The High School Student | The College Student | The Established Civilian |
If you are not studying hard, if you are not planning to go to college and working toward that goal, YOU ARE SCREWING UP! Learn discipline, learn everything. Good grades now will get you a scholarship. | I see some of you everyday too. There are drop outs who joined as enlisted. These people are sad. It is sickening to watch these people come to terms with how they SCREWED THEMSELVES and how they wish they could do it over. GET YOUR DEGREE, and enter the CIVILIAN work force. | I have seen alot of you over the years. You laugh at us. You send us on our way. Some of you don't want us around sometimes. We are something you have to put up with. You think we have a good deal. You think our life is pretty easy. You pat yourself on the back when we kick ass though. Read this and ask yourself if you want this for your children. |
The Surface Warriors | The Part Time (SSBN) Sailors | The Fast Attack Nuts |
You think you have it bad and I am sure you do, or you wouldn't be here. You want to read about someone else who has it bad. You want to read about someone else's troubles. You won't be disappointed here. | You have it pretty good, or you can't stand it. Either way you are thinking about re-enlisting.
DON'T!!!You will get your shore duty, then you won't be able to go SSBN and you will end up on an SSN. You will hate it. It is bad. You will read why here. |
You have it bad, or you have it great. You are thinking about re-enlisting. DON'T!You will end up some place worse than you are now. I thought there was no place worse than the sub tender I was on. I swore I would never go back. I'd go there instead of this SSN crap though. There is always some place worse than you are now. You can't believe it is true, but there is. |