***{Below is Page: 143 }***

Chapter Seven

               American Nazis

     History never repeats itself, man always does.

     Voltaire (In Cecil Genese, The Holocaust: Who Are The Guilty?)

     One of the symbols with which homosexuals in the United
States have chosen to represent their movement is the Phoenix, a
mythical bird that was said to burn itself on a funeral pyre every
five hundred years and then rise from the ashes more majestic
than before (Alyson Almanac:56). A more apt symbol for the
historic cycle of homo-fascism and resulting social chaos would
be hard to find. From the ashes of Nazi Germany, the homo-
fascist Phoenix has arisen again -- this time in the United States.
{See Comment 144-1}
     The most famous incident in the history of the American Nazi
Party resulted from its 1977 demand to stage a march through the
largely Jewish neighborhood of Skokie, Illinois, a Chicago sub-
urb and the home of many Holocaust survivors. This plan was
devised by Frank Collin, who often appeared with his followers
"in full Nazi regalia: brown shirts, black boots, and armbands with
swastikas" and who "advocated that all African-Americans, Jews
and Latinos be forcibly deported" (Johansson: 129). Civil authori-
ties effectively blocked the march at first, but the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) rose to Collin's aid and forced the City
of Chicago to allow it. The subsequent event drew international
media attention. Homosexualists Johansson and Percy, in Out-
***{Below is Page: 144 }***
ing: Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence, have finally revealed,
more than fifteen years later, that Collin was a homosexual ped-
erast. In 1979 Collin was arrested "for taking indecent liberties
with boys between ages 10 and 14" and was sentenced to seven
years in prison (Johansson: 130).

*** {start comment 144-1}
     This account seems somewhat confused. If 
Skokie is a "suburb" of Chicago, as indeed it is, 
then how can anyone force the "City of Chicago" to 
allow a march through it? If the Collin story is 
correct, his choice of pre-pubescent sex objects 
makes him a pedophile, not a pederast. 
Psychologists who specialize in the treatment of 
pedophiles, such as Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, author 
of Men Who Rape: The Psychology of the Offender 
(Plenum Press 1979) don't classify pedophiles as 
bona fide homosexuals. Some pedophiles concentrate 
on little girls, some on little boys, some choose 
either. What they all have in common is that 
they're attracted to effeminate, womanly 
characteristics, not to the male characteristics 
that appear after puberty. Groth, who has long 
experience with offenders in the prison system, 
reports on a study of 148 male offenders against 
children and says (pages 148-149):

     "We found that some (73 or 49%) offenders 
responded exclusively to children -- boys, girls, 
or both -- and showed no interest in adults or 
age-mates for sexual gratification. These men were 
pedophiles in the true sense of the word. Other 
(75 or 51%) offenders showed no persistent sexual 
preference for children but turned to them as the 
result of conflicts or problems in their adult 
relationships. Although this group regressed to 
encounters with children, their predominant sexual 
orientation was toward adults. In examining the 
adult sexual lifestyle of this latter group, it 
was found that the large majority (62, or 83%) of 
these subjects led exclusively heterosexual lives, 
and the remaining subjects (13, or 17%) were 
bisexually oriented -- that is, their adult sexual 
activities involved both female and male partners, 
although here, too, their preference was for 

     Of the offenders Groth studied, 51% chose 
female children exclusively as their victims, 21% 
chose either sex, and 28% chose only males. Groth 
says all the offenders were either pedophiles, or, 
if they had sex with adults, either heterosexuals 
or bisexuals with a preference for females. How, 
then, could so many choose only male children 
(28%) or either female or male children (21%). 
Groth explains: "Offenders attracted to boy 
victims typically report that they are 
uninterested in or repulsed by adult homosexual 
relationships and find the young boy's feminine 
characteristics and absence of secondary sexual 
characteristics, such as body hair, appealing. 
Their focus remains on the male child as opposed 
to the female child, however, because they 
identify with the boy. As one offender expressed 
it: 'I was a boy, so I know what to do with boys, 
what they like. I can relate to them better. I was 
never comfortable relating to females.' Another 
offender stated: 'At first, I was interested in 
boys and girls, but little girls talk a lot and 
little boys don't, and I became happier with boys; 
the girls were more demanding.'"

     If the American Nazi Collin was indeed 
arrested for pedophilic offenses with pre-
pubescent boys, that in no way proves he was a 
homosexual, and in fact suggests that he was not, 
but was rather a genuine pedophile or a troubled 
*** {end comment 144-1}
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     {Two White Power banners and several neo-nazi 

Homosexual Nazi Frank Collin (pointing) leads march through Chicago
{Picture caption}

     Another branch of the American Nazi movement, the National
Socialist League, is openly homosexual:

Founded in 1974 by defecting members of the
National Socialist White People's Party, this San
Diego-based NSL is unique in restricting its mem-
bers to homosexual Nazis. Led by veteran anti-
Semite Russell Veh, the group distributes mem-
bership applications declaring NSL's "determina-
tion to seek sexual, social and political freedom"

***{Below is Page: 145 }***

{At the top is reproduced an alleged page of the 
"N.S. Mobilizer." At the top is a group of three 
furled U.S. flags with a round swastika medallion. 
"Sample Copy for Future Issues SUBSCRIBE!!" "50c a 
National Socialist League
"Vol. III April-September, 1976 Nos. 26-31"
{no caption}

     While norma11y low-profile, the NSL .stirred a controversy in
1993 when it attempted to market an infamous 1930's Nazi hate
film that had been pirated by the group. An article in the Los
Angeles-based Heritage and S. W. Jewish Press, titled "'Gay nazis'
peddling vile 'Jud Suss' film," named Veh and the National So-
cialist League. We are most familiar with Mr. Veh (which is an
alias, incidentally) and his notorious operations," said legitimate
film distributor, David Calbert Smith III (Heritage and S. W. Jew-
ish Press, September 16, 1983). Veh solicited members for his

***{Below is Page: 146 }***

group through a publication called "The N.S. Mobilizer" and
through personal ads in homosexual publications, including the
leading national "gay" magazine, The Advocate (Reisman,
     A simple perusal of The Advocate reveals that Nazi themes
are common in the homosexual Community. Reisman, who stud-
ied advertisements in The Advocate in issues from 1972 to 1991
found that the content of the ads reflected a fascist mentality. She

     Overall, 72% of THE ADVOCATE data social-
     ized a set of core values--glorified nazi dress, lan-
     guage and "blonde" Aryan male beauty and bru-
     tality; contempt for "fems, fats," and blacks; threats
     toward "politically incorrect" homosexuals,
     churches and others -- Romanticizing "fascist" cul-
     ture to a "younger generation." Nazi costumes/
     fascist concepts are a common component of THE
     ADVOCATE and thus largely condoned by pre-
     vailing "gay" cultural values (Reisman: 1992, 57).

     Other elements of "gay" culture demonstrate a similar ideal.
One popular film, by Finnish "gay rights" advocate Iippio Pohjala,
is titled Daddy and the Muscle Academy (1992). Tom, the hero
in the film, is a homosexual fascist and a pornographer. The film,
combining themes of pederasty and Nazi glorification, was shown
in San Francisco on June 26, 1992, at the Castro Theatre. It was
part of the 16th Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. A re-
viewer for the San Francisco Examiner provided the following
description of the film:

     Daddy and the Muscle Academy candidly acknowl-
     edges Tom's infatuation with body types encour-
     aged by the National Socialists.   His
     fantasies... [involve] sex between clean-cut Finn-
     ish boys and storm troopers, the swastika flying

***{Below is Page: 147 }***

behind them (Bonetti: San Francisco Examiner,
June 26, 1992).

{See Comment 147-1}
     Where homosexuals live in the highest concentrations, some
seem to feel more comfortable acting out their Nazi fantasies. In
Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis, Susan Leigh
Star, a Jewish sociologist, describes her experience in San Fran-

     For four years I have lived in the Castro section of
     San Francisco, the gay (predominantly male) dis-
     trict. When I walk down the street in my neigh-
     borhood, I often see people dressed in black leather,
     wearing chains and sometimes carrying whips. In
     the magazine stores there are many sadomasochist
     publications. Often these include pictures of people
     wearing replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms. Iron
     crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots. And
     swastikas. Once and a while someone on the street
     is dressed in full Nazi regalia (Star: 132).

*** {start comment 147-1}
     Sado-masochism is not a particularly 
homosexual preoccupation. There is a vast amount 
of heterosexual pornography available on the 
theme. Two types are seen: where the woman 
dominates the man, and where the man dominates the 
woman. One of the more hilarious instances occurs 
in Mel Brooks's movie "High Anxiety," in which the 
female nurse dons a Nazi uniform and whips one of 
the male doctors.

     Nazis figure in sado-masochist fetishism 
because they symbolize the ultimate masters, 
carrying things to the greatest extremes. This 
fetish has absolutely nothing to do with Nazi 
ideology, but is built on the image of cruelty 
Nazis acquired during and after World War II.

     Another heterosexual fetish, one that doesn't 
seem to appeal to homosexuals, is bestiality. 
There is a large body of heterosexual pornography, 
especially movies, involving women with animals. 
Before Castro, live performances were quite a 
tourist attraction in Cuba, as they are today in 
parts of Mexico. No doubt they're held in the 
United States as well in less publicized venues.
*** {end comment 147-1}
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{See Comment 147-2}
     Meanwhile, back in Germany, the alarming increase of Neo-
Nazi skinheads is also linked to homosexuality. Elmay Kraushaar,
a journalist for Der Spiegel, Germany's equivalent to Time Maga-
zine, is quoted in The Advocate:

     There is a gay skinhead movement in Berlin. They
     go to cruising areas with leaflets that say, "We don't
     want foreigners." A major leader of the neo-Na-
     zis in Germany, Michael Kuhnen, was an openly
     gay man who died of AIDS two years ago. He
     wrote a paper on the links between homosexuality
     and fascism, saying fascism is based on the love of
     comrades, that having sex with your comrades
     strengthens this bond (Anderson:54).

*** {start comment 147-2}
     The vast majority of skinheads are rabidly 
homophobic, as reports in the press of the 1990s 
clearly show. There are fools in every branch of 
society. A gay person allegedly ran Pat Buchanan's 
Presidential campaign in California. There were 
Jewish supporters of Hitler who, in their fascist 
delusion congratulated him on his attainment of 
power in 1933, and only began to realize what 
fools they had been after the passage of the 1935 
Nuremberg laws took away their citizenship.
*** {end comment 147-2}
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***{Below is Page: 148 }***
               The Fascist Roots of American "Gay rights"

{See Comment 148-1}
     The first "gay rights" organization in the United States was an
American chapter of the German-based Society for Human Rights.
The German SHR, formed in 1919 by Thule Society member,
Hans Kahnert, was a militant organization led by "Butch" homo-
sexuals. Many of the early Nazis, including SA leader Ernst
Roehm, were also SHR members. The American SHR was formed
on December 10, 1924, in Chicago, by a German-American named
Henry Gerber (J. Katz:388). Gerber had served with the U.S.
occupation forces in Germany from 1920 to 1923 and had been
involved with the German organization. Together with a small
group of fellow "revolutionaries," Gerber legally chartered the
group without revealing its purpose and began publishing a pro-
homosexual journal called Friendship and Freedom (ibid. :389),
patterned after the German chapter's publication of the same name
(ibid.: 632n.).
     In 1925, however, the organization collapsed when Gerber,
vice President Al Menninger {sic} and another member were arrested
on charges of sexual abuse of a boy, after being turned in by
Menninger's {sic} wife.  The Chicago Examiner ran a story titled
"Strange Sex Cult Exposed," and spoke of "strange doings" in
Menninger's {sic} apartment. Menninger {sic} confessed, but Gerber claimed
the incident was a set-up, saying that their arrests were "Shades
of the Holy Inquisition." Rather than take his chances in court,
however, Gerber hired a lawyer who "knew how to fix the State
Attorney and judges" and the case was dismissed (ibid. :392). After
going underground for a time, writing under the pen-name
"Parisex," Gerber reemerged in 1934 on the staff of a pro-homo-
sexual literary magazine called Chanticleer (ibid. :394). He also
retained his ties to the German SHR and published several articles
in their publications (ibid. :633n.).

*** {start comment 148-1}
     The above account can only be characterized 
as a lie -- a deliberate attempt to deceive -- 
given that the Pink Swastika author has read 
Katz's account of Gerber's society. The American 
organization was not in any way connected with the 
German one, and certainly wasn't a "branch." As 
Gerber recounts in the Katz reference, he was 
merely made aware for the first time in Germany 
that it was possible for homosexuals to organize 
and fight for their rights, and so he adopted the 
name of the most prominent German homosexual 
organization. He and his boss drafted the 
declaration of purpose of the organization, and 
took nothing from the German organization except 
the name. The group suffered from lack of money 
and only two issues of its journal were published.

     Gerber's "German-Americanism" didn't extend 
beyond his family name, as his first name, 
"Henry", fully anglicized, suggests. The founding 
vice president of the group was Al Meininger. Are 
we to play name games and suggest that in addition 
to a "German-American" the group was also founded 
by a "Jew"? (Interestingly, the president of the 
group was Rev. John T. Graves, of whom Gerber says 
"The only support I got was from poor people: 
John, a preacher who earned his room and board by 
preaching brotherly love to small groups of 
Negroes...." It's not stated whether he was a 

     Gerber did state a purpose for the group, 
using "people who by reason of mental and physical 
abnormalities" rather than "homosexuals." Was he 
justified in doing that? Katz gives Gerber's 
account of the arrest of members of his group, as 
a result of which he lost his job, largely, he 
believed, through the efforts of postal inspectors 
who considered his publication that dared to talk 
openly about homosexuality to be "obscene." (A 
judge dismissed the charges and reprimanded the 
police for having arrested Gerber and the others 
without warrants.)

     The account of the trial is also a falsehood. 
Gerber hired a lawyer who was recommended by a 
prisoner in jail with him, but the attorney who 
helped him file the papers for his organization is 
the one who got him off, and quite justifiably 
because there was no evidence against him and 
because the arrests had been made without 
warrants. Gerber says that while he was in jail 
"Among the prisoners was a young Jew who asked me 
if I wanted a lawyer. He recommended a friend of 
his, a 'shyster' lawyer who practiced around 
criminal courts. I made a request to him and he 
appeared the next morning. He seemed to be a smart 
fellow who probably knew how to fix the State 
Attorney and judges. He had the reputation of 
making a good living taking doubtful cases. He 
also handled the bail bond racket and probably 
made additional money each month from this shady 

     Eventually Gerber got the other lawyer and 
the charges were dismissed by the judge because 
the arrests were made without warrants. Whether 
the "fix was in" or Gerber merely thought his new 
lawyer had such influence is debatable. In any 
case, the corruption of Chicago courts of the 
period is the stuff of legend of epic proportions, 
and if that was the only way to get justice in the 
case, it's hard to fault anybody. Today, a 
warrantless arrest would be tossed out of court 
*** {end comment 148-1}
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{See Comment 149-1}
     In Chanticleer, Gerber revealed himself as a militant socialist
who regarded capitalism and Christianity as the twin pillars of
ignorance and repression of "sexual freedom" (ibid. :394). In re-

***{Below is Page: 149 }***

sponse to the news of the Roehm Purge in the American press, he
admitted that the Nazis were led by homosexuals and praised
"Roehm and his valiant men" (ibid. :396). Gerber is quoted at
length in Katz's Gay American History regarding the Nazi re-
gime. He writes,

     A short time ago an American journalist pointed
     out in the liberal "Nation" that the whole Hitler
     movement was based on the homosexual Greek
     attachments of men for each other, and the same
     Jewish author stated that it was another of the
     Hitler contradictions that the "Leader" should have
     acquiesced in the burning of the books of Dr.
     Magnus Hirschfeld...Thus we get a glimpse of the
     insanity of the whole movement: A Jewish doctor
     working for the interests of homosexuals is perse-
     cuted by a heterosexual mob, led by homosexuals
     (Gerber in J. Katz:395).

*** {start comment 149-1}
     Gerber's comments don't qualify him as a 
"militant socialist." He contrasts the Soviet 
Union of 1934, where religion and capitalism were 
overthrown and he thought free sex reigned with 
the Christian and capitalist United States, 
supposedly free but even banning birth control -- 
as well as homosexuality, of course. He was, in 
fact, misinformed about Stalin's Russia, but then 
many people far more educated on the subject than 
he were also ignorant of the true state of 

     Gerber was also rather ignorant of the true 
state of affairs in Germany, as again were many 
better educated on the topic than he. On the 
subject of "Roehm and his "valiant men" we 
encounter another of The Pink Swastika's outright 
lies, for the author knew the true origin of that 
remark. As Katz writes, Gerber believed the story 
put out by Hitler that Roehm and his men had 
planned a coup d'etat (and why shouldn't he have 
believed it when it was all over the newspapers 
and he had no way of knowing what was going on 
behind the scenes far off in Germany). Here are 
the parts of what Gerber actually wrote on Roehm 
that have been suppressed by the Pink Swastika 
author to support his lie:

     "The newspapers of America were strangely 
compromised by this Hitler story. Should they 
praise the murderer Hitler for suppressing 
homosexuals, or should they give credit to Roehm 
and his homosexual camorra [{secret}society] for 
being the only men in Germany virile enough to 
attempt to wipe out the unspeakable Hitler? The 
newspapers condemned both and saved their faces.
     "Roehm and his valiant men have been 
defeated, but the homosexuals will go on fighting 
to rid the world of tyranny."

     Gerber wrote his words in September, 1934. 
That's very early for such open opposition to 
Hitler in the United States, and he's to be 
commended for it. The author of The Pink Swastika, 
especially because he is Jewish, is beneath 
contempt for trying to smear such an ardent 
opponent of Hitler.
*** {end comment 149-1}
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{See Comment 149-2}
     It is interesting to note that the homosexual inclinations of the
Nazis were a matter of at least limited public knowledge in the
United States at this time, as well as their Greek origins. We can
also infer from this passage that Gerber himself was not an overt
fascist, though he clearly identified with the Brownshirts in Ger-
many. Open fascism in the homosexual movement would come
later, but Gerber and his pederastic friends had established its foun-
dation. By 1972, when he died at the age of 80, Gerber had wit-
nessed the emergence of homo-fascism as a permanent theme in
the movement.

*** {start comment 149-2}
     It certainly wouldn't do for the Pink 
Swastika author to call Gerber a fascist after 
having just called him a militant socialist (who 
praised the Soviet Union), so why does he have to 
"infer" such a thing from the passage on Roehm? 
Gerber didn't identify with the Brownshirts as 
ideological models. He identified with homosexuals 
who, he thought, had attempted to overthrow the 
murderous tyrant Hitler.
*** {end comment 149-2}
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               Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society

{See Comment 150-1}
     In the words of Jonathan Katz, "a link of a kind peculiar to
Gay male history connects the abortive Chicago Society for Hu-
man Rights (1924-25) and Henry Hay, the founder of the

***{Below is Page: 150 }***

Mattachine Society" (J. Katz:407). This "peculiar link" is the
fact that the man who recruited Hay into homosexuality (at age
seventeen), Champ Simmons, was himself seduced by a former
member of the SHR. In a perverse sort of way, then, it seems
appropriate that Hay would become known as the "Father of the
Modern Gay Movement" (Timmons:cover). (In another account,
Hay claims his earliest homosexual experience was a molestation
at age fourteen by a twenty-five year old man) (ibid. :36).

*** {start comment 150-1}
     Hay says that Champ had been a member a 
member of the Chicago group, which had no 
connection with the German group. Here's what Hay 
actually says about his "recruitment" (a word 
invented for the incident from the imagination of 
the Pink Swastika's author), as recounted in the 
place in Katz cited by the Pink Swastika author:

     "I enticed an 'older' gentleman (he must have 
been at least 33) to 'bring me out' by finagling 
his picking me up in Los Angeles's notorious 
Pershing Square. Poor guy -- he was appalled to 
discover, subsequently, that I was both a virgin 
and jailbait!"

     So much for the myth of gay "recruitment."

     In addition, the cover of Timmons's book says 
Hay was "Founder of the Modern Gay Movement," not 
*** {end comment 150-1}
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{See Comment 150-2}
     On August 10, 1948, at the tail-end of an eighteen-year stint
as a Communist Party leader, Hay began to organize a group that
would become the Mattachine Society (ibid: 132). Not until the
spring of 1951 did it receive its name, but from the beginning it
was seen as a vehicle to destroy social restraints against homo-
sexuality in American culture (J. Katz:412f.).  The name
Mattachine was taken from "medieval Renaissance French...secret
fraternities of unmarried townsmen" (ibid.:412)   The
organization's stated agenda was to preserve the "right to pri-
vacy." Like the SHR, the Mattachine Society became controver-
sial upon the arrest of a prominent member. Dale Jennings, one
of the founders of the organization was arrested for soliciting an
undercover police officer to commit a homosexual act in a public
restroom (ibid. :414).
     Hay was also not an overt fascist, but he was a neo-pagan.
He participated in occultic rituals at "the Los Angeles lodge of
the Order of the Eastern Temple, or O.T.O., Aleister Crowley's

notorious anti-Christian spiritual group" (Timmons:76). Hay pro-
vided musical accompaniment to ceremonies performed by the
lesbian "high priestess." Later in life he founded a New Age group
called Radical Faeries, which met in an asram in the high desert of
Arizona to offer invocations to pagan spirits (ibid. :265).

*** {start comment 150-2}
     These homosexuals are certainly giving the 
Pink Swastika author a rough time. He wants to 
demonstrate that Hitler's Nazi ideology and 
fascism arose from homosexuality and that 
homosexuals have carried that fascism and Nazi 
ideology into the United States, where they 
present a threat to the country. But he keeps 
running into socialists and Communists, with nary 
a fascist in sight. So people like Gerber and Hay 
are not "overt fascists" but apparently all 
"crypto-fascists," like something in the drinking 
water, hiding and ready to poison all good people. 
Will we soon have a new volume from Jerusalem and 
Oregon -- perhaps Volume II: The Pink Sickle?
*** {end comment 150-2}
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     In some ways, Hay can be compared to Karl Heinrich Ulrichs,
the "grandfather" of the gay rights movement. Hay is his Ameri-
can counterpart in the sense that both men launched enduring so-
cial movements in their respective cultures. The avowed purpose
of each was to undermine the Judeo-Christian moral consensus in
respect to homosexual relations. And both had been molested as

***{Below is Page: 151 }***

boys (though some suggest that this is the rule rather than the
exception among homosexual men). But unlike Ulrichs, Hay be-
came increasingly militant over the course of his life, until, in the
1980's, he participated in California's notoriously violent ACT-
UP demonstrations (ibid. :292). ACT-UP, the AIDS Coalition to
Unleash Power, was one of the earliest manifestations of homo-
fascism in the "gay rights" movement. Though Hay was in his
70's, and is not directly linked to any of the property destruction,
his presence validated the terrorist tactics of the group. Hay also
openly endorsed pederasty as an essential part of the "gay rights"
movement (ibid. :296).
     Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society spawned large-scale
political and social activism among homosexuals that soon out-
grew their expectations and their control. These highly moti-
vated activists operated in groups designed like communist cells,
each a "secret fraternity" bound by a common vice. As Hay stated
in a later interview, "[we wanted to] keep them underground and
separated so that no one group could ever know who all the other
members were" (J. Katz:410). Slowly at first, from innumerable
obscure sources, came theories, public statements and actions in
support of the social acceptance of homosexuality. And as the
power of the homosexualist political lobby grew, so did the ugli-
ness of its demands and its methods.

{See Comment 152-1}
               The Stonewall Riot

     By 1969, the development of a growing homosexual subcul-
ture in America had spawned an open homosexual presence in
major cities. So-called "gay bars" sprang up in Los Angeles and
New York, hosting a bizarre mix of "street queens," drug addicts
and boy prostitutes (Marotta:71). In New York, homosexuals
regularly engaged in public sex acts with anonymous partners "in
the backs of trucks parked near the West Village piers" (ibid.:93)
and in the public restrooms. Homosexual activity occurred so
frequently in the bushes of one public park that the authorities

***{Below is Page: 152 }***

were forced to cut down the trees to stop it (Adam:85). In re-
sponse to police efforts to discourage this increasingly offensive
behavior, homosexuals began to organize to demand the "right"
to public deviancy. Emboldened by their numbers, they began
picketing businesses such as Macy's Department Store, which had
cracked down on homosexual behavior in their restrooms
(ibid. :85).

*** {start comment 152-1}
     The Marotta citation is a misleading 
fabrication. Only "street queens" comes from him. 
He actually says, "The Stonewall was a dimly lit 
dance bar that welcomed homosexuals with 
countercultural life styles. Many of those present 
on the night of the raid were 'dope-smokers,' 
'acid-heads,' or 'speed freaks,' Some wore their 
hair long and dressed in unconventional garb. Some 
were raggedly flamboyant homosexual cross dressers 
known as 'street queens.'" There's absolutely no 
mention of prostitutes. The police raid was on a 
warrant charging that liquor was being sold 
without a license, and had nothing to do with 
charges of sexual activity.

     The alleged material from Adam's book is a 
fabrication of the Pink Swastika author. Adam says 
only the following: "In late summer, the New York 
GLF and the Mattachine Action Committee picketed 
in a park where trees had been cut down to 
eliminate cruising (that is, gay men meeting each 
other)….and SIR picketed Macy's for having gay men 
entrapped by police in its washrooms." That's all 
that Adam says, and the details are an invention 
of the Pink Swastika author. It should be noted 
that Adam mentions these two items in a long list 
of protest activities including confrontations 
with Western and Delta airlines about their 
employment practices and similar actions.
*** {end comment 152-1}
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{See Comment 152-2}
     On the evening of June 27, the "gay rights" movement offi-
cially adopted terrorism as a means to achieve power when a surly
mob of "drag queens, dykes, street people, and bar boys" physi-
cally attacked police officers conducting a "raid" on the Stone-
wall Bar on Christopher Street in New York. Stonewall was "one
of the best known of the Mafia controlled bars" (Marotta: 75) which
was being closed for selling alcohol without a license. It was also
a haven for sexual deviants. As police began to take some bar
patrons in for questioning, a mob of homosexuals gathered across
the street. Homosexualist Toby Marotta's The Politics of Homo-
sexuality includes an eyewitness report by a writer for the Village
     [A]lmost by signal the crowd erupted into cobble-
     stone and bottle heaving...The trashcan I was stand-
     ing on was nearly yanked out from under me as a
     kid tried to grab it for use in the windowsmashing {sic}
     melee. From nowhere came an uprooted parking
     meter--used as a battering ram on the Stonewall
     door. I heard several cries of "Let's get some gas,"
     but the blaze of flame which soon appeared in the
     window of the Stonewall [where the police offic-
     ers were trapped] was still a shock (ibid. :72).
     By morning, the Stonewall bar was a burned-out wreck, and
homosexual leaders had declared the violence a success. Inter-
estingly, the anniversary of this event is known today as "Gay
Pride Day" and features parades and other events most notable
for their public sex and nudity (ibid.: 158). It is ironic that the

*** {start comment 152-2}
     What is interesting about Marotta's Mafia-
comment is what's left out by the Pink Swastika 
author. Some gays had been concerned about the 
Stonewall, but they "had encountered nothing but 
evasion from the New York City Health Department 
and the State Liquor Authority when they tried to 
investigate charges that the Stonewall Inn, one of 
the best known of the Mafia-controlled bars, was 
responsible for an epidemic of hepatitis because 
it rarely washed its glasses." The gay group then 
urged gays to stop patronizing bars run by the 
*** {end comment 152-2}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

***{Below is Page: 153 }***

{See Comment 153-1}
activists who emerged from this new mi1itant environment devel-
oped (in 1970) the strategy of claiming victim status through the
use of the pink triangle and commemoration of the homosexuals
who were persecuted by the Nazis (Adam:86).

*** {start comment 153-1}
     A meeting in San Francisco, "passed motions 
supporting women's liberation and the Black 
Panthers, calling for immediate withdrawal of 
American forces from Vietnam, authorizing a Gay 
Strike Day, and calling for memorialization of 
homosexuals killed in Nazi concentration camps," 
which Adam quotes from somebody else. 
Interestingly, Adam adds, "In the same month, the 
Black Panthers leader, Huey Newton (1972), 
declared his solidarity for the gay movement, 
stating that 'homosexuals are not given freedom 
and liberty by anyone in the society. Maybe they 
might be the most oppressed people in the 
society.'" The reference is to a letter Newton 
contributed to The Homosexual Dialectic, published 
by Prentice-Hall in 1972 (page 195).
*** {end comment 153-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 153-2}
     Following the Stonewall riot the Mattachine Action Commit-
tee of the Mattachine Society's New York chapter clamored for
"organized resistance" (ibid.:81), but control of the movement
was taken out of their hands by a still more radical group of activ-
ists. These men quickly formed the Gay Liberation Front, so titled
"because it had the same ring as National Liberation Front, the
alliance formed by the Viet Cong" (ibid.:91). At the heart of this
new circle of power was Herbert Marcuse (ibid.:88), a long time
Socialist who had learned his politics, and practiced his homo-
sexuality, in pre-Nazi Germany. Homosexualist historian Barry
D. Adam writes,
     Herbert Marcuse, who had been a youthful par-
     ticipant in the 1918 German revolution and had
     been steeped in the thinking of the life-reform
     movements of the Weimar Republic, caught the
     attention of many gay liberationists. His Eros and
     Civilization, published in the ideological wasteland
     of 1955, bridged the prewar and postwar gay
     movements with its implicit vision of homosexu-
     ality as a protest "against the repressive order of
     procreative sexuality" (ibid.:84).

*** {start comment 153-2}
     The author has got all tangled up in his 
"ibids" and mixed up his citations. The "ibids" to 
pages 88 and 91 are actually from Marotta, but as 
so often, the references are complete 

     On page 91 Marotta states that "Gay 
Liberation Front" was chosen because ,"each word 
in that name was selected with organizational as 
well as political considerations in mind. Unlike 
homosexual, the clinical term bestowed by 
heterosexuals, and homophile, the euphemism coined 
by cautious political forerunners, gay, which 
homosexuals called each other, was thought to be 
the word that would most appeal to homosexuals who 
were thirsting to be known as they knew 
themselves. Hence also liberation, intended to 
suggest freedom from constraint. Front implied a 
militant vanguard or coalition; it suggested that 
GLF was the crest of a swelling wave destined to 
force people to recognize and respect the openly 
gay population.

     "The name Gay Liberation Front was also 
favored because it had the same ring as National 
Liberation Front, the alliance formed by the Viet 
Cong. Radicals and revolutionaries thought that 
this would help attract others with leftist 
perspectives and establish GLF's place in the 

     Marotta never says that Marcuse was "at the 
heart of this new circle of power," nor that 
Marcuse was in any way involved with any gay 
movement. The only mention of Marcuse in Marotta's 
whole book simply puts him in a list or authors 
whose writings influences a single one of the 
founders of GLF, Pete Wilson. "Wilson was also 
influenced by….and by the lives and writings of 
three scholars who fathered the radical strain in 
Movement thinking - Norman O. Brown, Paul Goodman, 
and Herbert Marcuse."

     It should be noted that neither Marotta nor 
Adam state anywhere whether Marcuse was a 
homosexual. The Columbia Encyclopedia says he fled 
Germany in 1934 and was a "special target of the 
Nazis because of his Jewish origins and Marxist 
politics…." It would seem that the Pink Swastika 
author's attempt to link the gay movement to 
Marcuse contradicts the whole thesis of The Pink 
Swastika, that the Nazis were founded and 
controlled by homosexuals.

     Adam's mention of Marcuse, like Marotta's, in 
no way suggests he was a moving force in 
organizing the gay movement. Rather, his writings 
merely influenced some people. In the same 
paragraph Adam mentions Simone de Beauvoir, Daniel 
Cohn-Bendit, Paul Goodman, the Beat poets, and 
other New Left figures.
*** {end comment 153-2}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 154-1}
     The Stonewall riot became the new symbol of the "gay rights"
movement. In its wake, Gay Liberation Fronts sprang up across
the country, using methods of intimidation and coercion to achieve
political gains. Immediately they targeted the medical commu-
nity, whose increasing effectiveness in treating homosexual disor-
ders threatened the logical premise of the movement
(Rueda: 101ff.). "Gay Liberation Fronts," writes Adam, "stormed
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago conventions of psychia-
try, medicine and behavior modification," shouting down speak-
***{Below is Page: 154 }***
ers and terrorizing audience members (Adam:87f). As extreme
as it had itself become, the Mattachine Society predicted the GLF's
"violent tactics" would fail to inspire the movement (Marotta: 136),
but they were wrong. Though the GLF collapsed in 1972, in part
because of a conflict between "drag queens and machos ['Femmes'
and 'Butches']" (Adam:90), their philosophy prevailed.

*** {start comment 154-1}
     Adam actually says, "Gay liberation fronts 
stormed San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago 
conventions of psychiatry, medicine, and behavior 
modification, where sessions on the 'treatment' 
and 'correction' of homosexuality were disrupted 
with cries of 'barbarism,' 'medieval torture,' and 
'disgusting' and with demands for equal time." 
Those who know the torture techniques employed in 
so-called "behavior modification" will think those 
shouts quite a mild criticism. Adam says nothing 
about "shouting down" or "terrorizing" anybody.

     The alleged Marotta quote is pure 
fabrication. What Marotta actually says in regard 
to the relations of Mattachine and GLF is, "The 
two liberationists emphasized the need for 
demonstrations that would stir homosexuals to band 
together; Mattachine officials stressed the 
importance of public relations that would help 
eliminate prejudice, and negotiation and 
litigation that would bring tangible 
improvements….Dick Leitsch [of Mattachine] chafed 
at the disorganization produced by overzealous 
volunteers and mistrusted activities that might 
alienate professionals, heterosexuals, and 
'respectable' homosexuals."

     Adam actually says this on page 90, "But the 
GLF was all but defunct by the end of 1972, torn 
apart by tensions between women and men, drag 
queens and machos, socialists and 
counterculturalists. By drawing together such a 
diversity of gay people and engendering such 
utopian aspirations, the GLF could not resolve the 
intensely different experiences of its adherents." 
So the problem wasn't simply the "butch - femme" 
conflict the Pink Swastika author has invented to 
explain how an allegedly homosexual Nazi 
leadership could put homosexuals into 
concentration camps and torture and kill them.
*** {end comment 154-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 154-2}
     On December 15, 1973 the board of trustees of the American
Psychiatric Association capitulated to the demands of the radi-
cals. The homosexuals had begun to speak of unyielding psychia-
trists as "war criminals" (ibid.: 88), with obvious implications.
Possibly in fear for their safety, and certainly wearied by constant
harassment, they declared that homosexuality was no longer an
illness. The resulting referendum, demanded by outraged mem-
bers of the association, was conducted by mail and was partially
controlled by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
(Rueda:1982). The homosexualists won the vote and the new
official definition of homosexuality as a disorder was changed to
include only those who were "unhappy with their sexual orienta-
tion" (Adam:88). Historian Enrique Rueda writes,
     This vote was not the result of scientific analysis
     after years of painstaking research. Neither was it
     a purely objective choice following the accumula-
     tion of incontrovertible data. The very fact that
     the vote was taken reveals the nature of the pro-
     cess involved, since the existence of an orthodoxy
     in itself contradicts the essence of science
     (Rueda: 106).

*** {start comment 154-2}
     One suspects that the Pink Swastika authors 
(and Enrique Rueda) have relied for their 
psychological information on Dr. Charles 
Socarides, whose help they acknowledge (see the 
acknowledgments at the front of the book). If so, 
they should have had the courtesy to include a 
note saying he was their source instead of trying 
to blame Adam for what they say. One person, Allen 
Young, is mentioned as referring to a faction of 
psychiatrists as "war criminals." What is covered 
up is the existence of another group of 
psychiatrists who supported the gays in their 
effort to change the APA's wording on 
homosexuality. A leader of the faction favoring 
the status quo was Socarides, and it is Socarides 
who demanded the mentioned referendum. The change 
of wording taking homosexuality off the list of 
disorders went through the normal APA procedure. 
The Socarides referendum was abnormal. Why do the 
Pink Swastika authors cover up the role of the 
Socarides faction in all this?

     Enrique Rueda is not an "historian" and 
doesn't claim to be one. The credit in his book 
states, "Enrique Rueda is Director of the Catholic 
Center at the Free Congress Research and Education 
Foundation {a right-wing group}. A native of Cuba, 
he was imprisoned by the Communists during the Bay 
of Pigs invasion. He holds a Master of Arts degree 
in Political Science from Fordham University, and 
advanced degrees in Divinity and Theology from St. 
Joseph's Seminary." He is surprisingly ignorant of 
how the APA resolution was actually passed and how 
it came to be voted on.

     The myth that the APA succumbed to pressure 
and caved in to demands by homosexuals out of fear 
is debunked in Ronald Bayer's book, Homosexuality 
and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis 
(Basic Books 1981). The demonstrations were 
unfortunately needed to get the psychiatric 
establishment to address the issue, but the APA 
moved through its normal channels in evaluating 
new research by psychological researchers such as 
Evelyn Hooker, whose pioneering work had shown 
that contrary to the belief widely held by the 
psychiatric establishment, their tests could not 
tell homosexuals apart from heterosexuals, 
indicating there were no basic differences except 
for sexuality.

     The process is best characterized by Bayer's 
account of the "conversion" of Robert Spitzer of 
the New York State Psychiatric Institute, who was 
a member of the APA's Committee on Nomenclature, 
the group that had the primary responsibility for 
deciding the issue. The effort began (page 117) 
with presentations to the Nomenclature Committee 
by a number of prominent psychological 
investigators such as Seymour Halleck, a 
psychiatrist widely acknowledged as a critic of 
the abuse of psychiatric authority, Wardell 
Pomeroy, a colleague of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, and 
Alan Bell of the Institute for Sex Research at 
Indiana University. A presentation to the 
Nomenclature Committee on February 8, 1973, 
included "an impressive array of citations which 
indicated that the classification of homosexuality 
was inconsistent with a scientific perspective." 
(p118) After reviewing the research that 
questioned the accepted position on homosexuality, 
a presentation was made of the consequences of the 
current classification as a disorder, showing the 
way in which it was being used to discriminate 
unreasonably against gays. Finally, "the 
Nomenclature Committee was pressed to consider the 
psychological havoc that resulted from the 
labeling of the homosexual preference as 
pathological." (p119)

     "Nothing impressed the members of the 
Committee on Nomenclature more than the sober and 
professional manner in which the homosexual case 
was presented to them. After several years of 
impassioned denunciations and disruptions, here, 
at last, was a statement that could be 
assimilated, analyzed, and discussed in a 
scientific context." (A report is available in the 
New York Times of February 9.)

     The notorious homophobic psychoanalysts 
Irving Bieber and Charles Socarides, whose 
practices centered on their alleged ability to 
cure homosexuality, immediately organized an 
attempt to stop any possible declassification of 
homosexuality as a disorder and rallied opposition 
among psychoanalysts. While the psychoanalysts 
worked to stop any change, support for the change 
was beginning to appear among local APA branches. 
In March 1973 the Northern New England District 
Branch of the APA became the first to endorse 
deletion of homosexuality from the list of 
disorders. Soon after APA's Area Council I, which 
included all of New England as well as Ontario and 
Quebec called for the change (page 123).

     Robert Spitzer at first had been against 
dropping homosexuality from the list of disorders. 
"Certainly he was not at first a supporter of the 
effort to delete homosexuality from the 
nomenclature. Indeed, when paired with Paul 
Wilson, a psychiatrist from Washington, D.C., to 
draft a discussion paper for the committee, 
Spitzer could not accept Wilson's version because 
of its support for declassification. What is 
remarkable is that because of his sense of mission 
he was, despite his unformed views, able to 
dominate both the pace and the direction of the 
committee's work. In fact it was Spitzer's own 
conceptual struggle with the issue of 
homosexuality that framed the committee's 
considerations." (Page 124)

     "By the time of the May 1973 APA convention 
in Honolulu, Spitzer's views had moved quite far. 
The justification for including homosexuality per 
se among the psychiatric disorders had become 
increasingly inconsistent with his understanding 
of the appropriate focus of a nosological system. 
His attention had been drawn to critical analyses 
of standard psychoanalytic works like Bieber's and 
to empirical studies indicating that homosexuals 
were quite capable of satisfactory adjustments to 
the demands of everyday life. Contact with gay 
activists made it clear that many homosexuals were 
fully satisfied with their sexual orientations. It 
began to seem to him the inclusion of 
homosexuality in DSM-II constituted an 
unjustifiable extension of the concept of 
'psychiatric disorder.': {DSM-II is the Diagnostic 
and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders, 
its second issue. The dispute was about removing 
homosexuality from that book.}(page 124)

     The account goes on to relate that a gay 
activist took Spitzer to a meeting at the 
convention of gay psychiatrists. When the 
psychiatrists noticed Spitzer's presence, they 
were outraged, for they had to fear that if he 
would betray their gay status to their 
institutions they would lose their jobs and face 
repercussions in their families and elsewhere. 
Many insisted that Spitzer leave but in the end he 
was allowed to stay. "The occasion not only 
succeeded in substantiating Spitzer's belief that 
being homosexual had little to do with one's 
capacity to function at a high level, but perhaps 
more importantly provided an emotional jolt that 
moved him to prepare, within a month, a proposal 
for the deletion of homosexuality from the 
nomenclature."(page 126)

     Thereafter the change worked its way through 
the normal route of APA committees until it won 
final approval. The only further "political" 
action on the part of gays was a letter written in 
support of the change to the APA's Council of 
Research and Development. Bayer says (p 131) 
"Written with extraordinary attentiveness to the 
sensibilities and professional prerogatives of 
those who would be making the crucial decision, it 
sought in almost deferential terms to avoid the 
impression that pressure was being brought to bear 
upon them." The Council unanimously approved the 
change as written by Spitzer. Next the Assembly of 
District Branches approved it by an overwhelming 
majority. This was especially heartening because 
the Assembly tends to reflect a clinical rather 
than an academic perspective in psychiatry, and 
resistance to the deletion had been 
anticipated.(page 134) After passage by the 
Reference Committee, the deletion was finally 
approved by the board of trustees, who first heard 
the objections of Bieber, Socarides and Robert 
McDevitt. Some members of the board were reluctant 
to make the change, feeling privately that 
homosexuality was indeed a disorder, but 
nevertheless acknowledging that the evidence 
required to substantiate that position was 
lacking. After a first vote for passage of nine in 
favor, four against, and two abstaining, a change 
to make the wording more tentative resulted in 
thirteen votes for deletion, with two abstentions.

     A movement to reverse the board's action 
immediately started, and the Socarides group 
demanded a referendum of the membership on it. 
That was quite an extraordinary thing. "That a 
decision presented as being based upon the 
scientific examination of the standards that 
should apply to the classification of psychiatric 
disorders would be subject to ratification in a 
democratic vote of America's psychiatrists 
astonished many observers. It suggested that 
psychiatry's claim that it constituted a clinical 
science like other branches of medicine was at 
best a self-deception."(page 142)

     The APA leadership gave in to Socarides's 
demand for the referendum, but also worked to 
defend its decision and encourage the membership 
to support the change. Here the final political 
involvement of the gay community occurred. It 
succeeded in getting all the candidates for the 
APA presidency to sign letters urging the 
membership to approve the change. The National Gay 
Task Force also underwrote the full cost of the 
mailing, about $2,500. If there is any criticism 
due on this issue, it is because "a decision was 
made not to indicate on the letter that it was 
written, at least in part, by the Gay Task Force, 
nor to reveal that its distribution was funded by 
contributions the Task Force had raised. Indeed, 
the letter gave every indication of having been 
conceived and mailed by those who signed it."(146)

     "Since a public solicitation of financial 
support had been made, though presumably to those 
sympathetic to the gay cause, it is not surprising 
that information regarding the role of the NGTF 
surfaced quickly."(p 146) The Socarides group 
raised further objections, but the referendum 
result was that 58% of the 10,000 psychiatrists 
who participated supported the change, while 37% 
voted against it, the remainder abstaining or not 

     That is the story of the APA decision as 
Bayer tells it. It's been related here at such 
length because of the reckless charges that 
continue to be made that it was a purely political 
decision, not a scientific one, and that it was 
made in response to threats of violence. Nothing 
could be further from the truth.
*** {end comment 154-2}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

               The Pederasts

     As we will see, the victory of politics over scientific objectiv-
ity was to have far-reaching consequences. After the fail of the
APA's medical standard against the "normalization" of homosexu-
ality, "gay rights" activists made tremendous gains in public ac-

***{Below is Page: 155 }***

ceptance of, or at least tolerance for, open homosexuality. This
fact is especially alarming when we consider that the APA has
now taken action which some construe as "normalization" of pe-
{See Comment 155-1}
dophilia as well. The September, 1994 issue of "Regeneration
News," the newsletter of a homosexual recovery group in Balti-
more, features an article about this change. Regeneration Direc-
tor, Alan Medinger compares the new set of criteria for diagnos-
ing pedophilia with the prior standard:

     In the earlier DSM-II-R [Diagnostic and Statisti-
     cal Manual for Psychiatrists], pedophilia was di-
     agnosed as a disorder if "[t]he person has acted
     out on these urges or is markedly distressed by
     them.. .[b]ut the new standard defines pedophilia
     as a disorder only if [t]he fanatasies, sexual urges,
     or behaviors cause clinically significant distress
     or impairment in social, occupational, or other
     important areas of functioning" (Medinger re-
     printed in Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii
     Neweletter, November, 1994. Emphasis ours).

     The APA has taken a step which can be interpreted to imply
that adult sex with children is normal as long as the perpetrators
are not "unhappy with their sexual orientation." The APA has
taken exception to this interpretation.

*** {start comment 155-1}
     The obscurity of the source should be enough 
to show how insignificant it is. It's probably the 
case that the "recovery" group has nothing to do 
with homosexuality, but is more likely concerned 
with pedophilia The Pink Swastika author was seen 
before falsely to smear gays with pedophilia. What 
is interesting to note is in the sixth line of the 
passage, "...only if [t]he fantasies..." The 
practice of the Pink Swastika author has been 
rather faithfully (apparently) to note the 
changing of capital letters to small ones by 
indications such as "[t]" -- there are many 
examples throughout the book. In this case it's 
obvious, then, that a number of sentences have 
been blended together to make what appears above. 
One wonders what the original actually said.

     In any case, the Pink Swastika author has 
entirely misunderstood the quoted text. It says 
the old DSM said pedophilia was a disorder if the 
person is "markedly distressed" by the urges. The 
new DSM says it is a disorder if the urges "cause 
clinically significant distress," etc. The wording 
doesn't seem to be significantly different on the 
topic of distress, just a bit more clarifying.
*** {end comment 155-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

     Although many contemporary homosexual activists, especially
lesbians, attempt to distance themselves from their pederastic
comrades, the fact remains that pederasts (as was true in Ger-
many) have always been at the forefront of the movement, albeit
often "in the closet." And the "right" of adults to have sex with
children has always been a basic goal of the movement. In Febru-
ary of 1972, for example, a national coalition of homosexual groups
met in Chicago to draw up a list of priorities for the movement.
Prominent on the list was the demand for "A repeal of all laws
governing the age of sexual consent" (Rueda:2O 1ff.). Already in

***{Below is Page: 156 }***

Canada the age of consent has been lowered to age 14
(Mulshine: 10).
     The organizations dedicated specifically to "pedophile rights"
or "pederast-rights" in the United States are made up of homo-
sexual men (Rueda: 173ff), and in major cities with an active ho-
mosexual community "gay" bookstores carry numerous titles
which endorse man/boy sex (Grant, 1993:22). Tom Reeves, a
self-admitted pederast who was part of the early "gay rights"
movement is one of a number of writers in an anthology called
Varieties of Man/Boy Love. He explains the role of pederasts in
homosexualist activism:

     Almost every one of the early openly homosexual
     writers was a pederast. Pederasty was a constant
     theme of early gay literature, art, and pornogra-
     phy. The Stonewall riots were precipitated by an
     incident involving an underage drag queen, yet that
     detail was not viewed as significant. Curtis Price,
     a fourteen-year-old, self-described "radical hus-
     tler," formed the first gay liberation organization
     in Baltimore. Many of the leaders of early gay
     liberation and the founders of the major gay groups
     in the U.S. were boy-lovers (Reeves in Pascal:47).

{See Comment 157-1}
     Another of the early leaders of the "gay rights" movement
was David Thorstad, also a self-identified pederast. Thorstad was
president of the Gay Activist Alliance (Stop Promoting Homo-
sexuality Hawaii Newsletter, November, 1994:6), one of the larg-
est of the groups which formed in New York in the wake of the
Stonewall riot. The GAA invented "the strategy of 'zapping'
politicians," writes Marotta, "that would later become [its]
trademark... [they] had learned that homosexuals could infiltrate
political gatherings and make themselves heard through sheer
brashness" (Marotta: 137). The GAA also developed the strategy
of using these "carefully staged confrontations" to force politi-
cians to enact "anti-discrimination" policies (ibid.:150). The GAA
***{Below is Page: 157 }***
reorganized early in 1974 as the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (Adam:88).

*** {start comment 157-1}
     Marotta says the GAA "inaugurated" zapping, 
not that they invented it. They were, in fact, 
merely imitating tactics used by other protesters, 
such as those against the war in Vietnam. The 
words claimed to appear on page 150 simply are not 
in Marotta's text. The only "carefully staged 
confrontation" on "anti-discrimination policies" 
was a petition drive: Marotta says (p 150) "For 
their debut, the GAAers decided to circulate 
petitions asking Carol Greitzer, the Village 
representative on the city council, to sponsor a 
bill that would outlaw discrimination on the basis 
of sexual orientation in both public and private 

     (It should be emphasized that in this section 
of The Pink Swastika the many obscure references 
are hard to trace. Marotta's widely available book 
is a different matter. The way the Pink Swastika 
author has mishandled Marotta suggests that the 
other, more obscure sources may well also have 
been misquoted.)

     The Pink Swastika author misquotes Adam on 
the Task Force name, and covers up the reason GAA 
ended. Here's what Adam actually says: "As the GAA 
waned through internal dissension (coming to an 
end, at least symbolically, when its community 
center was fire-bombed in 1974), leading movement 
activists reorganized as the National Gay Task 
Force to press forward the anti-psychiatric 
struggle. When the APA Council accepted the 
deletion of homosexuality from the diagnostic 
manual in a unanimous vote in 1973, the 
conservatives forced a referendum on the issue. 
The result of this curious spectacle of defining 
pathology by plebiscite was a vote of 58 percent 
for deletion and 37 percent for retention in 1974. 
In the end, the new diagnostic manual included a 
compromise category that continued to allow 
psychiatrists to 'treat' people unhappy with their 
sexual orientation."
*** {end comment 157-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 157-2}
     Thorstad, along with Reeves and others, later went on to form
the North American Man/Boy Love Association in Boston in 1978
(NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1992:2). NAMBLA, which is
the largest "pederast rights" organization in the country, cloaks
its agenda in rhetoric about concern for the rights of children to
have "sexual freedom." (Pascal:49). In recent years NAMBLA
has come under attack by some elements of the "gay rights" alli-
ance, who have tried to exclude the group from some of the higher
profile media events. But this has evoked a violent response from
its defenders. When NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los
Angeles "Gay Pride Parade," marcher Harry Hay donned a
sweatshirt printed with the legend, "NAMBLA Walks With Me."
Timmons writes that Hay, "[c]ould not contain his outrage" that
NAMBLA was excluded (Timmons:296). More recently, as re-
ported in the NAMBLA Bulletin, Hay was a featured speaker at
NAMBLA's annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994:

     [Hel gave an inspiring talk about reclaiming for
     the 1990's the spirit of homoerotic sharing and love
     from various ancient Greek traditions of pederasty.
     A remarkably balanced and sensitive account of
     the conference appeared in the August 23 Advo-
     cate from a writer who was invited to attend
     (NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1994:3).

*** {start comment 157-2}
     The attempt to associate NAMBLA with gays is 
comparable to the way the German Nazis smeared 
Jews with every sort of evil in the 1930s to 
demonize them and stir up public anger against 

     First, the sexual desires of NAMBLA members 
are not necessarily confined to same-sex 
interests. One report said that an undercover 
investigation by police in California had found 
that NAMBLA was "dominated by heterosexuals."

     NAMBLA has always been banned from 
participation in gay events in most places. In 
some cities attempts to ban the group were given 
up because of possible legal problems, the law 
being interpreted that they had a right to march 
in public parades.

     In some jurisdictions there have always been 
problems in trying to keep unwanted groups out of 
public events such as parades. The St. Patrick's 
Day Parade controversies in the 1990s in Boston 
and New York, which involved the right to march of 
gay and lesbian groups, are cases in point. Some 
court rulings said the parades were public events 
and the gays must be allowed to participate, while 
other court rulings said parade organizers had the 
right to exclude groups they didn't want to 
participate. The issue was finally resolved in 
favor of the parade organizers, who now may 
exclude unwanted groups. In 1996, this decision 
enabled Gay Pride Parade organizers to exclude 
NAMBLA for the first time in certain 
jurisdictions, where their earlier legal advice 
had been that NAMBLA must be allowed to march in a 
public parade.

     So, the fact that NAMBLA participated in some 
gay events didn't necessarily mean it was a 
welcome guest, but that the law was held to 
require that it be allowed to participate.
*** {end comment 157-2}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 158-1}
     Other homosexualist-run "children's-rights" organizations in-
clude the Rene Guyon Society, which was formed in 1962 "to
make it possible for adults to provide sexual stimulation for virtu-
ally all children" (Rueda: 177), and a group called Project "Truth
(NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1994). (While we're discussing
homosexual splinter groups we should mention the Eulenspiegel
Society, formed in 1971 to promote "Sado-masochist-rights" for
homosexuals whose "special concern is freedom for sexual

***{Below is Page: 158 }***

minorities and particularly those whose sexuality embraces S/M"
-- Rueda:175).

*** {start comment 158-1}
     Rueda says (176) "The promotion of sexuality 
for children is certainly not limited to the 
homosexual movement." Since his book deals with 
"The Homosexual Network" he doesn't list any other 
types of groups.

     A particular grudge Rueda seems to bear 
against NAMBLA (understandable given his Cuban 
past) is that "NAMBLA members, for example, 
marched on the Pentagon with other homosexuals in 
a March 3, 1981, demonstration against American 
support for the people of El Salvador in their 
struggle against Communism."

     While Rueda doesn't give a membership figure 
for NAMBLA, he says the Rene Guyon Society, which 
"concentrates on all aspects of child sexuality," 
has "some 5,000 sympathizers nationwide." It was 
founded "under the inspiration of Dr. Rene Guyon, 
a lawyer/psychologist associated with Sigmund 
Freud." Rueda lists its goals, and they do indeed 
include all aspects of sex for people under the 
age of 18, including heterosexual activity. The 
organization views sex when both partners are 
under age 18 in a different category from sex 
between a younger and an older person.

     Rueda says the Eulenspiegel group is not a 
particularly homosexual institution but "accepts 
both heterosexuals and homosexuals." In other 
words, it doesn't "promote 'Sado-masochist-rights' 
for homosexuals" as the Pink Swastika author 
misrepresents Rueda, but for all people with no 
distinction as to sexual orientation.
*** {end comment 158-1}
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{See Comment 158-2}
     Membership of groups such as these in the International Les-
bian and Gay Association (ILGA) caused it to be expelled from
the United Nations Economic and Social Council in September of
1993. Attempting to forestall their expulsion ILGA tried to sepa-
rate itself from pederast groups but quickly learned that Support
for the "boy-lovers" was too deeply entrenched in the associa-
tion. ILGA's ouster of ten-year member NAMBLA and a couple
of other high-profile groups caused European pederast member-
organizations to step forward in protest. Division within ILGA
continues (NAMBLA Bulletin, September 1994:3).

*** {start comment 158-2}
     The above is a misrepresentation, which is 
quite understandable considering it comes from 
NAMBLA, the group being thrown out. The fact is 
that NAMBLA became a member of ILGA when ILGA was 
started and had few or no restrictions on 
membership and poor oversight of member groups. 
The expulsion of NAMBLA from ILGA was delayed 
because procedures required it wait for the next 
international convention of ILGA.
*** {end comment 158-2}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

{See Comment 158-3}
     Another apologist for pederasty is Larry Kramer, founder of
ACT-UP. In Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS
Activist, Kramer had this to say about adult/child sex: "In those
instances where children do have sex with their homosexual el-
ders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very
often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it"
(Kramer:234). According to Reeves, "Queer Nation and Act-
Up" were home to "both boys and men" who wanted "additional
cultural activity beyond.. their illegal relationships" (Reeves in Pas-

*** {start comment 158-3}
     It is appropriate to emphasize again the 
distinction between "pederasts" and "pedophiles."

     The "pederast" is especially attracted 
sexually to young people who are sexually mature 
but not yet of legal age -- broadly the age range 
of 14-17. In usage "pederast" tends to be confined 
to men, largely because the word comes from Greek 
history, where heterosexual men usually went 
through a pederast stage in their twenties before 
marrying women, but also because modern society is 
laxer on relations between underage girls and 
heterosexual men. (Teenage mothers are mostly 
impregnated by legal adults, yet one never hears 
accusations of pederasty.)

     The "pedophile" is oriented only toward pre-
pubescent children, that is to say, those about 
age 12 and younger. Psychologists treat pedophilia 
as a separate condition from either 
heterosexuality or homosexuality. The Religious 
Right and their apologists like the Pink Swastika 
author interchange the words indiscriminately, and 
don't seem to have a real understanding of either 
term. They use whichever one seems, at the moment, 
most likely to incite hatred against gay men.

     Whether Kramer is or isn't an "apologist for 
pederasty" is not demonstrated here. He's merely 
stating the fact, well-known to psychologists, 
that people under the age of 18 do indeed have 
sexual desires and can be aggressive about them. 
(The legal definition of "child" encompasses 
anyone below the legal age of majority. In the 
eyes of the law in many places, a 17-year-old is a 
"child." When the age of consent was 21, a 20-
year-old was legally a "child.") Refer to the 
account of Harry Hay, above, for a tale of a 
"child" seducing an adult. (Comment 150-1)
*** {end comment 158-3}
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     Pedophilia and its promotion is not limited to male homo-
sexuals. Virginia Uribe, a lesbian teacher in Los Angeles, has
been at the forefront of a movement to "affirm gay teenagers,"
through school-based pro-homosexual "counseling" (Homosexu-
ality, the Classroom and Your Children, 1992) Her own pro-
gram, called Project 10 (named for the oft quoted "statistic" of
10% homosexuality in the U.S. population, a figure demonstrated
in several recent studies to be nearer 2%), included a book for
young people called One Teenager in Ten. This "resource" for
troubled teens features lurid pornographic stories, including a
graphic lesbian sex scene between a twelve-year-old girl and her
twenty-three-year-old dance teacher. The apparent goal is to ac-
{See Comment 159-1}
tivate children's sexuality at increasingly younger ages. At a con-
ference promoting Project 10 to public school teachers in
***{Below is Page: 159 }***
Oregon, University of Washington sociologist Pepper Schwartz
admits targeting prepubescent children for "affirmation," saying
"At this point, getting the majority to say 'gay' is good' at nine or
ten years old is going to be difficult, but just because it is difficult
doesn't mean it's not the right thing" (Homosexuality, the Class-
room and Your Children, 1992),
     {Several men marching holding a NAMBLA 
     Pederast Leland Stevenson (left) leads a NAMBLA contingent
in the 1993 "Gay Pride" parade in Washington D.C.   THE REPORT
{Picture caption}
     The beneficiaries of "sexual Freedom" for children and teens
are often predatory adult homosexuals. The National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force is on record that "gay teens should be sup-
ported in coming out" (Mulshine: 10), but writer Paul Mulshine
notes that "the guidance, and the sex, tends to come from adult
gays who bring the teens out...A study published in the Journal of
Pediatrics showed that of a sample of gay teenagers who had
steady sexual partners, the mean age of the partners was 25 years
(ibid.:10). He cites a "1985 study of arrests in 12 U.S. jurisdic-
tions [for child sex abuse, which] showed that, on average, about
40 percent of arrests for pederastic homosexuals" ibid. :11).

*** {start comment 159-1}
     The major thrust of programs like Project 10 
and of other efforts to get decent social services 
for gay youth and prevent teenage suicide by 
giving psychological support to teenagers who are 
having trouble coming to grips with the same-sex 
urges they feel, and especially to support 
teenagers who are being driven to mental problems 
and even suicide by the attitudes of their 
schoolmates and the adults around them. The 
cynical vilification by the Pink Swastika author 
is truly reprehensible.

     If sex partners of gay male teenagers have a 
mean age of 25, that is nothing different from 
what happens with heterosexual teenagers. In 1996, 
studies exploded the myth that the average teenage 
mother was made pregnant by a fellow high school 
student. The average heterosexual who gets a 
teenage girl pregnant is, in fact, in his 
*** {end comment 159-1}
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***{Below is Page: 160 }***

     Though some deny that the "right" of adults to have sex with
children remains a fundamental component of the "gay rights"
movement, the evidence suggests otherwise. Alyson Publications,
the leading publisher of "gay" titles, markets books aimed at pre-
schoolers, such as Daddy's Roommate and Heather Has Two
Mommies, right alongside Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love
Men. The latter contains detailed instructions for pedophiles and
pederasts on successfully avoiding discovery and arrest. "Avoid
situations," advises author Jack Hart, "where a number of men
have sex with the same boy, or group of boys, over a period of
time" (Hart: 123). No doubt these guidelines are gratefully re-
ceived by pederasts in the community, a constituency that is larger
than most people realize. For example, Reeves claimed in a 1979
speech that he personally had met "over 500 men" who "were
struggling with their attraction to boys." "Almost to a man," said
Reeves, "they are teachers and boy scout leaders and boys club
leaders" (Rueda:97).

               The Boy Scouts

     Fortunately, America's version of the Wandervogel, the Boy
Scouts of America, has largely been spared the problems associ-
ated with its German cousin. This can be attributed to its com-
mitment to Judeo-Christian ideals as represented in its pledge to
be "reverent toward God" (Hillcourt: 10). Still, the number of
homosexuals that have infiltrated the organization is alarming.
From 1973 to 1993 over 1,416 scout leaders were expelled for
sexually abusing boys (The Washington Times, June 15, 1993).
     Beginning in 1991 and continuing to the present time, the Boy
Scouts have been targeted by "gay rights" militants for their policy
against allowing homosexuals to be scout leaders. An ostensibly
"spontaneous" outcry against the Boy Scouts arose across the
country, led by the once-venerable United Way agency, which
pulled its funding from the Scouts in various cities. United Way's
funding withdrawal was quickly followed by other homosexual-

***{Below is Page: 161 }***

controlled or co-opted entities including Levis Strauss, Wells
Fargo, Seafirst Bank and Bank of America (which later reversed
itself) (Oregonian, July 11 1992). Self-admitted lesbian, Roberta
Achtenberg, then serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervi-
sors, led a campaign to coerce the Bank of America into support
For the homosexuals' demands. Shortly thereafter, Achtenberg
was appointed Assistant Secretary for the Department of Hous-
ing and Urban Development (Los Angeles Times, January 29,
1993), one of more than two dozen homosexuals appointed to
high-level posts in the Clinton Administration (Grant, 1993:107).
     In the streets the Boy Scouts was mocked by "Queer Scouts,
a focus group of Queer Nation" (Bay Area Reporter, August 1
1991), while homosexualists at the highest levels of government
attempted to intimidate the organization into submission. Re-
cently deposed Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders used her post to
castigate Scout officials (U.S.A. Today, June 2, 1994) and Inte-
rior Secretary Bruce Babbitt signed an order prohibiting Boy
Scouts from volunteering in national parks (The Washington Times
May 28, 1993). In San Francisco and San Diego the Boy Scouts
were barred from operating day programs in the public schools
(San Francisco Chronicle, September 14, 1991) and in San Di-
ego, city officials launched an investigation of the Scouts under
its legal powers to prevent "discrimination" against homosexuals
(San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1992).
     So far the Boy Scouts have withstood the onslaught, but in
late 1992 the organization received a letter from NAMBLA pre-
dicting that it will eventually succumb to homosexual demands.
The letter is addressed to Ben Love, Chief Scout Executive, Boy
Scouts of America and was published in the NAMBLA Bulletin,
November 1992:

     Dear Mr. Love,

          At its 16th membership conference, held in Chi-
     cago, August 7-9-1992, the North American Man/
     Boy Love Association unanimously adopted the

***{Below is Page: 162 }***

     following resolution:
          "NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America
     to cease its discrimination against openly gay or
     lesbian persons in the appointment of its scout
     masters. This will permit scouts to be exposed to
     a variety of lifestyles and will permit more of those
     individuals who genuinely wish to serve boys to
     do so.
          I feel especially honored to have been asked to
     alert you of this resolution...I have also been a scout
     and a scout leader and share with so many in
     NAMBLA affection for the movement.
          We recognize, of course, that the action for
     which we call is inevitable. What a great added
     contribution your organization will make possible
     to all the boys and girls who participate in it when
     you take this step. May it be taken in the near
          We share a common mission -- to bring greater
     understanding and light and purpose to the young
     as they grow. We invite you to join with us in
     cherishing individual integrity, and in seeking the
     opportunity for every boy and girl in our country
     to find their own truth. We encourage you to help
     every person associated with your organization to
     be able to express those values from themselves
     which to them represent for themselves the Good,
     the True, and the Beautiful. As we work together
     toward these ends Light will guide our way.
          We express these sentiments most respectfully,
          Very Cordially,
          Leland Stevenson
          Co-Recording Secretary,
          NAMBLA (NAMBLA Bulletin, November
     1992. Emphasis ours).

***{Below is Page: 163 }***

     Leland's letter is reminiscent of the one Wilhelm Jansen sent
to Wandervoge1 parents in which he told them, "you will have to
accustom yourselves to the presence of so-called homosexuals in
your ranks" (Mills: 167). As we see, however, Leland's ideologi-
cal allies have far greater political power in the United States to-
day than Jansen's had in Germany in 1912.
{See Comment 163-1}
     Unfortunately, the moral courage of the Boy Scouts of America
is not shared by all youth organizations. The Girl Scouts allows
lesbian leaders in its organization and has expelled at least one
heterosexual leader who refused to keep this policy secret from
parents. Brenda Mailand, a Girl Scout employee in Lansing Michi-
gan was fired after she refused to sign the following pledge:

     As an employee of the Michigan Capitol Girl Scout
     Council, you may not proactively inform members,
     parents of members, prospective members or par-
     ents of prospective members, or members of the
     general public (including media) of the Council's
     and GSUSA's position on sexual orientation (Pri-
     vate letter, February 9, 1993).

*** {start comment 163-1}
     The GSUSA is simply requiring that one of its 
employees stop spreading what she obviously 
considers to be derogatory comments about the 
group. That is obvious from the qualification 
"proactively," which suggests she was "spreading 
the word" or "blowing the whistle." Every company 
expects a certain degree of loyalty from those it 
is paying to work for it. The GSUSA action 
concerning one of its employees is not at all 
*** {end comment 163-1}
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     The Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization actively promotes
"gay rights" through its organization. in 1991 Big Brother/Big
Sisters' Board of Directors lobbied the Boy Scouts to change its
policy against homosexual leaders, saying "the use of 'non-tradi-
tional' volunteers in the service delivery to youth can serve the
best interest of children" (Private letter, August 9, 1991). Homo-
sexual "big brothers" and "big sisters" are actively recruited in
some cities (Just Out, March 1, 1993).

               Weimar in America
     Following a socialist revolution in 1918, the Weimar govern-
ment was formed in Germany and began promoting liberal social
policies. As America does today, Weimar Germany faced ter.-

***{Below is Page: 164 }***

mantas conflict as these policies clashed with traditional Judeo-
Christian values. "Feelings on the sexual question' ran high. There
were disputes about the roles of the sexes and about attitudes
toward marriage, the family and child rearing, and these disputes
were bound up with arguments about social policy and demo-
graphic trends (Peukert: 101).
{See Comment 164-1}
     In this climate the homosexualists made significant gains.
Almost immediately, major German cities became havens for ev-
ery form of sexual expression. William Manchester writes of
"transvestite balls, [where] hundreds of men costumed as women
and hundreds of women costumed as men danced under the be-
nevolent eye of the police," and of "mothers in their thirties, teamed
with their daughters to offer Mutter-und-Tochter sex" (Manches-
ter:57). Plant writes of "luxurious lesbian bars and nightclubs
[that] never feared a police raid" (Plant:27).  Steakley records
that "[o]fficial tolerance was manifested... in the unhindered con-
sumption of narcotics in some homosexual bars, and transvestites
were issued police certificates permitting them to crossdress in
public" (Steakley: 81). And historian-biographer Charles Bracelen
Flood speaks of " sad alleys patrolled by prostitutes of all ages and
both sexes, including rouged little boys and girls" (Flood: 196).
     "Berlin's specialized establishments included a bathhouse fea-
turing black male prostitutes" that was frequented by Ernst Roehm,
writes Flood, and "there was a sedate nightclub for lesbians, the
Silhouette, where most of the women, sitting on hard benches
along the walls, wore men's clothes with collar and tie, but the
young girls with them wore dresses with accented femininity"
(ibid.: 197). Germany's version of Madonna was a woman named
Anita Berber, "the role model for thousands of German
girls... [Berber] danced naked. and made love to men and women
sprawled atop bars, bathed in spotlights, while voyeurs stared and
fondled one another" (Manchester:57). Rector describes the
Weimar scene as a "sexual MardiGras" (Rector: 15):

*** {start comment 164-1}
     Flood is quoting another author when he makes 
the remark about the club for lesbians, and the 
Pink Swastika author has not properly indicated 
that. That's a minor point. More importantly, 
Flood's text has "younger girls" instead of "young 
girls" given in the misquote above. Misquoting as 
"young girls" gives the misleading impression that 
young children are involved, whereas the author 
only wished to indicate that the women so 
designated were younger than those dressed in 
men's clothing.
*** {end comment 164-1}
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{See Comment 165-1}
     There were about as many -- if not more -- homo-
     sexual periodicals and gay bars in Berlin in the

***{Below is Page: 165 }***

     1920's as there are now in New York City, and
     Berlin of the time was abuzz with the feasibility of
     forming a national homosexual political party. The
     sexual revolution, with its free-and-easy attitudes,
     including wife swapping and group sex as a moral
     precept, was a German "invention" of the
     Twenties.. abortions were shrugged off and
     condoms were on sale in open display in grocery
     stores and almost every other public mart [Quot-
     ing from T.L. Jarman, Rector continues]...Freedom
     degenerated into license...Bars for homosexuals,
     cafes where men danced with men,...pornographic
     literature in the corner kiosks--all these things were
     accepted as part of the new life (ibid.:13).

     Today, all of these things are manifest in American society as

*** {start comment 165-1}
     One can't help interjecting that one of the 
first things Hitler and his Nazis did when they 
gained power was to shut down all the mentioned 
activities of Weimar Germany. Is Germany really 
the model the Pink Swastika author wants to apply 
to America?
*** {end comment 165-1}
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well. The lid to Pandora's Box that had been cracked open by
Kinsey, Harry Hay and the Mattachines is now flung wide. Rueda

     ...there are "no fewer than 2,000 [homosexual bars
     in America]...They range from small "sleazy"
     places in dark and dangerous alleys to plush
     establishments...Some bars cater to a conventional-
     looking clientele.   Others specialize in
     sadomasochists or transvestites. There are bars
     which purposefully attract young people, prosti-
     tutes who serve to attract older homosexuals who
     in turn purchase drinks for the youngsters while
     sexual deals are arranged. Printed guides for trav-
     eling homosexuals... [specify] the availability of
     prostitutes or "rough trade" (i.e., homosexuals who
     enjoy appearing violent or who actually behave
     violently) (Rueda:33).

***{Below is Page: 166 }***

American cities also host "bathhouses," which are not actual baths
but meeting places for anonymous homosexual encounters.
"People walk in there and have sex with multiple partners and
have no idea who they're having sex with," reports former homo-
sexual John Paulk. "I know this first hand and from the many
many people I was associated with in the gay lifestyle" ("The Gay
Agenda" Video). Paulk reports that these "bathhouses" remain
open despite the AIDS epidemic. He also describes the activity
called "cruising" in which homosexuals meet for anonymous sex
in public restrooms and other public locations. While this has
apparently always been common behavior in the homosexual com-
munity, Paulk implies that it is far more widespread today than
ever before. This is substantiated by other observers of the "gay
rights" movement (Grant, 1993:36f ).
     A great deal more could be written about the varieties of ho-
mosexual perversion that have proliferated in America's cities and
towns today. Indeed, the authors feel that the behavior of homo-
sexuality needs to be exposed to a public whose attention is sys-
tematically drawn away to "cover" issues (e.g. "victim" status,
"rights," etc.). But it is our intention here to focus on the social,
political and spiritual ramifications.

               The Kinsey Connection

{See Comment 167-1}
     The American counterpart to the Sex Research Institute of
Berlin is the Kinsey Institute. And like its German predecessor,
this organization is dedicated to the legitimization of homosexu-
ality. In 1948, sex researcher Alfred Kinsey released his culture-
shattering book, Sexuality in the Human Male. The first major
sex study of its kind, the Kinsey Report purported to show that
Americans were far more promiscuous and sexually deviant than
they said they were (Reisman and Eichel, 1992:2). For over forty
years, Kinsey's data went more-or-less unchallenged and the con-
clusions that he drew continue to serve as the "scientific" justifi-
cation for the so-called sexual revolution. His theory of sex as a

***{Below is Page: 167 }***

mere "outlet" released human behavior from what Marcuse called
"the repressive order of procreative sexuality." All forms of sexual
expression were equalized in the Kinsey model.

*** {start comment 167-1}
     The above characterization of the Kinsey 
Institute is totally false. As the Pink Swastika 
author showed earlier, the German group provided 
sexual services and treatment of venereal disease 
to clients, which is how it amassed those tens of 
thousands of incriminating files on individuals. 
(See above Pink Swastika page 100.) The Kinsey 
institute, on the other hand, has always been 
devoted to academic research, and doesn't have any 
special dedication to homosexuality.

     The Pink Swastika author can't even correctly 
identify Kinsey's book. The correct title is 
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.

     Kinsey presented the results of his sex 
survey without warping them to fit preconceived 
notions of sexuality. A major criticism of him has 
always been just the one implied by the Pink 
Swastika author, namely that he didn't 
misrepresent his research in order falsely to 
bolster traditional but wrong ideas about sex.
*** {end comment 167-1}
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{See Comment 167-2}
     Recently several studies have shown that America is not the
hotbed of promiscuity and deviancy that Kinsey's study made it
appear to be, even after forty-six years of influence by that study,
which was loudly trumpeted as "fact" by the media and much of
academia. U.S. News and World Report said of one such recent
study, conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the
University of Chicago, that it showed that "[f]idelity reigns. Fully
83 percent of Americans had sex with one person or had no sex
partners in the past year, and half of Americans have had only one
partner in the past five years" (U.S. News and World Report, Oc-
tober, 1994:75)

*** {start comment 167-2}
     The Kinsey data are represented in different 
ways than the Chicago figures, so it is hard to 
reconstruct exactly comparable figures. Did Kinsey 
paint a picture of wild promiscuity that has now 
been shown to be false? The Pink Swastika author 
quotes the recent study as showing that only 50% 
of American males (the study was of men) had only 
one sex partner in the past five years.

     Kinsey found that 71.6% of college-educated 
men and 62.3% of non-college men claimed they had 
had no extramarital coital companions for their 
entire marriages (first marriage in the case of 
the 10% who had remarried). (The Kinsey Data Paul 
Gebhard & Alan B. Johnson -- publisher W.B. 
Saunders, 1979, page 400) That categorization is 
not directly comparable to the Chicago data, which 
included men never married, but it suggests that 
if anything, men were actually less promiscuous in 
Kinsey's day than they are today.
*** {end comment 167-2}
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{See Comment 167-3}
     Kinsey's study seemed tailor-made for the homosexual
pederast community. Indeed, just weeks after its release, Harry
Hay began formal efforts at organizing the movement. Kinsey
stated that at least 10% of the population was homosexual (far
higher than the actual number) and he invented the seven-point
Kinsey Scale, "in which bisexuality occupied a middle 'balanced'
position between heterosexuality (0) and homosexuality (6)"
(ibid. :10), attempting to establish bisexuality as the norm. he
further declared adult/child sex harmless. This "finding" was based
on data gathered by pedophiles on hundreds of children, some as
young as two months old (ibid. :36).

*** {start comment 167-3}
     It's a sign of his poor "scholarship" that 
the Pink Swastika author takes information on 
Kinsey second hand from Reisman, when it would be 
so easy to check the original source, which should 
be readily available at most second hand 
bookstores for under $10.00. There are no 
citations for the alleged statements by Kinsey, 
which makes them difficult to check.

     The above states that Harry Hay began formal 
efforts at organizing the gay movement "just 
weeks" after the release of Kinsey's book. The 
copy of Kinsey being used for these comments has 
in it a Marshall Field (Chicago department store) 
sales slip dated January 14, 1948. (Price $6.50) 
The Katz reference cited by the Pink Swastika 
author quotes Harry Hay as saying (page 408) "I 
first conceived of a Gay group in August 1948. 
From January to August is hardly "just weeks after 
its release."

     Kinsey never said that "at least 10% of the 
population was homosexual." In his book, page 651, 
he said "10 per cent of the males are more or less 
exclusively homosexual (i.e., rate 5 or 6) for at 
least three years between the ages of 16 and 55." 
The 5 and 6 are ratings on his heterosexual-
homosexual rating scale, 6 being "exclusively 
homosexual" and 5 being "predominantly homosexual, 
but incidentally heterosexual." Kinsey placed only 
4% as "exclusively homosexual throughout their 
lives, after the onset of adolescence."

     Kinsey's sexuality scale naturally had 
bisexuality as the center between total 
heterosexuality and total homosexuality. 
Bisexuality means being equally attracted to both 
sexes, with no preference for either, and so it is 
the logical case for the middle of the scale 
(pages 638-641 and following discuss the scale). 
Kinsey didn't in any way attempt "to establish 
bisexuality as the norm." No citation for the 
alleged comment is given in The Pink Swastika.

     No citation is given for Kinsey's alleged 
statement that adult/child sex is harmless, and 
it's hard to believe that he said any such thing.  
has been shown to be thoroughly unreliable -- see 
her claims above about the Nazi influence in 
advertising in the Advocate, (Pink Swastika page 

     The figures on sexual experiences of children 
in Kinsey's 1948 book were not taken from "data 
gathered from pedophiles" but from interviews with 
over 4000 adults who related their childhood 
sexual experiences. On page 166, for example, 
Kinsey reported on the duration of pre-adolescent 
sex play by analyzing data from 2749 interviewees, 
1919 of whom had at least some college education.
*** {end comment 167-3}
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{See Comment 168-1}
     In Kinsey Sex and Fraud, Reisman and Eichel said that Kinsey
"purported to prove that children were sexual beings, even from
infancy and that they could, and should. have pleasurable and ben-
eficial sexual interaction with adult 'partners'" (ibid.:3). Reisman
and Eichel go on to suggest that Kinsey deliberately overlooked
criminal sexual child abuse and purposefully falsified data to fur-
ther his personal sexual and political agenda. They cite former
Kinsey coworker Gershon Legman who said that "Kinsey's not-
very-secret intention was to 'respectablize' homosexuality and
certain sexual perversions" (ibid. :34). They also reference soci-
ologists Albert Hobbs and Richard Lambert who observed "that
***{Below is Page: 168 }***
the Kinsey authors seemed purposefully to ignore the limitations
of their own samples in order to compound any possible errors in
almost any way which will increase the apparent incidence of [ho-
mosexuality]'" (ibid. :24).
     Was Kinsey a homosexual or a pedophile? One historian pro-
posed that Kinsey "may have discovered in himself the homo-
sexual tendencies he would later ascribe to a large proportion of
the population" (Robinson in Reisman and Eichel, 1992:204). But
Reisman and Eichel suggest he manifested more of the behaviors
of a pedophile. "In addition to his interest in sex experiments
with children," they write, "Kinsey was an avid collector of por-
nography (and maker of sex films) -- an elemental feature of the
pedophile syndrome" (Reisman and Eichel, 1992:205).
     There is no question, however, that Kinsey fits the profile of a
homosexual activist. Like the militant homosexuals who ben-
efited from his work, Kinsey was "'indignant" {sic} about the effect of
Judeo-Christian tradition on society," write Reisman and Eichel.
"It is clear that he shared [co-researcher Wardell] Pomeroy's view
that Christians inherited an almost paranoid approach to sexual
behavior from the Jews" (ibid. :6). For his part, Pomeroy served
on the advisory board of the Mattachine Society (Marotta:80),
perhaps indicating a deeper relationship between the two organi-
zations. Pomeroy, incidentally, is known for his support of adult/
child sex. In a 1992 article on pedophilia, author Michael Ebert
quotes Pomeroy as saying, "People seem to think that any [sexual]
contact between children and adults has a bad effect on the child.
I say this can be a loving and thoughtful, responsible sexual activ-
ity" (Ebert:6f).

*** {start comment 168-1}
     To state that Kinsey "purported to prove" 
sexuality would be pure nonsense, except that it 
is a deliberate lie on the part of Reisman and her 
co-author. On page 163 Kinsey says:

     "Recently we have begun the accumulation of 
information through conferences with quite young 
children and with their parents; and in addition 
we now have material obtained by some of our 
subjects through the direct observation of infants 
and older preadolescents {that probably includes 
the notorious pedophiles}."

     Kinsey then says he might report on that 
material later, adding "For the time being we can 
report only on the specifically genital play and 
overt socio-sexual behavior which occurs before 

     "We are not in a position to discuss the 
developing child's more generalized sensory 
responses which may be sexual, but which are not 
so specific as genital activities are....There is 
now a fair list of significant and in many cases 
observational studies of this 'pre-genital' level 
of reaction among infants and young children." 
Kinsey then lists 10 references on the subject.

     On page 164 Kinsey says "In pre-adolescent 
and early adolescent boys, erection and orgasm are 
easily induced. They are more easily induced than 
in older males. Erection may occur immediately 
after birth and, as many observant mothers (and 
few scientists) know, it is practically a daily 
matter for small boys, from earliest infancy and 
up in age (Halverson 1940).

     The important thing above is (Halverson 
1940). Kinsey is not "purporting to prove" infant 
sexuality from his own data. He is citing prior 
research by others. He gives another citation, 
Ramsey 1943, whose study involved a group of 291 
young boys.

     Kinsey didn't have any interest in "sex 
experiments" with children. He simply wanted to 
know about child sexuality and investigated it by 
interview, not by experimentation.

     Kinsey collected pornography, not for 
himself, but for his institute's files. Kinsey was 
an avid and thorough collector of data. Before he 
began work on sex he had worked on gall wasps. He 
had collected over 1,000,000 specimens of galls 
from trees and plants. (Interestingly, Wardell 
Pomeroy reports that on a trip to a stud farm 
Kinsey's crew shot a short movie of one bull 
penetrating another bull in anal intercourse and 
achieving ejaculation that way. Perhaps Reisman 
and the Pink Swastika authors find that appealing 
to their prurient interests, and for that reason 
charge him with making "sex films.") Kinsey's 
collecting of pornography had nothing to do with 
his personal taste, and certainly not with any 
pedophilia as fantasized by the spiteful Reisman. 
Pornography was simply an aspect of sexuality, and 
Kinsey wanted to study it.

     Finally, Pomeroy's alleged statement that 
adult-child sex doesn't necessarily have a bad 
effect on the child (if indeed he ever said such a 
thing) is in no way a display of "support" or 
advocacy for it. Pomeroy's simply stating the 
truth, backed by mounds of data, that children who 
have sex with adults don't necessarily suffer harm 
from it. Some surely do, but most apparently 
don't. There are just too many cases of adults who 
are quite normal and well-adjusted who've had 
childhood sex with an adult and who don't seem to 
have been hurt by it to say otherwise. That's not 
to advocate child/adult sex, but merely to state a 
scientific, truthful fact about it. (Considering 
the Creationism controversy fundamentalists have 
raised in the 1980s and 1990s, it's understandable 
that they can't grasp the concept of a neutral 
science that is concerned with scientific evidence 
and refuses to falsify it for the sake of 
promoting someone's particular moral "agenda.")

     On child/adult sex, it remains to be 
demonstrated that Kinsey himself ever said 
children "should" have sex with adults, as the 
Pink Swastika author states, the citation in 
Kinsey's work of such a statement being 
conveniently absent.
*** {end comment 168-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

***{Below is Page: 169 }***

               The Cauldron Begins to Boil

     "I shall torture you during the daytime, and will keep you from a peaceful sleep at night."

               Larry Kramer, Founder of ACT-UP (Leo:18).

     ACT-UP was founded by Larry Kramer and approximately
300 other activists in March, 1987, in New York City; it soon
spread across the nation (Alyson Almanac:42). Within a few
months its members had gained national attention for their ag-
gressive actions against those whom they considered enemies.
ACT-UP groups invaded Catholic churches in New York during
religious services, screaming obscenities and stomping on com-
munion wafers" (Miller:460). Catholic churches were also tar-
geted in Washington, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Newspaper
boxes were smashed in Sacramento to punish an editor for his
views (Grant, 1993:104). One militant who later regretted his
involvement was Washington, D.C. ACT-UP founder, Eric Pol-
lard. The following is an excerpt from his 1992 letter to the Wash-
ington Blade titled, "Time to give up fascist tactics":

     This is very hard for me to write. It forces me to
     squarely confront my past actions and to accept
     responsibility for the damage I have had a part in
     causing. I sincerely apologize for my involvement
     in and my founding of the AIDS' activist organiza-
     tion, ACT-UP D.C.. I have helped to create a
     truly fascist organization...The average Gay man
     or woman could not immediately relate to our sub-
     versive tactics, drawn largely from the voluminous
     Mein Kampf, which some of us studied as a work-
     ing model (Washington Blade, January, 1992).

     Within a few years of its founding, ACT-UP spawned the more
radical Queer Nation. Miller writes that Queer Nation's "in your

***{Below is Page: 170 }***

face" tactics antagonized many others. Randy Shilts [a promi-
nent homosexual writer] called Queer Nationals "brownshirts"
and "lavender fascists" (Miller:460). Queer Nation adopted highly
militant rhetoric and openly threatened violence. Grant describes
their tactics during an Oregon election campaign (see Introduc-
tion) in which voters considered a law to ban minority status based
on homosexuality:

     ...flyers appeared on telephone poles warning
     people to vote against it. One showed the Chris-
     tian ichthus fish being roasted on a stick over a
     fire.  It read, YOU BURN US, WE BURN
     YOU... another said CIVIL RIGHTS or CIVIL
     WAR. Your choice for a limited time only...It also
     clarified what it meant by "civil war" by listing

     One of us (Lively) was active in that campaign and personally
witnessed stencils painted on sidewalks in the City of Portland
which threatened "Queers Bash Back." In the City of Eugene
businesses that had supported the Oregon Citizens Alliance (which
had sponsored the ballot initiative) had bricks, wrapped in swas-
tika-embellished flyers, thrown through their windows. A Queer
Nation spokesman in Eugene denied responsibility but defended
the violence as justified. A separate organization which called
itself "Bigot Busters" specialized in harassing and threatening
petitioners seeking signatures to put the measure on the ballot.
Petitions were ripped from circulators {sic} hands or doused with paint,
activists blockaded petition tables, and several circulators were
physically assaulted. Hundreds of false signatures were put on
petitions in an effort to invalidate them. In every case "Bigot
Busters" denied responsibility.

***{Below is Page: 171 }***

{Two views of crowd scene and apparent flame of a 
small fire.}

Rioting homo-fascists set fire to a government building in 1991 after
California Governor Pete Wilson vetos {sic} Assembly Bill 101, which
would have given homosexuals special rights. THE REPORT
{Picture caption}

***{Below is Page: 172 }***

     In classic Nazi style, the Oregon homosexual activists cast
themselves as victims during this campaign of violence. A series
of phony late-night cross-burnings were staged in the front yard
of Azalea Cooley, a Black, apparently wheelchair-bound lesbian
in Portland. This highly publicized charade continued for six
months and was blamed on a "climate of hate" created by OCA.
On the eve of the election, however, police caught Cooley herself
on video walking out her own front door with a wooden cross
and materials to burn it. She later confessed to all of the crimes
(Oregonian, December 10, 1992).
     As we have seen with Roehm's Brownshirts, the wrath of
militant homosexuals can be fierce. On September 29, 1991, fol-
lowing Governor Pete Wilson's veto of Assembly Bill 101 (which
would have extended minority status to homosexuals) thousands
of homosexuals rioted in San Francisco, setting fire to a govern-
ment building and clashing with police. This fury is often turned
against individuals and families as well.  Chuck and Donna
McIlhenny experienced this phenomenon after the San Francisco
Presbyterian church, where Chuck is the pastor, fired a homo-
sexual organist, sparking a wave of terrorism against their family
and their church. They describe the campaign of hatred that was
waged against them in When the Wicked Seize {sic} a City:

     The harassment started. Rocks, beer bottles, beer
     cans were thrown through the church windows on
     many occasions.  Swastikas were carved in the
     church doors and drawn on our house. A window
     in our car was smashed out. Graffiti was spray-
     painted all over the church, house, and sidewalk.
     Anti-Christian, pro-homosexual leaflets were scat-
     tered around the neighborhood calling us Nazis,
     bigots, anti-gay, etc. Demonstrators would come
     into our Sunday services and disrupt the
     worship...One time a man came pounding and spit-

***{Below is Page: 173 }***

     ting on our front door in the middle of the night,
     screaming, "We're going to get you McIlhenny--
     we're going to kill you politically!" We were ver-
     bally threatened outside the house on the way to
     the car. There were daily -- 24-hours-per-day--
     telephone calls. They began with screaming and
     obscenities. They graduated into phone calls de-
     scribing our children--by name, appearance, where
     they attended school, when they got out of school,
     and what sexually deviant behavior was to be prac-
     ticed on the children before killing them...Then on
     31 May 1983 at 12:30 a.m., someone actually at-
     tempted to follow through with their threats to kill
     us [by firebombing the house while the children
     were asleep inside] (McIlhenny and York: 109f.).
     (The McIlhennys' survived these and other efforts
     against them and continue to serve the member-
     ship of their church in San Francisco).
     Attacks like these against the McIlhennys are not isolated in-
cidents, but part of the strategy for increasing the political power
of homosexuals in American society. Dr. Brian Clowes, in Debat-
ing the Gay Rights Issue, has compiled the following incidents
of the use of terrorism and violence by homo-fascists:

     If [AIDS] research money is not forthcoming at a
     certain level by a certain date, all gay males should
     give blood. Whatever action is required to get
     national attention is valid. If that includes blood
     terrorism, so be it. Robert Schwab in Kirk Kidwell,
     "Homosexuals Flex Muscles in Washington." American
     Family. Association Journal, January 1988, pages 6 to 8.

     We should have shut down the subway and burned
     down city hall. I think rioting is a valid tactic and
     should be tried...If someone took out [killed] Jesse

***{Below is Page: 174 }***

     Helms or William Dannemeyer of California, I
     would be the first to stand up and applaud. ACT-
     UP member Michael Petrelis, quoted in Michael Wilrich.
     "Uncivil Disobedience." Mother Jones. December 1990,
     page 16.

     It's hard to refrain from taking this man [Pat
     Buchanan] by the throat and squeezing as hard as
     you can while you look at his ugly, disgusting face
     and watch the eyeballs burst and pop out of their
     sockets. Or maybe you feel like stepping on his
     face and squishing his demented brain until the rot
     oozes out of it and onto the pavement. I have no
     problem imagining violence against this
     wacko...Michelangelo Signorile, editor-at-large of the
     sodomite magazine Outweek, quoted in National Review,
     June 24, 1991.

                              (Clowes: 78f.)


     Fortunately, America has not experienced the wide-scale
atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis in Germany, but the actions of
certain male homosexuals in recent history are reminiscent of the
worst SS butchers. As noted in a January 21, 1984 editorial in
The New York Times, "[m]any of the most violent multiple mur-
ders have been commited {sic} by homosexual males." Clowes cites
some alarming statistics showing that eight of the top ten serial
killers in the United States were homosexuals (below) and that
homosexuals were responsible for 68 percent of all mass murders
(Clowes:97). The following is a list of nine leading homosexual
serial killers, eight of which were in the top ten most prolific kill-
ers as of 1992. Clowes' sources are listed in the text and are
reprinted from Debating the "Gay Rights" Issue:

***{Below is Page: 175 }***

     Donald Harvey: 37 Murders... [a] nurse's aide
     [who] was convicted of 37 murders in Kentucky
     and Ohio. Psychologists testified that "Harvey said
     he was a homosexual." The New York Times, August
     20, and August 17th 1991.. {sic}

     John Wayne Gacy: 33 Murders... [a] professed
     homosexual...who killed 33 young men and boys
     and buried them in his basement. The New York Times,
     February 22, 1980.

     Patrick Wayne Kearney: 32 Murders.. The New
     York Times described him as "an acknowledged
     homosexual" and "...perpetrator of the 'homo-
     sexual trash bag murders.'" The New York Times, July
     27, 1977.

     Bruce Davis: 28 murders...killed 28 young men
     and boys after having sex with them. The New York
     Times, January 21, 1984.

     Corll, Henry {sic} and Owen: 32 Murders. Dean Corll,
     Elmer Wayne Henley, and David Owen Brooks
     were the members of a Texas homosexual torture/
     murder ring that captured and mutilated 27 young
     men. The New York Times, July 27 1974

     Juan Corona: 25 Murders...an admitted homo-
     sexual, killed 25 male migrant workers. The New
     York Times, October 4, 1972.

     Jeffrey Dahmer: 17 Murders...a convicted child
     molester and practicing and admitted homosexual,
     lured 17 young men and boys to his apartment,
     had sex with them, then killed them and dismem-

***{Below is Page: 176 }***

     bered them.  He ate parts of his victims
     bodies...Dahmer was active in "gay rights" orga-
     nizations and had participated in "gay pride" pa-
     rades. Michael C. Buelow "Police Believe Suspect Killed
     17." The Oregonian, July 26, 1991, pages Al and A24.
     Also: Relative in Dahmer Case Sues." USA Today, Au-
     gust 6, 1991, page 3A. Also October 1991 Focus on the
     Family letter

{See Comment 176-1}
     Stephen Kraft: 16 Murders. ..killed at least 16
     young men after drugging, sodomizing and tor-
     turing. Robert L. Mauro. "The Nation's Leading Serial
     Killers." The Wanderer, October 31, 1991.

     William Bonin: 14 Murders...tortured and killed
     14 young men...had sex with his victims before
     and after they died. Robert L. Mauro. "The Nation s
     Leading Serial Killers." The Wanderer, October 31, 1991.


*** {start comment 176-1}
     The subject of heterosexual serial killers 
hasn't been thoroughly investigated. While some 
books list some of them, the number of 
heterosexual serial killers and mass murderers is 
so great that the data simply can't be found in a 
single place. A thorough investigation would 
require looking through a great number of 
newspapers for many cities and towns, large and 
small. While newspapers can't be guaranteed to 
report on all such crimes, they do tend to report 
them because of their sensational nature. However 
the reports might be confined to local papers.

     A cursory check of newspaper clippings 
disclosed the following heterosexual murderers for 
just the year 1995. Doubtless there were more not 
reported in the two newspapers (The Milwaukee 
Journal and The New York Times) that were checked:

     1/2/95          Frederick West, London 
England, killed 12 girls and women.

     5/17/95     Larry Hall, killed 4 women

     7/20/95     William Lester Suff, killed 12 

     8/25/95     Joel Rifkin, killed 17 women.

     And let's not forget heterosexual Timothy 
McVeigh, guilty of killing over 160 men, women, 
and children in the Olkahmoa City bombing.

     Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't active in any gay 
organizations. Extensive investigations by the 
Milwaukee Police Department found no such 
connection. Dahmer was known only from having been 
seen in gay bars, where he had a reputation as 
being weird. (See stories in Milwaukee 

     On another topic, the material below on 
Gaetan Dugas is misleading. Nobody knows how many 
people he infected with the AIDS virus, though he 
did have sex with many men.
*** {end comment 176-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

     In a spree of "gay-on-gay" violence not seen since Nazi Ger-
many, one homosexual man, Gaetan Dugas, was directly respon-
sible for killing over a thousand homosexual men by deliberately
infecting them with the AIDS virus. Indirectly he may be respon-
sible for tens of thousands, eventually perhaps hundreds of thou-
sands of AIDS deaths. One of the first known AIDS carriers,
Dugas was known as "Patient Zero" because he caused so many
of the earliest infections (Clowes:97). Even after his diagnosis
Dugas "justified his continued sodomy with the excuse that he
was free to do what he wanted with his own body. Even when he
was in the final stages of AIDS, he would have anonymous sex
with men in homosexual bathhouses, and then show his sexual
partners his purple Kaposi's Sarcoma blotches, saying, 'Gay can-
cer. Maybe you'll get it'" ("The Columbus of AIDS." National
Review, November 6, 1987:19).

***{Below is Page: 177 }***

               The Big Picture

     The connection between homosexualism and fascism is not
incidental. There have been several examples of this connection
in history (the Spartan Greeks and late empire Romans are the
best known). Because of its chronological nearness, though, and
the enormous amount of detailed information that we have about
German society before and during the war, it is the point of com-
parison we have for our own society. We have mentioned some
of the parallels, but we will now summarize and expand the list.
     Both societies had undergone a "sexual revolution." Cities
like Berlin and Munich were the capitals of every kind of sexual
deviancy and prostitution. In our own case, we have witnessed
the increase of teen sexual activity, the rapid spread of AIDS and
other sexually transmitted diseases, the steep rise in illegitimate
births, and of course, the aggressive promotion of homosexuality.
     It is notable that each country saw a rise of pseudo-science in
the service of the sexual revolution. In America, Alfred Kinsey
became a statistical apologist for adultery, homosexuality, and
autoeroticism, as well as a defender of pedophilia (Reisman and
Eichel, 1992). In this category also are homosexual scientists like
Simon LeVay, whose deeply flawed study on purportedly homo-
sexual brains (from corpses) is still used by homosexualists to
defend a hereditary hypothesis for the origin of homosexuality. In
post-Freudian Germany, Magnus Hirschfeld served as the "scien-
tific" advocate of the homosexual, though he made the fatal mis-
take of keeping documentation on the wrong subjects.
     Also in the wake of the sexual revolution, both countries saw
the serious emergence of homo-activism. In Germany, the homo-
sexual movement was split into two factions, of which the ma-
cho, militaristic Brand-Friedlander faction eventually won out,
earning the right to wield enormous power within the Third Reich
and crushing their effeminate opponents in the movement. The
U.S. movement has been, at least publicly, less fragmented, evolv-
ing from a softer, just-leave-us-alone focus to the aggressive strat-

***{Below is Page: 178 }***

egies of the post-Stonewall era, and building massive political and
private-sector support along the way.
     There are also many areas of similarity outside the domain of
sexual behavior. One of these is the resurgence of paganism in
each society. In Germany, the combination of fragments of east-
ern and medieval cult beliefs and made-over Norse mythology
resulted in the weird set of symbols and fantasies used by the
Nazis. In the U.S., the variety of post-60's occultic and humanis-
tic religion is even more remarkable.  From Scientology to
Satanism, the various cults and techniques make their claims and
boast their celebrity members.
     The rise of paganism would likely not have occurred in either
society had it not been for the declining authority of the Christian
Church. In Germany, one of the world's centers of scientific and
philosophical ferment during the 1800's, skepticism had been in-
troduced into the church and swiftly accepted by its congrega-
tions. In America, the process was much slower, due largely to
the deep Judeo-Christian roots of its social and political institu-
{See Comment 178-1}
tions, and to the country's relative geographic isolation. But the
nihilistic milieu created by the intelligentsia of 1930's America
accelerated the slow process of humanistic "conversion" among
the mainline denominations. The result was that the American
church by the 1970's was roughly similar to the German church
of pre-Nazi Germany, at least as far as its abandonment of Bibli-
cal doctrine goes. In the 1990's, some segments of the mainline
denominations have participated openly and voluntarily in pagan-
ism of the kind Hitler had to force on the German church. In a
"Re-Imagining" conference in Chicago in November of 1993, rep-
resentatives of several major Christian denominations participated
in a service of milk and honey offered to the "goddess Sophia,"
celebrated lesbian sexuality, and rejected the idea of the atone-
ment of Jesus Christ. The conference was funded to the tune of
$66,000 from the Bicentennial fund of the Presbyterian Church
(USA) and by 24 other Christian churches and organizations
(American Family Association Journal, February 1994: 14ff).

*** {start comment 178-1}
     The interesting and important thing here is 
the attack on non-fundamentalist religions. The 
Religious Right is attacking the gay community 
today, but that is only the first step, the "easy 
target" in its agenda. Sections such as this are 
useful in exposing The Pink Swastika and its 
authors for what they really want: to push one 
form of religion onto all people and make them all 
adhere to the specific doctrines advocated by the 
Religious Right.
*** {end comment 178-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

     Ideological and political conformity in the press is not new in

***{Below is Page: 179 }***

America, but rarely have we seen it on so many issues and from so
many media sources, and despite the obvious disagreement of a
majority of the public (as expressed in opinion polls and voting
trends) on many of these issues. To document this state of affairs
would require more space and time than we have to give to it in
this discussion. We simply appeal to the reader's own experience
of major-media bias over the past ten years, and point out that
such bias has surfaced, repeatedly and on many issues, as a major
concern in our society. In Germany, the parallel is hard to draw.
The homogeneity of Germany's media viewpoint was enforced
by Hitler's police. On the other hand, is not the long-range effect
on the public the same?
     Another area where the similarities are in kind rather than
degree is that of the manipulation of race/class conflict. Racism
is, of course, the hallmark of Nazism, as contrasted with its status
{See Comment 180-1}
as an obstacle to be overcome in the United States. Yet in the
past several years we have seen the ominous rise of a thing called
"multi-culturalism." Ostensibly introduced into public schools and
universities as a means of inculcating appreciation for minorities
and raising their group self-images, it has instead frequently been
used as a vehicle for making ethnic groups feel separate from and/
or victimized by what is usually referred to as the "dominant cul-
ture." David Horowitz describes the process of instilling racism
in the university setting:
     Our universities have become institutions that fo-
     ment racism...If you are a black student entering
     a university and you don't realize that you are ra-
     cially oppressed, the first thing that you will be
     told on entrance is that you are. You will be singled
     out for a special segregated orientation which will
     inform you that your non-black classmates are rac-
     ists even if only in "subtle" or unconscious ways.
     All other students will be forbidden to have segre-
     gated dorms, but the university will let you live
     exclusively with other members of your race... Of
***{Below is Page: 180 }***
     course, it may be hard to find genuine white rac-
     ists on your college campus but we will teach you
     how subtle forms of racism, and, in particular, "in-
     stitutional racism," are oppressing you, even if nei-
     ther you nor your white oppressors are aware of it
     (Horowitz in "The Growing Threat of Religious
     Discrimination: the Trends and the Law," The
     Rutherford Institute, 1995).

*** {start comment 180-1}
     Of course, neither the Pink Swastika author 
nor Mr. Horowitz seems to have noticed that one of 
the earliest and most common instances of "multi-
culturalism" is the addition of "Judeo" to 
"Christian" to form "Judeo-Christian."
*** {end comment 180-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

     At times, the "dominant culture" is portrayed as an objectifiable
subgroup (usually "European white males") which can then be
made to seem like a sort of enemy. Thus the traditional melting-
pot pattern for the assimilation of ethnic groups into the society
has been challenged. The goal would appear to be to create a
permanent set of culturally distinct and mutually suspicious eth-
nic groups rather than an ethnically heterogeneous but culturally
unified society. This serves the dual purpose of undermining suc-
cessfully integrated social institutions and giving a means of con-
trol to any political elite willing to exploit it. This is one of the
ways which the Nazis used the issue of race.
     It is significant that "gays" and lesbians are prominent in the
"multi-cultural" hierarchy. In political circles "multi-culturalism"
and "diversity" have become synonymous with "gay rights." The
authors contend that it is primarily the homosexualist movement,
not ethnic minority groups, which has advanced the multi-cul-
tural/diversity agenda, though political activists from these ethnic
groups derive great power from it. There is obvious benefit for
homosexualists in creating a society of "separate but equal" groups
with divergent values and practices. By establishing "cultural"
distinctiveness as the criteria for being a minority group,
homosexualists foster the perception that their behavior-based
identity equates to ethnic heritage for the purposes of civil rights
laws. By encouraging chauvinism in ethnic groups whose ances-
tral heritage is pagan they also cultivate antagonism to America's
traditional Judeo-Christian foundations (established in this coun-
try by "European white males").

***{Below is Page: 181 }***

     The result of this segregation is increasing social conflict. We
have seen a recent escalation of racial innuendo among politi-
cians, particularly around issues like welfare (treated as a mi-
norities" issue) which is perceived as a must-have feature of lib-
eral government (and which is also perceived as providing a large
and permanent voting bloc). In addition, the racial aspect of many
other issues (from illegal immigration to tax cuts) is often injected
into the debate by politicians or media commentators, obscuring
the issue and exacerbating any racial tensions that may have al-
ready existed. There is a vast gulf between America's racial strife
and the occult-based and relentless use of race hatred by the Na-
zis to isolate and control Germans. Yet in our own country, as in
any other, racial antagonism is not a healthy element to be culti-
vating on the political scene.
     A final point of comparison is the more subtle one of societal
willingness to surrender freedoms. We have mentioned the "speech
codes" put into place on many college campuses and some work-
places. Other Constitution-based freedoms have been targets as
well. Across the country there has been frequent gun-control
legislation and restriction of property rights, with little effective
public outcry. With declining literacy and knowledge of history
and current events, many Americans are not in a strong position
to know what their freedoms are or why they are important. We
have, as a society, calmly acquiesced to laws and public school
policies which allow adolescent girls to be taken to abortion clin-
ics and to receive abortions without the knowledge of their par-
ents. Still other laws allow sexually confused teenagers to re-
ceive pro-"gay" counseling, also without parental knowledge. All
these attitudes and behaviors characterize us a people with no
strongly perceived stake in the freedoms and responsibilities which
have been almost unique in our nation. It is no surprise that the
pre-Nazi Germans, with their deep roots in the military monarchic
state, should be willing to trade most of their freedom for order in
their society and the promise of prosperity and national pride.
But in America, we are without excuse.
     We make no claim that because of these parallels German

***{Below is Page: 182 }***

society of the '30's and modern America are the same. Obviously
they are not, but this makes the similarities all the more striking.
There is one especially significant difference that helps to make
this point. During the period when Hitler and his supporters were
seizing and consolidating their power, the United States was un-
dergoing a crisis much like that through which Germany had been
passing since World War I. The Great Depression at its height
saw 35% of Americans without work; the worst figure in Ger-
many after the war was (to the best of our reckoning) under 20%
(Grunberger: 11; League of Nations International Health Year-
book: 11).
     On top of the Depression in the U.S., the droughts of 1934
and 1936 brought untold misery to mid-western and south-west-
ern farmers; Germany had no such natural disaster. Germany had
been through a humiliating military defeat, a socialist revolution,
and political and economic turmoil under the Weimar Republic;
America's political and social scene had been much more stable.
But for millions of Americans, life became a day-to-day hunt for
subsistence, no longer a gracious or comfortable existence with
bright future prospects. For many, too, there would be no easy
trust of their government or their country's economy for many
years. The emotional climate of both countries was...depression.
     Yet the response of the people of each country could not have
been more different.  In Germany, vice sprang up almost un-
checked; people turned to sensuality and substance abuse to es-
cape their mental state; racial scapegoating caught on; occultism
(and the racist nationalism it spawned) attracted many; still others
turned to military groups (the Freikorps), brawls and violence.
nihilism and skepticism reigned.
     In the U.S., however, family members turned to each other
for strength, communities pulled together, helping hands were
extended and self-reliance and resourcefulness blossomed. Faith
was renewed, and many people went back to church. Long be-
fore government assistance programs were tried, people were not
starving or without options. They found a way. In a wonderful

***{Below is Page: 183 }***

collection of Depression-era reminiscences, We Had Everything
But Money, Clancy Strock has gathered hundreds of quotes like
the following:

     "Folks would have preferred to starve than ask for
     help from the town" (Strock: 19).

     "...we never felt we were suffering" (ibid.: 16).

     "There were some good learning experiences to
     be had..." (ibid.:17).

     "... many used their resources to help those who
     were less fortunate" (ibid.: 12).

     "... money means nothing compared to decency and
     character" (ibid. :22).

     "I learned several lessons.. that have stayed with
     me... keep your pride, be grateful for gifts, and use
     your initiative and skills to provide for your fam-
     ily" (ibid.:23).

     "There may have been a shortage of money, but
     there was never a shortage of love and caring..."

     "I'll never forget those years: neighbors helping
     neighbors, sharing whatever good fortune came
     their way; doctors rendering service regardless of
     patients' finances; and worship with friends whose
     faith far outdistanced their troubles" (ibid. :26).
     "The Depression was terrible in some ways, but it
     taught Americans a better way to live" (ibid.:31).

***{Below is Page: 184 }***

[And this excerpt from a humorous piece, written
in the early 30's by a Texas man:] "I like the De-
pression. Three years ago I never had time to go
to church. I played checkers or baseball all day
Sunday. Besides, there wasn't a preacher in Texas
who could tell me anything. If the Depression
keeps on, I will be going to prayer meetings be-
fore too long. Oh yes! I like the Depression!"
(ibid. :34).

{See Comment 184-1}
     America emerged stronger from its 10-odd years of depres-
sion; Germany emerged into barbarism and the chains of slavery.
America came out confident and morally renewed, ready to pass
another severe test of her strength and will; Germany burned her-
self out on the pyre of race hatred, occultic fantasy and selfish
nationalism. Why did the two countries react so differently?

*** {start comment 184-1}
     The entire account of German and American 
history on these pages is a fanciful fairy tale.
*** {end comment 184-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Skip Forward     Table of Contents

     For the answer we return to Kirk's and Pill's 1987 strategy
for "transforming America." Remember their keyword: desensi-
tization. They define "desensitization" as taking away the shock
value of something shocking and abhorrent by repeated expo-
sure, as "helping" people see that thing without emotion, as "low-
ering [peoples'] guard." In our generation the "desensitizing" of
America has proceeded on many fronts, accelerating as it goes,
and helped on by instant access to a nationwide communications
market. But it is our contention that the "desensitizing" of the
Depression-era Americans would not have gone so smoothly; these
were people who knew that the source of their strength was their
value system and the faith which backed it up. And they stuck
together; standing by their families, their neighbors and even total
     The Germans of the Weimar Republic, however, were con-
tinually off-balance. Their values had been disrupted many times.
"[I]f anything," writes culture historian Peter Gay, "Weimar en-
joyed too many ideas, variegated, mutually (and sometimes inter-
nally) contradictory, unanalyzed and often unanalyzable" (Gay:80).
The Christian church had already been undermined to the point

***{Below is Page: 185 }***

that theologian Karl Barth called it "And-Also-Christianity," an
optional add-on to the other belief systems which flourished in
Germany. Social structures, notably the family, were crumbling.
     We know that pre-Nazi marriage and family patterns had been
disrupted by World War I (there were no husbands for 25% of
marriage-age women), and that both the birth rate and the mar-
riage rate were falling steadily. This was a source of consterna-
tion to the eugenically obsessive Nazis. An even more chilling
statistic is the annual average of abortions in the years before 1933:
an estimated two-fifths of all babies conceived in Germany
(Grunberger:262). We can infer even more from the evolution of
the German family under the Nazis. It quickly became evident
that the family was of little value to its Nazi protectors" except
as a source of children (preferably male). "By the mid-thirties."
writes Grunberger, "a eugenic lobby of Party spokesmen and law-
yers was stressing the genetic wastefulness of allowing [barren]
marriages to continue   (ibid. :259). This policy soon progressed
to outright encouragement of sexual promiscuity (including adul -
tery and divorce for the purpose of selecting a new mate) and
illegitimacy, culminating in Himmler's Lebensborn program. While
something of the procreative shell of the family was left intact, its
character as a secure nurturing and caring unit was not: "{w}ith
parents fearful of being denounced by their children or having
family talk innocently regurgitated in public, dialogue between
the generations dwindled further" (ibid. :263). These radical
changes to the family could not have happened so rapidly without
the groundwork having been laid before the Nazis came to power.
     It is apparent that the post-World War I Germans did not have
the solid base of faith and family that 1930's Americans had to see
them through the period of turmoil. As such, their guard was
already down. There is a political factor to consider as well. The
Americans of the Depression were a mere two or three genera-
tions (at most) from the period of westward migration and of
massive immigration from Europe. Both pioneers and immigrants
were people who did not underestimate the value of freedom, nor
the weight of its corollary responsibility. While their Depression-

***{Below is Page: 186 }***

era descendants may have appreciated the government's attempts
to bring relief, they remembered that the responsibility for their
families' survival was theirs alone, and they did not wait for solu-
tions from their leadership. In Germany there was no such tradi-
tion of independence and self-reliance; people were willing to fol-
low whatever leader seemed destined to take command.
     Under turbulent circumstances a society whose guard is al-
ready down can be "transformed" (as Kirk and Pill describe it)
even to the altering of some of its most deeply-rooted ideas. Nazi
Germany is certainly the laboratory example of this. During a
remarkably few years, Germans were "helped" to see without
strong emotion the violent removal and killing of their friends and
neighbors, the utter loss of their freedom of speech (and, if it
were possible, thought), and the corruption of their children. Even
their reproductive behavior came under Hitler's control. Here is
a case where "desensitization" worked, and worked remarkably
well. Perhaps we can take one issue out of the many about which
the German people's ideas were changed, and follow its course in
the Third Reich.
     This issue is the Germans' attitude about the protection of
human life. We can assume that the Great War had done much to
"desensitize" people towards death; it had become, certainly not
insignificant, but at least commonplace. The years following the
war saw the massive numbers of abortions mentioned above, and
the serious decline in births. This trend is in stark contrast to say,
the behavior of Americans after World War II, when the "Baby
Boom" began. The German suicide rate was double that of En-
gland by 1936 (Grunberger:244) and had been significantly higher
{See Comment 187-1}
than England's even before the Nazis. One of the very first laws
passed by the newly empowered Nazi regime, in July, 1933, was
the "Law for the Protection of Progeny of Hereditary Disease."
"Indeed," states an article from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette,
"this act was no great departure from the medicine that was being
practiced during the Weimar Republic...this law had been drafted
under that government" (Arkansas Democrat Gazette, quoted in
Life Advocate, February, 1994). This and other laws provided
***{Below is Page: 187 }***
for thousands of cases of compulsory sterilization, abortion and,
as the Germans liked to call it, "mercy killing." With all these
evidences of widely accepted killing going on, it becomes less
difficult to see how the Germans could implacably watch their
neighbors being loaded onto cattle cars, never to return, or how
they could live in the shadow of a crematorium.

*** {start comment 187-1}
     The ignorance of the Pink Swastika author 
never ceases to astound. The Nazis didn't load 
anybody in Germany, not even Jews, into cattle 
cars. As Steiner relates in his book Treblinka, 
cited elsewhere by the Pink Swastika author, 
German Jews were treated with deceptive decency 
when they were finally transported to the east, 
given rides in regular railway passenger coaches. 
Nor did they live in the "shadows," of crematoria, 
for the death camps were located in Poland and 
other occupied countries far from Germany.

     No attempt has been made to comment 
systematically on the distorted history in this 
section of The Pink Swastika. It should be noted 
that very few of the "facts" presented have any 
citations attached to them. They are simply 
products of day-dreaming and falsification of 
history to promote the "good old days" agenda of 
the Religious Right.
*** {end comment 187-1}
Read the Same Text Again     Back to Home Page     Table of Contents

     Such is the process of "desensitization." However abhorrent
are the human attitudes which represent its end-products, we must
remember that these attitudes came into existence by means of
the "slippery slope." In the dubious euphemism of Kirk and Pill,
someone had to "[f]irst let the camel get his nose inside the tent
- and only later his unsightly derriere!" (Kirk and Pill:8). Soon
after the election of Bill Clinton, we became aware that the sine
qua non of his administration was the aggressive promotion of
homosexuality ("gays in the military," large numbers of homo-
sexual bureaucratic appointments) and abortion (strict laws against
pro-life protests, approval of fetal tissue research, the FBI pursuit
of rescue groups, etc.). This abandonment of traditional values
was chillingly symbolized by a single event, a "first-ever Gay In-
augural Ball, held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.
[where] a crowd of seventeen hundred gays and lesbians" gath-
ered to celebrate Clinton's victory. "The Great Seal of the United
States, redesigned for the occasion with a pink triangle embla-
zoned over the American Eagle, gazed down from above the stage"
(Miller:527) (emphasis ours).
     Of the homosexual promotion items, only "gays in the mili-
tary" drew much public protest, while the many and vigorous pro-
abortion measures drew no response at all, other than from the
pro-life and Christian activist groups which had been vocal on the
issue all along. In view of the resounding public silence (though
surveys continue to show that most Americans are pro-life), the
following incident, reported in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette,
is revealing:

     Note, for example, some testimony from...Joycelyn
     Elders, now surgeon general of the United States.

***{Below is Page: 188 }***

     before the Senate Labor and Human Resources
     Committee when it was considering the Freedom
     of Choice Act [FOCA]. During that appearance,
     Dr. Elders explained that "abortion has had an
     important, and positive, public health effect."
     Well, she told the committee:
     "...the numbers of Downs syndrome infants in
     Washington State in 1976 was 64% lower than it
     would have been without legal abortion" (Arkan-
     sas Democrat Gazette, quoted in Life Advocate,
     February, 1994).

     It would be hard to justify this type of advocacy as anything
but "eugenics," that false science of the "purification" of the hu-
man race which so greatly fascinated the intelligentsia of the early
1900's, which provided the base for the entire Nazi experiment,
and which we are now being asked to accept as the official dictum
of the U.S. government (there was, as far as we know, no adverse
comment on this statement from Clinton, and other than the Ar-
kansas Democrat Gazette column, none from the media either).
Once again, it is a case of our guard being down.
     When abortion was first marketed as a political issue, it was
touted as a "remedy" for the evils of rape and incest. However, it
quickly became accepted as a form of birth control, a means of
sex selection and (as seen above) a "public health" measure to
purge perceived "defective" individuals from the population. In
the past year, Oregon has become the first U.S. state to legalize
"assisted suicide." The same type of law allowed 11,800 people
(9% of all deaths) in the Netherlands to be deliberately killed by
medical means in 1990. Of these, only 2700 were assisted sui-
cides at the request of the patient. The remainder were deliber-
ately killed, but not at the patient's immediate request. In fact,
many of these patients had "never given any indication that they
wanted their lives terminated under these circumstances" (Eter
nal Perspectives, November/December, 1994:2f). Again, we note
***{Below is Page: 189 }***

a bizarre link between Nazi Germany and the leading proponent
of "assisted suicide" in the U.S.:

     "Dr. Death" Jack Kevorkian, better known as the
     nation's chief advocate of doctor-assisted suicide,
     reportedly tried to organize an exhibit of Adolf
     Hitler's paintings in 1986 but was turned down.
     Kevorkian, in a pitch to a major Houston art col-
     lector with a sizable collection of Hitler paintings,
     wrote that the exhibit would be a "once in a life-
     time opportunity' (Dateline World Jewry, August,

     The United States has had the proponents of such policies as
those advocated by Dr. Elders working mightily in its midst be-
fore. In the early part of this century, Margaret Sanger, founder
of Planned Parenthood, attempted to spread the philosophy of
eugenics in America. She planned "to eliminate the stocks" that
threatened "the future of the race," "the defective and diseased
elements of humanity in their reckless and irresponsible swarming
and spawning" (Sanger: 115ff.). George 
 describes her sym-
pathies for the early Nazis:

     Because of her Malthusian and Eugenic connec-
     tions, she had become closely associated with the
     scientists and theorists who put together Nazi
     Germany's "race purification" program. She had
     openly endorsed the euthanasia, sterilization, abor-
     tion, and infanticide programs of the early Reich.
     She published a number of articles in the Birth
     Control Review that mirrored Hitler's Aryan-White
     Supremacist rhetoric. She even commissioned Dr.
     Ernst Rudin, the director of the Nazi Medical Ex-
     permentation program, to write for The Review
     himself(Grant, 1988:57).

***{Below is Page: 190 }***

     But Sanger's ideas were resisted by the American public, even
by the press, and she ended up by having to whitewash her orga-
nization and hide her radical agenda behind the more acceptable
goal of "family planning" (the organization, of course, being
Planned Parenthood, now the leading abortion provider in the
U.S.). It was the same period in American history that led up to
the Depression, and America's guard was up. There was an abun-
dance of radicals on all political and social fronts during this pe-
riod -- Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, the Ku Klux Klan, even
some of the same occult groups that flourished in Germany -- but
they remained fringe groups. Americans were tolerant of free
speech, they sometimes paid polite attention, but they kept their
distance. Not so today.
     We have deliberately strayed from the topic of Nazism and
homosexualism in order to get a wide-lens view of our own rap-
idly changing moral landscape. We have seen that in pre-Nazi
Germany, as well as in our own present society, there was/is moral
turbulence. We have shown that in both cases, the moral turbu-
lence was nurtured and fostered by those fringe groups, particu-
larly homosexuals, who stand to gain from the society's loss or
compromise of Judeo-Christian principles. And we have further
shown that these groups tend to attack a society's values through
a phased (though often rapid) process of "desensitization," and
that the success of the attack depends on the degree to which the
society has intact Judeo-Christian values and beliefs (one could
certainly say that Hitler's Germany or modern day Soviet Russia
had intact values and beliefs, yet these societies were highly vul-
nerable to devastating social change).
     By this criterion, American society is wide open to many ap-
palling forms of "desensitization;" a recent NARTH publication
describes "our society's diminished capacity to distinguish healthy
from unhealthy behaviors,...the new form of deviance is intoler-
ance for deviance" (NARTH Bulletin, March, 1994). We can use
the analogy of the person who has been given so much Novocain
that he can't tell when he bites his tongue. An already apparent
example of this is our "desensitization to divorce in the '60's. It

***{Below is Page: 191 }***

has taken three decades of escalating divorce rates, but we now
realize that divorce has hurt, or perhaps crippled our society. In-
terestingly enough, Kirk and Pill use divorce as an example of
something that has already been successfully "sold" by a strategy
like theirs:

     Such an unholy alliance [pseudo-science combined
     with public opinion] has worked well against
     churches before, on such topics as divorce and
     abortion (Kirk and Pill:9)

     Notice that Kirk and Pill are values-neutral on divorce and
abortion; it is of no importance whether divorce and abortion are
harmful to the society, they are simply examples of viable issues
which have been "end-runs" around the church. This is the hall-
mark of any special interest group which operates without a Judeo-
Christian base: it is, by definition, self-interested; it wants what is
good for itself, period. We have mentioned some of the elements
of the homosexual agenda we are currently being "desensitized"
to accept: the right of homosexuals to be Scout leaders, the low-
ering of age of consent to allow "intergenerational sex," the right
of homosexual couples or groups to have equal status, in all re-
spects, with traditional families and to adopt children. It would
seem obvious that all of these proposals are severely harmful to
our society, especially to its children, yet each one has its own
aggressive campaign, and major victories have already been won
in each campaign.
     Why are we accepting "desensitization" to things that most of
us recognize as patently harmful, even in the short-term? Cer-
tainly one answer is the successful use of the victim-plunder strat-
egy by fringe groups. In the case of the offensive elements of the
homosexual agenda mentioned above, it goes like this: "Poor us,
can't you just allow us a little bit of happiness, can't you just let us
live as a family, like everybody else, and have our own children?"
And, weirdly, in a society that has lost its moorings, it often works.
But in the case of giving one's children into the hands of homo-

***{Below is Page: 192 }***

sexual Scout leaders, this tactic is largely useless. How do homo-
sexualists get us to lower our guard on this? This is a hard one to
understand, but we think it has to do with fear and denial. Alas,
the most radical of the advocates of liberal social engineering have
discovered that they can't get much done without fear. Remem-
ber Kirk's and Pill's arrogant goal of "replacing the mainstream's
self-righteous pride.. with shame and guilt" (Kirk and Pill: 10).
The word "fear" substitutes nicely in practice, and the practice
entails a wide variety of punishments which the more active ho-
mosexualists have employed, from compulsory "diversity train-
ing" or fines for speech infractions on campuses, to lawsuits, to
public vilification in the media, to actual violence. Fear, of course,
is helped on by our own avoidance of the issue, just as it was in
Nazi Germany. The fact remains, however, that as yet we have no
SA troops to legitimize our fear, and we have many reasons not
to avoid the issue.
     We have not proposed any solutions to the problem of this
book, which may be stated thus: in a morally turbulent society,
where self-interested fringe groups are politically active, harmful
institutions will be introduced into society as its Judeo-Christian
values are rendered ineffective. Divorce, for example, pushing
aside the Judeo-Christian value of commitment to a faithful, life-
long marriage, has given us its harmful by-products: poverty, ju-
venile criminal behavior, deterioration of parent-child relationships
in the next generation, and much more. Abortion, pushing aside
the value of the sanctity of life, has given us post-abortion trauma,
less possibility of committed marriages, more rationale for child
abuse, more alienation between parents and children, and much
more. Nazi Germany, like all sick societies, had these harmful
institutions (although, of course, its abortions were reserved for
the "unfit") and many others. And it had homosexual influence
through and through (though, of course, it ended up being just as
cruel to some homosexuals as it was "beneficial" to others).
     It is the big picture that should interest us, the portrait of the
sick society with all its symptoms. In Nazi Germany, the sickness
was terminal, and it harmed the whole world. The infectious power

***{Below is Page: 193 }***

of a large and sick nation is even greater today.
     The prominent anti-Nazi, Reverend Martin Niemoller, warns
us about the danger of self-centeredness in the face of evil:

     First they came for the socialists, and I did not
     speak out -- because I was not a socialist. Then
     they came for the trade-unionists, and I did not
     speak out -- because I was not a trade unionist.
     Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak
     out -- because I was not a Jew. Then they came
     for me --and there was no one left to speak for me
     (Berenbaum :41).

     This denunciation of standing on the sidelines is often used by
the fringe groups who aspire to victim status in our society. The
implication is, "it is in your self-interest to take up my cause as a
victim, because even though my cause may be alien to you, you
have your own special interest, and therefore you are likely to
become a victim, too." The special-interest mentality appeals to
people's basic selfishness, since it cannot appeal, as Pastor
Niemoller did, to a shared knowledge of what is right.
     We think that the German pastor's statement has much to do
with our courage as a free people who do often still agree on
what is right. We can stand on the sidelines and watch our values
and social institutions being attacked and destroyed, one after the
other. We can be cowed into foolish silence by the threat of name-
calling, blacklisting, or some other imagined reprisal. Or we can
resolve to stand for the things we still believe in, as Alan Keyes,
the brilliant spokesman for moral renewal in America, says, "few
or many, alone if we must."
     Ultimately, the responsibility for America's social health (and
for any calamity caused by its decline) lies with each one of us
individually. No despot or despotic policy can withstand the col-
lective will of citizens determined to preserve their liberty and its
essential foundation. Those of us who have retained our Judeo-
Christian perspective and are educated about its historic roots in

***{Below is Page: 194 }***

American culture and government have the greatest responsibil-
ity. It falls upon us, Davids against Goliaths, to counter the pa-
ganistic juggernaut that now drives so much of our public educa-
tional system, our news and entertainment media, and sadly, too
many of our "mainstream Christian" and "Jewish" churches and
     Our vision for America is a Judeo-Christian renewal: families
strengthened, not weakened, by popular culture; the marriage
covenant reaffirmed as a life-long spiritually-grounded commit-
ment, not a tenuous social contract; and our freedoms defined,
not by how selfish and perverted we can be within the law, but by
our willingness to accept personal self-restraint for the good of
others. This is what the Judeo-Christian ideal has always been
and our nation (and Western civilization) has prospered to the
extent that this ideal has been embodied in our social policies.
     The homosexualist vision for America is also the same as it
has always been. It is, characteristically, selfish and hedonistic,
but more importantly it is defined by what it is against: Judeo-
Christian family-based society. This vision is best defined in a
widely circulated satirical essay written by a homosexualist under
the pseudonym "Michael Swift" (probably to remind us of the
political satire of Jonathan Swift). Though the writer intends to
discredit this view of the homosexual agenda, its very eloquence
(in the context of our study) belies this attempt. Echoing from
the ancient Spartan culture, from the Teutons, from the Knights
Templar; from the SA under Ernst Roehm, and now from the
American "gay rights" movement comes this, our final glimpse
into the fascist heart of homosexualism:

          This essay is outre, madness, a tragic, cruel fan-
     tasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the op-
     pressed dream of being the oppressor.
          We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your
     feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and
     vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools
     [Project 10], in your dormitories [forced homo-

***{Below is Page: 194 }***

     sexual roommates], in your gymnasiums, in your
     locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your semi-
     naries, in your youth groups [Wandervogel, Boy
     Scouts], in your movie theater bathrooms, in your
     army bunkhouses ["gays in the military"], in your
     truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses
     of Congress, wherever men are with men together.
     Your sons will become our minions and do our
     bidding. They will be recast in our image. They
     will come to crave and adore us.
          Women, you cry for your freedom. You say
     you are no longer satisfied with men, they make
     you unhappy [lesbian separatist movement]. We,
     connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine
     physique, shall take your men from you then. We
     will amuse them, we will embrace them when they
     weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each
     other instead of men. Then go ahead and be with
     each other. We shall give your men pleasures they
     have never known because we are foremost men
     too and only one man knows how to truly please
     another man; only one man can understand with
     depth and feeling the mind and body of another
          All laws banning homosexual activity will be
     revoked [anti-discrimination ordinances, minority
     status based on homosexuality]. Instead legisla-
     tion shall be passed which engenders love between
     men [graphic "progay" sex/AIDS education, man-
     datory "sensitivity training"]
          All homosexuals must stand together as broth-
     ers; we must be united artistically, philosophically,
     socially, politically and financially [the muli {sic}-fac-
     eted and powerful "gay rights" movement]. We
     will triumph only when we present a common face

***{Below is Page: 196 }***

     to the vicious heterosexual enemy [suppression of
     internecine conflicts and other negative informa-
     tion about homosexuals by the homosexualist
     dominated media].
          If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we
     will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile
     your dead puny bodies [speech codes, fines].
          We shall write poems of the love between men;
     we shall stage plays in which man openly caress {sic}
     man [Bent and a multitude of others]; we will make
     films about the love between heroic men which
     will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, in-
     sipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently
     dominating your cinema screens [Hollywood pro-
     motion of homosexual "love-making" and of the
     "gay rights" agenda in movies and television]. We
     shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold
     athletes which will be placed in your parks, your
     squares, your plazas [public funding of homosexual
     pornography by the National Endowment for the
     Arts, National Public Broadcasting Service]. The
     museums of the world will be filled only with the
     paintings of graceful, naked lads.
          Our writers will make love between men fash-
     ionable and de rigeur, and we will succeed because
     we are adept at setting styles [invention of "gay-
     speak" --"gay," "homophobia," "diversity"]. We
     will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage
     of the devices of wit and ridicule which we are
     skilled in employing.
          We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who
     masquerade as heterosexuals [outing]. You will
     be shocked and frightened when you learn that your
     presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your
     senators, your mayors, your generals, your

***{Below is Page: 197 }***

     athletes, your film stars, your television personali-
     ties, your civic leaders, your priests are not the
     safe, familiar bourgeois, heterosexual figures you
     assumed them to be. We are everywhere [a com-
     nonly used bumper-sticker] we have infiltrated
     your ranks [strategic "surprise" announcements by
     "conservative" homosexuals, e.g. Mel White,
     former ghostwriter for Christian leaders]. Be care-
     ful when you speak of homosexuals because we
     are always among you; we may be sitting across
     the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same
     bed with you.
          There will be no compromises. We are not
     middle class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are
     the natural aristocrats of the human race, and
     steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less
     [Brand/Friedlander]. Those who oppose us will
     be exiled [the "Femmes"}.
          We shall raise vast, private armies, as Mishima
     did, to defeat you [Rossbach and Roehm, Frederick
     the Greatj. We shall conquer the world because
     warriors inspired by and banded together by ho-
     mosexual love and honor are invincible as were
     the ancient Greek soldiers [Plato's Banquet].
          The family unit -- spawning ground of lies, be-
     trayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence -- will
     be abolished [homosexual "marriage" and adop-
     tion. The family unit, which only dampens imagi-
     nation and curbs free will, must be eliminated
     [Plato's Republic}. Perfect boys will be conceived
     and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be
     bonded together in communal setting, under the
     control and instruction of homosexual savants
     [Sparta, Thebes and Crete].
          All churches who condemn us will be closed

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     [attacks on the McIlhennys, St. Patrick's Cathe-
     dral]. Our only gods are handsome young men.
     We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic.
     All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihi-
     lated [Kummerlings]. Since we are alienated from
     middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free
     to live our lives according to the dictates of the
     pure imagination [Nietzsche, Hitler]. For us too
     much is not enough.
          The exquisite society to emerge will be gov-
     erned by an elite comprised of gay poets [Adolf
     Brand, Stefan George, Plato's "philosopher-
     kings"]. One of the major requirements for a po-
     sition of power in the new society will be indul-
     gence in the Greek passion [pederasty]. Any man
     contaminated with heterosexual lust will be auto-
     matically barred from a position of influence [SA
     leadership]. All males who insist on remaining stu-
     pidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual
     courts of justice and will become invisible men.
          We shall rewrite history [Holocaust revisionism,
     extravagant claims that historical figures (like Lin-
     coln) were homosexual], history filled and debased
     with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We
     shall portray the homosexuality of great leaders
     and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will
     demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence
     and imagination are inextricably linked, and that
     homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility,
     true beauty in a man [Hans Blueher].
          We shall be victorious because we are filled with
     the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have
     been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your
     dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages
     [victim-plunder strategy]. We too are capable of

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     firing guns and manning the barricades of the ulti-
     mate revolution [ACT-UP, Queer Nation, blood
          Tremble, hetero swine, when we 4~pear be-
     fore you without our masks.

     (By Michael Swift, "Gay Revolutionary." Reprinted from
     The Congressional Record. First printed in Gay Commu-
     nity News, February 15-21, 1987).


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