OS-513 -- Introduction To Defense Acquisition



513.1 Comprehend the current Department of Defense (DOD) weapon system acquisition process.

513.11 Explain how the requirements process influences the acquisition process [SAE 14].

Requirements generation is a necessary first step in the three major decision making support systems of the acquisition process (Requirements Generation System, Acquisition Management System, and the Planning, Programming & Budgeting System). Prior to initiation of the Acquisition Management System, mission needs (warfighting deficiencies and/or technological opportunities, i.e. requirements) are identified through mission area assessments of current and projected capabilities.

Nothing is procured without documented needs/requirements.

513.12 Explain the DOD Acquisition System.

This acquisition process is an extension of the National Security Policy.

It provides a method of translating mission needs into a well-defined, system-specific requirement.


513.13 Describe the actors that compose the current acquisition process.

- There are several players in the acquisition process. Some are military, government, and some are commercial actors. Here is a lsit of the major players.

The Defense Industry

Program Manager

Military Services and Ultimate Users

Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)


513.14 Define the relationship of key activities and decision milestones to each phase of the DOD acquisition process.

- Issue Milestone 0 acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) and subsequent Program Management Directive (PMD)

- Initiates Phase 0

- Appropriate authority approves use of short term concept studies be undertaken

Establishes Phase 0 exit criteria

- Initial phase of the acq process

- Emphasis is on paper studies of alternative approaches to fulfill MNS

- Initial ORD. Acq Strategy, and initial Acq Program Baseline (APB), and Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) Objective, are prepared

-- Acq Strategy: provides info essential for future milestone decisions. Focuses on events, linking contractual goals and milestone decisions with development and testing.

-- APB: identifies initial proposed cost, schedule, performance and support parameters

- Milestone I approval begins a new acquisition program

- At this time, acquisition strategy is approved, as well as Cost as an Independent variable objectives, and initial APB

- Phase I exit criteria is established

- Most promising solutions identified during Phase 0 are further explored

- SPO manning is increased and integrated Product Team (IPT) is established, dedicated to this acquisition

- Objective of this phase are to prove critical technologies and processes; better define system characteristics and capabilities; establish proposed development baseline containing a better cost, schedule and performance estimates; identify preferred systems or best solution to identified need

- Prototyping and testing and evaluations are used to demo and validate the concept

- Process of Milestone approval similar to Milestone I

- Appropriate approval authority approves acquisition strategy, CAIV objectives, and APR

- All the documents will likely be updated based on what has occurred during Phase I

- Phase II exit criteria is established

- Objectives are to

-- Translate design approach from previous phase into a stable system design

-- Validate the manufacturing process

-- Demonstrate the system produced will meet specifications, satisfy minimum acceptable operational performance factors

- Amount of resources (money and personnel) increases dramatically

- Testing is a major part of EMD effort

-- Both development and Operational Test and Evaluation (DT&E, OT&E) testing takes place

-- Bulk of testing is OT&E

- Low rate initial production occurs during this phase, if it occurs at all

- Process of Milestone approval similar to Milestone I and II

- Appropriate approval authority approves production of a weapon system deployment of an information system, an updated APB

- Exit criteria for Phase III is established

- Bulk of funds are expended during this phase

- Production line is hot

- Products are delivered

- Products become operational

-- They are maintained, overhauled and if required are modified

- Life of a system is finite, but life can be extended if modifications and other product improvements are made

513.2 Comprehend that the DOD Acquisition System represents trade-offs among different national goals

513.21 Explain how the DOD Acquisition System embodies a number of trade-offs among many competing and sometime contradictory goals.

Extracted from "Acquisition Reform: It's Not as Easy as It Seems", by Mark Cancian. The article discusses the different objectives that the acquisition system is designed to achieve, the priorities of the different players, the trade-offs among the priorities, and finally looks at future reform prospects.

- Different players of the acquisition process have different goals and priorities. The current system represents trade-offs among many competing, often contradictory goals

- Before going further it is worthwhile reminding ourselves how the defense industry is different.

- So what are the competing goals that the system is trying to accomplish? The number of items could be virtually infinite, but the list below is a good start.

- The essence of acquisition is a trade-off among desirable goals. Three high visibility examples here make the point.

Black programs (requiring very high security, special access)

Dual use technologies and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies

Risk of abuse and the level of ovesight

513.3 Comprehend applicability of current joint doctrine to the acquisition requirements process [SAE 14].

513.31 Describe the joint and Service component actors involved in the DOD requirements generation system process.




513.32 Describe the roles of the joint and Service component actors in validating and approving requirements.

Validation is the formal review process of the Mission Need Statement (MNS) by an operational authority other than the user to confirm the identified need and operational requirement.

A Mission Need Statement is required for all potential materiel acquisition programs.

- Chiefs of the Military Services, Heads of Defense Agencies, and Commanders in Chief of Unified Commands validate and approve their own Mission Need Statements for potential ACAT II and III programs. In the Air Force, the Air Force Requirements Oversight Council (AFROC) reviews all AF MNS and Operational Requirements Document s(ORDs).

- The Joint Requirements Oversight Council, chaired by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the Mission Need Statement validation and approval authority for potential ACAT I programs.

- For ACAT IA programs, the Office of the Secretary of Defense Principal Staff Assistant5 or the Joint Requirements Oversight Council may be the validation authority

The Operational Requirements Document (ORD) is usually validated and approved by the same operational validation authority that reviewed the Mission Need Statement.

- However, the Joint Requirements Oversight Council normally delegates Operational Requirements Document validation and approval for ACAT I and IA programs to the service chiefs.

- Normally, Operational Requirements Documents are first submitted to the operational validation authority at Milestone I, and updated for each subsequent milestone.

- The Operational Requirements Document is used to update the program baseline and develop performance specifications for the contract during each acquisition phase.

- All Operational Requirements Document key performance parameters are validated by the operational validation authority and included in the Acquisition Program Baseline starting at Milestone I.


1. Comprehend the capabilities and limitations of US military forces across the range of military operations, to include command relationships, force development and organization, and the concepts of deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment (OPMEP Learning Area 1).

2. Comprehend the systems and understand the processes supporting 21st century battlespace and how they are integrated to achieve operational-level joint force missions (OPMEP Learning Area 5).


  1. Cochrane, Charles B., Defense Acquisition Policy--A More Flexible Management Approachî (os513r1.doc). OS Coursebook
  2. Cancian, Mark, Acquisition Reform: It's Not As Easy As It Seems (os513r2.doc). OS Coursebook
  3. Requirements Generation Briefing by BGen Claude M. Bolten Jr. (os513dla.ppt)
  4. Acquisition Toolbook (acqustn.tbk)



Thesis: The DOD acquisition system is a complex array of actors, laws, and regulations; heavily influenced by domestic and foreign policy; and fed by US tax dollars, which turns concepts into weapon systems. This acquisition process is an extension of the National Security Policy.

Main Point I: The acquisition process is how the DOD buys material (and services) for t