The Johns
The Results
The Media
Our Approach
Our approach is to discourage the sex trade customer by removing their anonymity. We will accomplish this by:
- recording and making public the license numbers of the sex trade customer. Please see the disclaimer.
- recording via video and / or camera a pickup or drop off of a hooker.
- any commercial vehicle, with a commercial stencil visible, that participates as a sex trade customer, will have their employer contacted. To date, this has resulted in four immediate dismissals.
- encouraging the neighborhood to continue to contact the Calgary Police Service (CPS) at 266-1234 to report and follow-up on solicitation activities with every occurrance. The CPS responds to every call. Indeed, they track the calls and apply more resource against an increasing trend. The CPS has been extremely helpful.
- encouraging members of the community to contact:
- MLA, Calgary Bufffalo, Gary Dickson
Constituency Office: #130, 1177 - 11th Avenue SW T2R1K9
403-541-9116 fax 403-541-9106
- MP, Calgary Centre, Eric Lowther
Room 254, Wellington Bldg. House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6
613-995-1127 fax 613-995-7111
204-1324 11th Avenue SW T3C 0M6
403-531-0980 fax 403-531-0983