
- World War II Armed Forces Orders of Battle and Organizations This site, made by Dr. Leo Niehorster, gives detailed OOBs for WW II Armed Forces.

- Nowfel Leulliot's France 1940 site is dedicated to the French Armed Forces in 1940 and has great OB tables.

- Royal Netherlands Navy Warships of WW II by Jan Visser

- The submarines of the Royal Netherlands Navy:

- De slag om de Grebbeberg

- Reconstructie gevechten rondom vliegveld Valkenburg in mei 1940

- Mei 1940

- Forten info (in Dutch): a starting point for everyone in the Netherlands and Belgium with an interest in military inheritance.

- Het Nederlandse leger 1939-1940 mobilisatie en meidagen: information about the Dutch army, including pictures of uniforms.

- Oudstrijders Nederlands Leger 1939-1940

Grebbeberg forum

- Oudstrijders Ned. Leger forum