main page slovenská verzia

Hello amigos!

Well - so - my name is Dušan - and I am Slovak living in Slovakia. Cool, isn't it? And I allowed myself to put here some my page to give an information about my existence and to make a little fun as well or something. I will try doing at this my page some tricks to being here no such a poor text and I believe though I will not use the newest or big SW it will be a little interesting to see this my work. I will also try to put here some music for multimedia owners and some 3D country as well. Depending on my facilities I wil try to create a model of my town and devise some competition too or what . However at first the model will perhaps not look like my town but I will update my page in the course of time so there is need to wait. Well. And - I would nearly forget it - this is me:

By the way - I do not look like this at all, but once upon a time I did (maybe). It does not matter indeed while a convenience is.

Well - so there will perhaps be the VRML 3D model (35,2kB) here sometime but meanwhile some a little house at least and later when I will get hooked on it...

And if someone will want to send an e-mail or something like that it is possible here too:

And that would be all for today as the time is high. Otherwise - if you are curious on my brother's things go to visit his page.

The T R E E of ANTONIAKs or something 1