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19 January 1862, Kentucky, War Between the States


This page presents historical information on the campaign and battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky (also called Fishing Creek and Logan's Crossroads), 19 January 1862; and genealogical information on the soldiers who fought there, including unit rosters and photos.


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This page is arranged in several sections, highlighting the different aspects of research on the subject.  Use the hyperlinks below, or at the top of each page, to visit each section.


flash.gif (2019 bytes)  What's New?   Check it out here.    (Latest update  --  1 October 2005)

flags.gif (4424 bytes) What's In A Name?   --  This battle had more names than any other in the American Civil War.  Follow this link to read why.

flags.gif (4424 bytes) History  --   Read battle narratives and view maps of the action.   See which units were involved on each side, in the Order of Battle.  Read about the weapons and flags used during the battle.  Take a virtual tour of the battlefield as it appears today. 

flags.gif (4424 bytes) Units and Soldiers  --  This section will be useful to genealogists tracing family members who may have fought at Mill Springs.  It contains lists of the casualties suffered by each unit, unit rosters, and photo galleries of the leaders and soldiers who fought in the battle.

flags.gif (4424 bytes) References and Links  --  This section contains a bibliography of sources, a listing of links to other WWW sites of interest, and a section called "From the Front," containing transcripts of period letters and other accounts written by the soldiers themselves.  You can also view an authentic limited edition art print of the battle.


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Support Battlefield Preservation  --  The Mill Springs Battlefield is one of the least disturbed rural battle sites in the nation, but it needs your help to stay that way.  Follow this link to learn how you can help by supporting the Mill Springs Battlefield Association.


GUESTWORLDBUTTON.GIF (2080 bytes)     Guestbook courtesy GuestWorld.  
Please sign the Battle of Mill Springs Guestbook.     
View the Battle of Mill Springs Guestbook.


Visit the Battle of Mill Springs Internet Forum  --  http://www.egroups.com/group/mill-springs-battle/
Visit Mark Odegard's forum, or subscribe to the mailing list.


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Note01.gif (1719 bytes)   Send comments and information to the page author.  I am always interested in hearing from others who have information to share on this battle and the soldiers who fought it.

Email1.gif (1209 bytes)   Send your comments to Geoff Walden at gwalden (at) windstream.net.

All contents copyright © 1998-2007, Geoffrey R. Walden; all rights reserved.  Except where noted, all text and photos are property of the page author, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission.  I gratefully acknowledge the permissions of the owners of other photos and articles used on the Battle of Mill Springs / Fishing Creek Homepage.
I especially wish to thank Laura Cook of the Orphan Brigade Homepage for her advice and clipart.

Last updated on:  01 October 2005

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