Repair Field Wire

Task 113-588-3008


This task is preformed in tactical or nontactical situations, in all weather conditions, and may be performed in an NBC enviroment. Given a requirement and:

1. Field wire containing an open circut and a ground or short.

2. Tool equipment TE-33.

3. Two telephone sets TA-312/PT, with batteries installed.

4. Electrical tape.

5. FM 24-20.

Standards & Safety

Standard is met when field wire line has been repaired and tested IAW FM 24-20, Chapters 6 and 11, allowing 15 minutes per fault..

Watch yourself when cutting and splicing lines, if nessecary, and don't cut or puncture wound yourself.


Training Information Outline

Read and review FM 24-20, Chapters 6 and 11.

Evaluation Preparation

Setup: At the site, provide two TA-312/PT contected with field wire.

Brief Soldier: Tell the soldier to repair field wire for an open circut and a ground or short and to tape all splices. Also, watch for electrical shock from sets being used while repairs are being made.

Evaluation Guide

Repair Field Wire--113-588-3008
Performance Measures Results
The following requirements must be met to perform repair field wire.
NOTE:All performance measures refer to FM 24-20, Chapters 6 and 11.
1.Repairs an open circut. P F
2.Repairs a short or ground. P F
3.Test field wire. P F


Score the soldier a GO if all steps are passed (P).
Score the soldier a NO-GO if any step(s) are failed (F).
If the soldier fails any step(s), show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly.


FM 24-20


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