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Welcome to your Cruise 2005 Web site!

Well we finally made it. eleven of of went on this years cruise. I am hoping that this will continue to grow and becomes a yearly affair. Something to look forward to. The one that went are anxious for the nest one. We understand that some of you wanted to go but could not because of either the timing or other reasons so I am again telling now a year out that we are going on another one next year about the same time frame. This one will be for 5 to 7 days a little more expensive but worth every penny. I will post the time line on this page in a few months. For now enjoy some of the pictures we took. 

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The weather in Orlando is Sunny (most of the time) with scattered showers almost daily (during rainy season)

The temperature averages between

a High of 95 degrees in the Summer and a Low of 30 degrees in the Winter. Sorry, no snow.

Photo Album


Look at our new online photo album filled with pictures from our "Cruise 2005". I have selected only several of over 300 pictures taken from 6 cameras. Just to show you how much fun we had. The climax of the cruise was the Para-Sailing.


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This site was last updated 05/01/05