T O N Y´ S T R E N C H !


Hi, welcome to my little trench on the web. As you will soon discover, this page is 99,9% dedicated to all kind of military stuff, primary within categories that relates to my own military background. So if you are an civilian who really hates the military, go away right now! For those who want to browse my homepage, you are all welcome. A little summary of myself; I´m a Norwegian Officer in the Royal Norwegian Air Force, serving with the 333 Squadron which is based at the Andøya Flystasjon (air base) in Nordland county in Northern Norway (I like to call it the "periphery").I´m originally from the city Trondheim, who just had it`s 1000th anniversary (in 1997), were I was born and raised. But enough about me, go browsing and PLEASE sign my guest book before you leave.



Would you like to know what I have done so far in my military career?, would you like to visit the homepages to some of the units I have served? or would you like to see some pictures from some of the places I have been? If so, please enter this page at your own risk. NB! YOU WILL NOT FIND ANY MILITARY SECRETS!



The story about 333 squadron. This article is taken from a magazine called "Maritime Patrol Aviation" Vol.4 / No.1 / September 1997. The article is written by Marco P.J. Borst, who have made it his hobby to describe the history of Lockheed martin P-3 Orion. You will also find some black/white pictures of the P-3C Orion.



My own little link site. Here you can find links to my friends, the few I have, and links related to my military background and other interest.



THIS SITE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! But you can still visit parts of it. When I`m finished, you will find all kinds of military and propaganda poster´s related to the world wars of this century.



A secret site under heavy construction.


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