
The Calgary Ho Down!
[Goals]  [Approach]  [Disclaimer]  [Contact Us]


The Johns

The Results

The Media


Our Approach

Our approach is to discourage the sex trade customer by removing their anonymity. We will accomplish this by:

  1. recording and making public the license numbers of the sex trade customer. Please see the disclaimer.
  2. recording via video and / or camera a pickup or drop off of a hooker.
  3. any commercial vehicle, with a commercial stencil visible, that participates as a sex trade customer, will have their employer contacted. To date, this has resulted in four immediate dismissals.
  4. encouraging the neighborhood to continue to contact the Calgary Police Service (CPS) at 266-1234 to report and follow-up on solicitation activities with every occurrance. The CPS responds to every call. Indeed, they track the calls and apply more resource against an increasing trend. The CPS has been extremely helpful.
  5. encouraging members of the community to contact:

    • MLA, Calgary Bufffalo, Gary Dickson
      Constituency Office: #130, 1177 - 11th Avenue SW T2R1K9
      403-541-9116 fax 403-541-9106

    • MP, Calgary Centre, Eric Lowther
      Room 254, Wellington Bldg. House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6
      613-995-1127 fax 613-995-7111
      204-1324 11th Avenue SW T3C 0M6
      403-531-0980 fax 403-531-0983