Only hours after the United States ultimatum to Saddam Hussein ran out
in January 1991, Squadron Leader Pablo Manson led the first of many Tornado
attacks he would make over Iraqi territory.
It became a four hour ordeal he'll never forget. Number Tow aircraft
was hit, and shot down before either crew member had delivered one bomb
in anger. They were subsequently captured and tortured by the Iraqis. But
Manson went on to lead to further flights, and tells in gripping detail
the terror and montony that war broght him.
And experienced formation leader, he was 40 when the war began, Manson
acted as both spur and mentor for his team of airmen. He was driven
to ask what war ment to him , to his men and, to those whose interests
they served. Coming to terms with the fear of death was tough, but
other issues proved just as hard to swallow, the realization that he and
his fellow airmen were no better than mercenaries in a war that had more
to do with oil than democracy, that thier loyaty went unappreciated by
those in power and that ex POWS and wounded are seen as excellent propaganda,
but an embarrassment when o longer needed.
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