With the Iraqi war in full swing, I've decided to post a different message. I have enlisted in the U.S. Military because I thought it was not only the right thing to do, but it was the Patriotic thing to do. I support the Troops that are willing to spill their blood for this nation. I do however come from Germany. I am very disapointed in my fellow Europeans, especialy the FRENCH government, that they are now praising this conflict. Why did the coalition not have your support from the beginning? I would like to remember that any nation which will play an active role in the reconstruction of Iraq must remember that it was U.S. and UK forces that spilled their blood. DO NOT FORGET THESE MEN AND WOMEN! I have heard several critisizims about the forces firing on civilians. My opinion. If coalition forces are being fired on, whether it be from the military, or civilan forces, they must remember that the moment the pick up a weapon, be a rifle or a grenade, must know that they are NO longer a civilian, and if they pose a threat to any coalition forces, these coalition forces have the up most right to defend them selfs. DO THE PATRIOTIC THING AND ENLIST IN THE US MILITARY! YOUR COUNTRY HAS SOUNDED THE TRUMPET. ARE YOU LISTINING?! That is all, and may God save all of us. MAIN SITE HERE |