Captain Philip Holland
42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Company A
Biographical Sketch

Philip Holland was born in Cloghjordan, Tipperary County, Ire­land, on February zz, 1836. With his family he emigrated to the United States while still a youth, and lived for a time in Elmira, N. Y., where he was educated and where he organized a Volunteer Fire Company of which he was elected Chief. At Elmira he also engaged in mercantile business. Shortly before the war he removed to Lawrenceville, Pa., or­ganizing another Volunteer Fire Company at that place, which enlisted and became Company A, of the Bucktails, and of which he was elected Captain. He commanded his company at Dranesville, Mechanicsville, Games' Mill, and New Market Cross Roads. At Gaines' Mill he elicited the most favorable comments from Major Stone for his skill and bravery; at New Market Cross Roads, while bravely endeavoring to rally the disordered troops he was killed.

Up to the time of his death he was a correspondent of the "Tioga "County Agitator," his articles appearing over the signature of "Colonel "Crockett." Since his death a "Phil Holland" Post, G. A. R., has been established in his honor.
Military Record
Mustered in June 11, 1861-killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862.