Photos of Pup Tent 3 Cooties
Testimonial Dinner
In March, Pup Tents from across Maryland came to the home of Pup Tent 3 for the Grand Testimonial Dinner. They enjoyed great food, music and entertainment. Grand Commander John Ulrich and Madam President Kelly Ulrich enjoyed the evening and a light roasting from the Grand. VFW Maryland Commander Dick Udoff thanked Commander Ulrich and Madam President Ulrich for their outstanding leadership and support of veterans through the year.
Pup Tent 3 Installation
Seam Squirrel Earl Parker welcomes in new Seam Squirrel Beth "The Mummy" Cooler. Pup Tent 3 officers are installed for the 2008-2009 year.
Third Degree at Essex
A Nit from Pup Tent three becomes a Cootie. PSC Steve Mason prepares the Nits, while the Grand Commander John Ulrich confers with PGC John Zacot. The Nits transition to Cooties by taking the oath and are congratulated by the Grand Commander.
Tomb Trek, 2007
Pup Tent 3 Cooties attended the annual trek to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in November 2007. The Grand of Maryland Commander, John Ulrich, and Madam President, Kelly Ulrich, attended the banquet, along with Supreme Commander Ralph Corno and his wife Gloria, and many other Cooties. The next day, Cooties from all over the world massed on Arlington Cemetery to honor those veterans buried at our national Veteran's cemetery by laying more than 300 wreaths from Grands and Pup Tents across the globe at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The ceremony ended with the laying of wreaths by the Supreme Commander and Supreme Madam President.
Before A Scratch
Members of Pup Tent 3 prepare for a Scratch. The Pup Tent's officers like to get in early to get a great seat...they are hard to come by in the Pup Tent--it's always standing room only at Pup Tent 3 scratches!
The Seam Squirrel and his Staff
After every Scratch, the Seam Squirrel seeks guidance from his staff of able-bodied Cooties. They give the Seam Squirrel suggestions on how to better manage the Pup Tent--they are full of great ideas for the Seam Squirrel and always tell him how to do it and where to go! Seam Squirrel Earl Parker is lucky to have such a dedicated and faithful staff!