Photos Provided
Mike Lainhart
( Click on photo to enlarge )
Point north of Ky-Ha Point after Float Sgt. Jim Vance Sgt. Lainhart & Vance Vance and refugees from
before Float Tin Phouc, Operation
Sgt.Barnum and Vance Sgt, Ross and Vance Skertich, Wilke, Colgan Cpl. Colgan, SSgt. Bass, Lt. Woozley, Lt. Long
Samson, Cid, Iback, SSgt. Reeves, SSgt. Lainhart Lainhart and Vance
Schwalke Sgt. Patchen
Sgt. Vance YK-10 Lainhart, Evacuating Sgt. Jimmie Harris YK-12 Downed !! YK-12 Recovery
Tin Phouc, Operation Same day he got hit. Operation Osage H-47 preparing to
Colorado While on "Float". lift YK-12 out.