1 Heavy cruiser HMAS Canberra
3 Light cruiser HMAS Hobart, HMAS Sydney and HMAS Perth.
1 destroyer HMAS Voyager
2 sloop HMAS Swan and HMAS Yarra.
Sloop Parramatta sunk 27/11/1941 by U-559
N class destroyer HMS Norman transferred to RAN 1941.
London class cruiser HMS Shropshire transferrred to RAN to replace the Kent class cruiser
Canberra sunk August 1942.
Q class destroyer HMS Quiberon transferred to RAN
Q class destroyer HMS Quickmatch transferred to RAN
Barwon river clas escort
Burdekin river class escort
Gascoyne river class escort
Hawkesbury river class escort
Condamine river class escort
Diamantina river class escort
Lachlan river class escort
Macquarrie (i) river class escort later named Culgoa
Murchison river class escort
Shoalhaven river class escort
Q class destroyer HMS Quadrant transferred to RAN
Q class destroyer HMS Quality transferred to RAN
Q class destroyer HMS Queenborough transferred to RAN
Culgoa river class escort
The fleet at the wars end numbered heavy cruiser, 3 light cruiser, 11 destroyer, 6 frigates, 2 sloops, 53 corvettes, 1 minelayer and 73 other vessels(28 harbour defence, 3 LSI, 33 Motor launch, 6 auxiliaary minesweeper, 3 anti-sub auxiliaries) with oilers and repair ships to add to the list.
War losses CA, 2 CL, 4 dd, 2 sloop, 3 corvette, 1 minesweeper, 3 stores carrier, 1 water carrier, 2 mototorpedo launcher, 1 depot ship and a small survey vessel.
Built in Australia 3 Tribal class destroyer, 60 corvettes (4 for India), 6 frigates, 35 mototorpedo launches, 9 harbour defence and 4 boom defence vessels.
HMAS Australia(CA), HMS Canberra(CA), HMAS Hobart(CL), HMAS Bungaree (minelayer)