Point M-1
Task 1: Report Information of Potential Intelligence Value - SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, and Equipment)
TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given a tactical situation to observe.
TEST STANDARDS: Submit a written report on the tactical situation within 5 minutes.
SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task does not differ from task number 301-348-1050 in STP 21-1-SMCT page 11.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: Field table, scale models of enemy troops, vehicles, equipment, binoculars, stopwatch, clipboard, pencil, paper, and FB Form 20-26-R.
SITE SETUP: Provide the candidate a field table to write his SALUTE report. Each testing unit develops its own tactical situation terrain model (not its own grading criteria) for the candidate to use. The situation must include all of the elements of SALUTE, and each must be checked and approved by the local EIB board.
"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to report information of potential intelligence value - SALUTE. You will collect and report enemy information on a tactical situation within 5 minutes. To your front, observe the tactical situation. On the blank paper provided, submit a written report on this information using the SALUTE format. Do you understand what you must do?"
If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.
Allow the candidate to proceed for 5 minutes.
The candidate submits a written report using the key word, SALUTE.