The High Endurance Cutter was one of the original Coast Guard ships of Squadron Three sent to Vietnam. With a crew of 160 officers and men, Half Moon participated in Operation Market Time, designed to stop the flow of arms, ammunition and supplies to Viet Cong units in South Vietnam.
While in Vietnam, Half Moon compiled a most enviable record. In addition to conducting endless patrols and boardings of suspect vessels off the coast, she was always ready to respond to a call for gunfire support from U.S. and allied forces ashore.
Some of her impressive statistics: 13 Viet Cong killed, 64 military emplacements and structures destroyed or damaged, four sampans sunk, four secondary explosions observed and significant military equipment damaged or destroyed.
When not inspecting vessels or providing support with her guns, the cutter served as a home base for 50-foot Navy Swift boats.
The 311-foot cutter's return to New York marks the end of yet another assignment
LCDR P. P. Coady
Executive Officer
LT | L.G. Stone, Jr |
LT | W.F. Barry |
LTJG | J.S. Andrasick |
LTJG | R.E. Roth |
LTJG | R.L. Barnes |
LTJG | J.E. Blouch |
LTJG | D.P. Weiss |
LTJG | C.A. Wilson |
ENS | H.F. Hoppe |
ENS | M.E. Libby |
ENS | M.L. Lowe III |
CHSPCK | F. Pilatsky |
CHRELE | B.B. Bacon |
CHMACH | D.T. Nelson |
BMCS | J. Carlo |
QMC | D.H. Currie |
GMC | J.F. Cringle |
RMC | R.E. Jones |
RMC | C. Randall, Jr. |
RDC | R.G. Pierce |
ENC | F.M. Tomkowski |
ENC | R.E. Kirkpatrick |
ENCP | W.E. Auty |
ETCP-S2 | A.F. Riedinger |
EMC-S1 | W.I. Breau |
YNCP | E.C. Mason |
CSCP | L.L. Guthrie |
HMCP | C.R. Blanar |
SN J.M. Addis | BM3 J.W. Mulligan |
BM3 F.J. Alexander | RM3 J.M. Myers |
SN R.L. Anderson, Jr | FA J.A. Neely |
SA C.E. Attig, Jr | SNSO D.E. Nergart |
EN1 M.S. Beeson | EN1 D.E. Neuciler |
SN K.R. Berlin | SD2 J.B. Nierva, Jr |
BT3 M. Brueche | SN W.R. Noonan, Jr |
SD1 P.S. Bugarin | RD3 J.L. Oginsky |
RD3 R.A. Carlson | EN2 C.R. Ownby |
RD3 T.M. Chirgwin | FA A.L. Paquin |
SN T.P. Conti | EN3 A.O. Parsons |
SK3 I.R. Cote | BM3 J. Pelusio, Jr |
SN B.R. Cummings | RD1 J.D. Pennington |
SN G.R. Davis | CS2 R.R. Pirrone |
RM3 J.M. Davis | SN R.T. Pleiss, Jr |
CS3 E.A. Denmon | SK1 G.J. Rawlings, Jr |
SN T. Elenbaas | FT1 J.R. Reid |
TN J.F. Espino | SN R.A. Reitmeyer |
BT3 R.F. Eusebi | QM2 M.L. Richardson |
EM3 L.M. Evans III | BM2 J.F. Riley |
SN J.C. Everding | TN A.F. Rivera |
SN C.A. Faul | TN M.A. Rivera |
SO3 D.L. Faulkner | QM3 P.H. Roberg |
SN R.L. Felan, Jr | GM3 W.H. Ross |
RD2 J.A. Fiorillo | RM3 D.E. Rosselli |
TN B.G. Fontanilla | TN R.D. Rufin |
SA J.M. Gambler | ET2 J.D. Rumore |
SN R.F. Garson | EN3 L.S. Savage |
SN T.E. Hallowell | FNDC E.P. Schieffer III |
BM3 D.J. Hammer | BM3 H.G. Schneider III |
EN3 W.P. Harlow | SO3 D.L. Scott |
SN L.T. Harper | QM3 R. Scott |
BM2 J.J. Hassler | SK3 J.K. Shearman |
EN3 C.A. Hayes | BT1 R.E. Shilliam |
DC2 R.J. Hessel | EN3 T.C. Siart |
FN R.H. Hildebrant, Jr | CS1 F.W. Silvertre |
RM3 S.E. Hoeflicker | GM2 J.H. Sipes |
GM3 J.M. Hoerner | EN3 L.W. Smith |
SO1 F.C. Hoggard, Jr | FA M.L. Smith |
QM1 T.J. Huckelberry | EM3 R.M. Smith |
DC1 A.N. Hudson | FA C.A. Spivey |
FT2 E.G. Jacobson | FA R.E. Stewart |
BM1 R. Kipkowski | QM3 A.A. Stock |
CS2 D.S. Kirk | QM2 H.E. Talbot |
SN R.A. Knight III | FN T.E. Thorp |
ETN1 D.D. Long | BM3 G.L. Thrash |
SN R.A. Luzier | EN3 R.R. Tilton, Jr |
SN D.D. Mack | EN3 C.R. True |
ET2 W.R. Maglio | DC3 W.R. Urion |
SN A.J. Maiello | SN J.E. Weaver |
SN C.L. Mallery, Jr | EN3 I. Webb, Jr |
TN R.U. Manuel | FA J.A. Weitzel |
EN3 W.C. Marshall | BM2 H.T. Wenger |
SN J.A. Marti | YN3 D.L. White |
FA J.J. Mc Carthy | QM2 W.T. Whiteley |
EN3 M.D. Mc Caslin | ETN2 L.G. Wilder |
SA J.T. Mc Grath | EM2 C.R. Williams |
EN1 F.T. Mc Kenna | RM1 W.R. Williams |
EN2 J.E. Mc Kenney | RD3 L.H. Wolf |
EM3 C.J. Megella | SN M.J. Wolynski |
QM3 J.C. Meteyer | RM1 H.R. Worthington |
RD3 D.C. Miller | SN B.F. Yarsevich |
GM1 P.E. Morris, Jr | SO3 R.A. Yeisley |
FA R.V. Mullen | SK2 W.G. Zerishnek |
YN3 R.R. Zientek |
This document courtesy of H. Russell Worthington who served as a Radioman
aboard the Half Moon before, during and after her deployment to Viet Nam.
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