I was sitting in a chatroom listening to some teenagers go on about how "fun" pain pills and other medication was.
oh sure it's fun, my favorite part is the cold chills, the sweating, not being able to walk across the room without being out of breathe
or maybe having your life skeduled around whether or not your going to have your pills.
going through withdrawl and wishing you had anthrax instead
once, maybe twice, wishing your doctor would accidently die and you'd be forced to quit.
I'm sure i'm not the only one with 1/3 of the town addicted to pain medication because of one doctor.
I use to have dreams about pills, getting more or finding some, now sometimes i have dreams where i go to do something, but i stop because my patch is running low or i only have about a day left on it.
i can tell you what it feels like to be taking them
But i honestly cannot remember what it feels like when your not addicted to them.
i've forgotten what "normal" feels like
If your taking any kind of drug, you may think it's fun now, and i still do think it's fun to take pills, But the feeling of not having them far outways and fun it can bring. So if your taking them, stop before your addicted, and if you allready are......sorry and good luck.