







 Course: Computer Programming

 Type: Computer Science Core

 Credit Hours: 4

 Semester: Spring 2001




Course Outline


  1. Object Oriented Design
    1. Basic Concepts, Classes, Objects and Interfaces
  2. Java Language
    1. Introduction to JDK
    2. Installing and using JDK
    3. JDK Tools
  3. Writing Java Programs
  4. Data Types and other Tokens
  5. Basic I/O Operations
  6. Methods
  7. Expressions
  8. Control Flow
  9. Classes and Interfaces in detail
  10. Packages and their usage
  11. Exceptions
  12. Threads
  13. Applets v Applications
  14. User Interface
    1. Event Models
    2. Layout Managers
    3. Some Common Components
    4. Java Swing
  15. Files and Streams


Text Books


  1. Joseph L. Weber, "Special Edition using Java 2 Platform", QUE Publishers, 1998
  2. Mary Compione and Kathy Walrath, "2. Java Tutorial, Object Oriented Programming for the Internet", Addison-Wisley







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