Allaw Me two entrodooce MEEself, ie am MAtts.
ei wonted too breeve neuw lifeS intow mees Websit,ande
makes ite a moore REfinned ands entelijent plaice two hanGes oute on thee NEts (ass youe
cane Sees from thee stilin neuw titel)). Der is a lote ov SIghts oute ther that
yelles and SCreems at eech othir,ei donte neid tahts here.
TIme fer a NEWWE MAttS!!1
Youe is the gesstes to cum Bi
Thenk youes
Me Komradens fromaround de Cuntrie
Linkes Too mees Faverit suplieers
if Uou likes me PaJe to, Eemales me HEERE
moREE Too CUm,,,,,,,, JEst be PATent
Dis THinge is STILLL makin mee SWET werkin on it