Marine Corps
This is the nation´s spearhead. It is an elite cadre of officers and NCO´s, who carry the amphibious operations responsability in the National Defense System
The basic Units are the Batallones de Infantería de Marina(Marine Infantry Batallions,/BIM´s). These are organized, along with support and Special Operations units into larger units, called "Fuerzas" (Forces). There are currenttly three forces: Fuerza Fluvial (Riverine Force), Fuerza Anfibia de la Flota de Mar (Fleet´s Marine Landing Force; made up by BIM 2, Agrupación Comandos Anfibios [marine Spec. Ops. unit], AMTRAC Batallions, etc.) and the Fuerza Austral de Infantería de Marina (BIM´s 4 and 5, the most "southern" force of Marines, trained mainly for cold weather combat). BIM 3 is assigned permanently to the Riverine Force, at Ensenada. BIM´s 6 and 7 haven´t been activated since the 1982 War.
Fuerza Fluvial
Fuerza Fluvial
Trained primarily for riverine and jungle combat.
Fuerza Anfibia de la Flota de Mar
Fuerza Anfibia de la Flota de Mar
The most versatile unit, equivalent to a beefed up US Marine Corps Batallion Landing Team or a scaled down Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU/SOC)
Fuerza Austral
Fuerza Austral
Mainly trained for cold weather combat, this is also a big unit, with two batallions and some support units permanently assigned