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What is this page all about?

This page is here to tell you about the Globemaster family of aircraft and their distinct histories. They are the original Globemaster/C-74, Globemaster II/C-124, and the Globemaster III/C-17. All of the aircraft are the products of the Douglas Aircraft Co./McDonnell Douglas. They have built many more than these three aircraft with the
'C'-cargo designation but this page focuses on the Globemasters. They are some of the most capable aircraft of their time and played a major role in making modern airlift what it is today. 'Global Reach-Global Power' is a commonly used term in today's Air Force. This term is possible because of aircraft like the Globemasters and the part they played in history. Thanks for visiting, I hope you leave this site today with an understanding of how much these aircraft have made a difference in aviation and I hope you learn a little bit about their distinct history.

C-74 Globemaster

During the early 40's, just after Pearl Harbor, the Army Air Corps realized the need to move their large vehicles and equipment great distances in a short amount of time. The personnel at Douglas Aircraft's Santa Monica division also saw the need and immediately began design studies towards an extended version of the DC-4. This is a brief history of how America's Air Forces new development of military aircraft led to the design and production of the Douglas Globemaster.

C-124 Globemaster II

1998-9 is the 50th Anniversary of the Berlin Airlift, "Congratulations Berlin Airlifters!" The C-74's participation in this historic airlift helped open the eyes of the new Air Force. They became convinced of the need for large airlifters that were capable of carrying bulky cargo. As a result of these observations, a single C-74 was returned to Long Beach and converted to a prototype transport aircraft designated the YC-124. This aircraft became the test bed which eventually led to the production of the Douglas C-124.

C-17 Globemaster III

Affectionately known by the crews that fly it as "The Moose", it is the greatest airlifter built to date! (my opinion of course) This jet can carry outsized cargo previously only carried by the C-5 Galaxy. So? Well it can take this stuff into small 3000' austere airfields previously only accessable by the C-130 Hercules! Also, when this aircraft was designed, would you believe someone actually listened to the needs of the Loadmaster? What a concept in airlift! Lockheed should take notes! McDonnell Douglas has produced an aircraft which has quickly become the the new core airlifter of today's U.S. miiltary, the C-17 Globemaster III.

I'm not done yet, stop back in to see some aircraft images. Should anyone know of any images of the C-74 or C-124 in action, please consider contacting me for inclusion in this web page.

C-74 Page

C-124 Page

C-17 Page

Globemaster Images Page

Links Page

References Page

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Please come back soon and visit, this page is still expanding.

Oh by the way,
"Have a great day!"

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Last updated on November 8, 1999.

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