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The Last Pink Bits
Travels through the remants of the British Empire.

Author Harry Ritchie
Publisher Hodder & Stoughton 
ISBN  #  0-340-66683-8
On-line Merchant Amazon
This Book was added by Paul Hill

Cover Notes

It was the greatest imperial power the world had ever seen.  At its peak it ruled a quater of the globe and 1,000 million people- until its hasty dismantling saw the British Empire disappear completely from the face of the earth.

BUT not quite. That empire still encompassies over 1,000 territories, if you count bits of rock like Junk Island and Rabbit.  And Britain still even owns places with people on them, the remmants of an empire that once coloured much of the globe red  the last pink bits.  Harry Ritchie's tour includes Gibraltar,
Bermuda and the Falklands and, with a series of witty reports covering issues such as conflict, identity, drugs and golf, he answers the question an anxious George V whispered on his deathbed- 'How is the Empire?'


Paul Hill  rated this book Excellent
This book will become your mistress for a couple of days, demanding your constant attention until it, and you are satisfied.  Cover to cover it is funny, thought provoking and just down right interesting.  Discover that even today Britain has the largest empire on the globe, and one on which the sun still
never sets!  Learn why Falklanders are called 'Stills' by the Garrison, laugh out loud at the Saint who 'retired dead' in a game of cricket, scream and cry at the 'triangular Americans' and marvel at the out right 'britishness' that exsists on a bunch of far flung little rocks dotted all over the map. I can not recomend this book enough, so put the kettle on, get out a packet of digestives, stick a couple of muffins in the toaster and sit down to an exploration of not just 'our little empire' but also what it is to be British.

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