Logistical Ships

Logistical Ships

These Ships are used primarily for logistical duties. They´re based at Puerto Belgrano and Buenos Aires .

Patagonia(Durance Class) Logistic/Fleet Tanker

A.R.A. Patagonia

Recently acquired,it extended the range of the fleet up to 6000 NM from its bases.

Order Air War South Atlantic, one of the most comprehensive books on the Falklands/Malvinas Conflict. It´s well worth it´s price!

Costa Sur Transports

Costa Sur Transports

These group of ships have been very active. They have particiapted in the Gulf War and supported UN missions around the globe. They´re A.R.A. Canal de Beagle, A.R.A. Cabo de Hornos and A.R.A. Bahia San Blas

Almirante Irizar Class Icebraker

Irizar Class Icebreaker

Finnish built, has served as a military transport and hospital ship in the 1982 war. Every year travels to Anctartica to ressuply the bases and to conduct scientific research.

Ing. Krause Class Tanker

Ing. Krausse Class Tanker

Former civilian tanker, retrofitted with RAS equipment.

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