







 Course: Computer Graphics & HCI

 Type: Computer Science Elective

 Credit Hours: 4

 Semester: Fall 2003




Course Outline

  1. Introduction

    1. History of Computer Graphics

    2. Graphical Hardware: Video displays and memory planes

    3. Line Algorithms (DDA)

    4. Bresenham Algorithm

  2. Rendering and Bitmaps

  3. 2D Graphics

    1. 2D Transformations

    2. Composite Transformations

    3. Homogeneous Transformations

    4. Reflection Matrix

    5. Local and Global Coordinates

    6. 2D translations and rotations

  4. Object Oriented Graphics

  5. Graphics Pipeline

  6. 3D Graphics

    1. 3D Viewing Transformations

    2. 3D Projection - Parallel

    3. 3D Projection - Prospective

    4. Back Face Detection

    5. Depth Sorting, z-Buffer

    6. 3D Meshes

    7. Polygon Tables

    8. Light Sources, Material Properties

    9. Surfaces

    10. Shading and Illumination

    11. Texture Mapping, Environment Mapping

    12. Reflection Models

    13. Ray Tracing and Radiosity

    14. Clipping - Cohen Sutherland

    15. Curved Surfaces

  7. Real time Graphics/Animation

  8. Games Development

  9. Image Processing

  10. Human Computer Interaction

Text Book

  1. Hearn and Baker, "Computer Graphics", Prentice-Hall

  2. Foley & Van Dam, "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics"


  1. Sprite Animation

  2. Polygon Editor

  3. 3D World and Hidden Surfaces






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