1966-1970
Comments :   Lots of Good and Bad Memories
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   EN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   none
Name :   Mann, H.J. Jr.
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1970
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   BM 2
Email address :   
Telephone # :   904 955 1111
Name :   Jeff nadell
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1965-1967
Comments :   Greatest memorys of my life........ and a great ship
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   E3
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Bill Boggs
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1969 - 1970
Comments :   Yes everyone - Im still alive. I came back in the Navy in Sep 1970 and retired in 1995 as a CWO4 (29 Years). The old TG was the most fun I had in the Navy; Oh except for Dong Tam, the Typhoon, etc.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   ETN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   William Baker
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   Uknown
Comments :   I believe that my father, James Newton Baker, who died March 9, 2004, served on the USS Tom Green County during the Vietnam War. However, I have very little information on his service. If anyone remembers him, please e-mail me.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   Commander
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Roy Ferrell
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   Vernon County
Comments :   I was a Qm3 aboard the Vernon County 1161 1963-1966, enjoyed my stay on the VC and steaming with my fellow gators. Great site.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Bob Johnson
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1970-1972
Comments :   Had a Very good mess hall,after comming from the terrell cty I enjoyed eating from real plates,and the chow was better to
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   EN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Ray Hicks
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1971-1972
Comments :   Just found this web site, sure wish I could see some old photos of the crew. What a last rough ride to Hawaii to mothball her. Paul Townley are you out there.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   DKSN
Email address :
Telephone # :   412-466-4501
Name :   Denn
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1969-1970
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   PN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   612-220-6788
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1969
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   SF2
Telephone # :   
Name :   Bob Johnson
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1970-1972
Comments :   transfered from Terrell Cty lst1157
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   EN2
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   william m. jordan
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1969
Comments :   I served on the TOM GREEN COUNTYfrom 1969-1969. Would be interested in talking to anyone who might have remembered me.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   E.3
Email address :
Telephone # :   712-276-3031
Name :   Coke-Bottle Frerichs
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1969
Comments :   Worked in ships office with Roach,Kaufman,Whynot,Ralph Soares,typed up the PODs Life is Good.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   YNSN
Email address :
Telephone # :   712-239-4598
Name :   Raymond L. Frerilchs
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1969
Comments :   I was on board during all three attacks, and remember the night of the VC motar attack of the Marine base at Dong Tam? or Ben Thuy? we could hear the foomp of the motars and count one thousand one, one thosand two, and hear the round pass over the ship, w
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   YNSN
Email address :
Telephone # :   712-239-4598
Name :   Patrick M Boyd
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1953
Comments :   I served with the 3rd Marine division, when China was fireing on Qumoy(sp)and we saled the tywan strates as a show of strength, we also had to run from a typhoon, that was one hellva ride
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   sgt-E4
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Thomas Allred
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1960-1961
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   FT2
Email address :
Telephone # :   9316495647
Name :   Dale Novak
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   68-70
Comments :   Had a great time aboard the TGC.Have alot of great memories and friends.Hope to meet up with all of you at the next reunion.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   QM3
Email address :
Telephone # :   707-864-3964
Name :   Tom Allred
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1960-1961
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   FT2
Email address :
Telephone # :   9316495647
Name :   Jim Alexander
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1954-1955
Comments :   Came on board from L.S.T. 722 at Little Creek Took pacific cruise.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   GM2
Email address :   alex 978
Telephone # :   
Name :   Joe Knotek
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   LST 1164 1961-1965
Comments :   Great web site! Enjoyed all of it
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   EN 2
Email address :   jrklst1164@in-tch
Telephone # :   
Name :   Ray Beam
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1962-1964
Comments :   Hope to see all of you at the reunion in October 2007 at San Angelo, TX. I also have a new e mail address.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   SM1
Email address :
Telephone # :   573 996 3442
Name :   Mike Johnson
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1971
Comments :   Just updating my email address. Havent seen many guys that I recognize. Bad memory - any help would be great.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   RM2
Email address :
Telephone # :   763-535-6041
Name :   Kenny Kruger
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1966-1969
Comments :   I would like to hear from some of my shipmates. Please Email me if you remember me.
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   FN
Email address :
Telephone # :   
Name :   Jerry Immell
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1968-1969
Comments :   
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   GMG-3
Email address :
Telephone # :   573-486-3221
Name :   Ed Lange
Years aboard(ie: 1953-1955) :   1953 - 1955
Comments :   This is a new guest book. Seven previous guestbooks can be reviewed as indicated at the end of the welcome page
Highest Rank/Rate while aboard :   GM2
Email address :
Telephone # :   (941)497-3862
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