Course: Computer Architecture
Type: Electrical Engineering Core
Credit Hours: 3
Semester: Spring 2002
Course Outline
Introduction to Microcomputer
Microcomputer architecture and the system bus
Von Neumann v Harvard architecture
Program execution: CPU, ALU, Registers, Control Unit
Instruction Set Design/Architecture
Single, multiple and general register design/machines
Operations in instruction set
Instruction type/size
Operand types
Instruction Format
Addressing Modes
Register design of 8/16/32 bit microprocessors
Processor Implementation Techniques
Control Unit design, data and control path, Control Unit I/O signals
Register types, user/special registers and their functions, data manipulation
Multiplier/Divider implementation, co-processor unit, status/flag register
ALU, Control and Command Register
Hardwired/Micro programmed approaches to Control Unit design
RTL Notation
Control Unit Design Implementation
Micro programmed Control Unit, Control ROM, micro program, sequencer
Read/Write Cycle, Access Time, Wait States
Memory v I/O Space, I/O Memory signal, Memory mapped v direct mapped devices
Full/Partial address decoding scheme, implementations, merits/demerits
Memory Interleaving, Memory Banks, Memory Bandwidth, SIMMs, DIMMs
Peripheral devices, I/O interface chips, device/controller data transfer
Data transfer through strobe signals, handshake signals, data transfer to
multiple devices, GPIB 3-signal handshaking/protocol, device drivers
Interrupts, interrupt based I/O, interrupt recognition mechanism
ISR execution, return address, saving status flags, registers and processor
state, vectored interrupts, auto-vectored interrupts
Multiple interrupts, Non-maskable and maskable interrupts, 8259 interrupt
EISA, VL and PCI Bus, PCI bus throughput, multiple master support, burst
transfers, bus signal transmission, parameters defining bus performance
Parallel Port, Port signals, Port registers/addresses, Parallel port timing,
Interrupt/Polled operation, Parallel port operating modes
Serial Port, Baud Rate, Asynchronous data transfer, frame, start, stop, parity
bit, character size, sampling and synchronization, Synchronous data transfer,
UART interface with system bus
Bus Arbitration
Bus arbitration/contention, Parallel/Serial Scheme, Centralized/Distributed
scheme, Fixed/Dynamic Priority
DMAC Controller, DMAC configuration and initialization
DMA page register, page boundary, transfer modes
Memory Hierarchy
Principles of memory hierarchy, cache, principle of locality of reference, Cache
organization, cache hit, cache miss
Write through, write back, write around schemes, dirty bit
Fully Associative, Direct Mapped, Set Associative scheme
Bus Snooping
Disk cache
Pipelining, Vector Machines, RISC Machines
Pipelining, Pipeline throughput, machine cycles
Pipeline Hazards: pipeline stalls, structural, data and control hazards
Pipelining of functional units
Vector Architecture, vector performance
RISC Architecture, RISC performance
Text Books
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture", Macmillan