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Armenia & Artsakh

"If there is a single Armenian left in Karabakh this October, the Azerbaijanis will hang him in Baku's Central Square." --Former Azeri President Elchibey, 6/92
This clearly shows that the Azeriz wanted to kill every single Armenian they could lay their hands on.
' "It was the KGB, " said Heydar flatly. "It was the Moscow KGB and the Azerbaijan KGB. And the entire leadership of Azerbaijan. They were all involved in the attacks on the Armenians in Baku on January 12, 13, and 14 and then again on January 20th, when Azerbaijan was attacked by the Soviet Army. It was all in accordance with the plan prepared by Moscow with the complicity of the Azeri leadership -- Abdulrahman Vezirov* and Ayaz Mutalibov. They were in on it too. Mutalibov now says it was Vezirov's responsibility and that he knew nothing about it. But up until today nothing has been done to apprehend the criminals responsible for the events of January 1990. Mutalibov wants it kept secret because his hand is right in there along with all the rest."
In this paragraph from the book "Azerbaijan Diary" by Thomas Goltz, Heydar Aliyev surprisingly reveals the people responsible for the persecution of Armenians in Baku, during "The Black January".
It is only comical that today(several years after the book was published), Heydar Aliyev claims that in fact the victims of Black January were Azeris, without even mentioning that the real victims were the Armenian residents of Baku, many of whom became victims of rape, murder, and ethnic cleansing. The Azeri government celebrates "Black January" as the day of mourning for the Azeris lives lost during the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
The Armenian Cause= The Armenian people are one of the most intelligent nationalities in the world.We range from creating Mig Fighters to creating to most famous actors to famous Painters.Just check out the Armenian Hall Of Fame.The time is coming where Armenia will reach its peak in power.We will not get our Eastern Armenia back but the whole Ottoman Empire will soon be under Armenia's control.Turkey=what have they created that the world is shocked.Is it their food that one cannot stand the smell.Is it their looks one mistakes for a rat.Or is it their fame in the world for the World's Worst Human Rights Record.Well with one as intelligent as us I'm sure will not remain as a small country.Just like we took Karabagh ,we will capture the Turkey and Azerbaijan.The Russians want to do it as well since the Turks betrayed them as well.Just one thing I would like to add.One country will not remain in so much power with so many enemies.Well here is the list that each one of these countries want to have a piece of Turkey.To start of with Greece,the Syrians,the Persians,Cyprus,the Kurds,the beautiful Armenian Nation,The Russian Nation,the Italians.Imagine if all these Nations unite in a assembly,Turkey will be destroyed in a matter of days. That day will come very soon for the tensions of those countries have reached the peak as to Turkey's behavior. Also Turkey's wish to join the EU is just a dream not to come true.

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