Station G - Basic Individual Techniques - Point G-1
For use of this form, see USAIC Pam 350-6. The proponent is USAIS, DOTD.
Candidate's Name______________Rank________Unit_________________
1. Camouflage yourself.
a. Camouflage shiny areas (forehead, cheek bones, ears, nose, and chin).
b. Camouflage shadow areas (around eyes, under nose, and under chin).
C. Camouflage exposed skin on the back of the neck, arms, and hands with an irregular pattern.
2. Camouflage your BDU's and helmet by doing the following:
a. Roll your sleeves down and button all buttons.
b. Insert camouflage material into slits in cover, helmet band (must breakup shape and outline of helmet).
3. Camouflage weapon: Break up shape and outline, and cover shiny parts of the weapon with camouflage material. (Camouflage must not intefere with operation of weapon.)
4. Camouflage shiny objects by removal or concealment.
5. Camouflage load bearing equipment/vest; break up shape and outline, cover shiny parts with camouflage material.
6. Complete performance measures 1 through 5 within 12 minutes.
NOTE: Sequence is not evaluated.
NOTE: This task has been modified for EIB test only.
CHECK: PASS______ FAIL______
SCORER'S SIGNATURE________________DATE________________
Is this a retest? YES______NO______
FB FORM 20-13-R, 17 JAN 97