
This is a question that we get a lot. So, we have gathered up some links for you to check out regarding scholarships.

Please use these links at your own risk. We are not responsible for any incorrect information. These links are to be used as a guide only.



More Scholarships

Also here is some offline advice:

Call your state's Veterans Administration. Ask them for locations of Veteran Organizations in your state...then call or write them, and ask them if they ever give out any type of scholarship. Now, every group has their own different requirements regarding be prepared to take down some information. If you do call, try to speak to an officer, and always get the name of the person you spoke with & the date/time you talked to them, so if you need to call them back later, you can speak directly to that person.

Good luck with your search!!

If you have links regarding scholarships for children of veterans, please send them to:
