Report Enemy Information(SALUTE)

Task 071-331-0803


Given a tactical situation that includes any number of enemy soldiers engaged in any type of activity.


Make a complete and accurate oral or written report to your leader that describes each point of interest expressed by the letters of the key word SALUTE(size, activity, location, unit, time, equipment). (Location my be descriptive; it need not be a grid coordinates.)


Training Information Outline

1. Report all information quickly, completely, and accurately. The following example shows how much detail is included in a complete report:

    "Seven men in civilian clothes, one carrying rifle and bandoleer, six carrying farm tools, entered the village of Friedberg (BN 223227) by southwest gate at 1300 hours. Same seven men, all with rifles and bandoleers, left Friedberg by northeast gate at 1400 hours, walking northeast on road to Ogau (BN 214230)."

2. A good way to remember how and what to report about the enemy is to use the letters of the word SALUTE.

  a. Size - describe the number of personnel seen or size of object.

  b. Activity - describe what the enemy is/was doing.

  c. Location - give grid coordinates or reference from a known point, including distance and direction (or azimuth) from the known point.

  d. Unit - decribe any patches or clothing, distinctive signs or symbols, or identification (ID) numbers on vehicles.

  e. Time - state time activity was observed.

  f. Equipment - describe or identify all equipment associated with the activity.

3. Both oral and written reports may be accomanied by maps, photos, overlays, sketches, captured documents, enemy material, or anything else which may help convey the full meaning of the information you are reporting.

4. Train by presenting the key word SALUTE and the necessary information represented by each letter of the key word. Present mock tactical situations via photographs or role playing by other soldiers. Tell the soldier to practice reporting orally and in writing what he observes.

Evaluation Preparation

Setup: Position two to four personnel (dressed in aggressor uniforms, if available) where they can be observed with the naked eye (or with binoculars, if available). Direct them to preform some type of activity, such as setting up camp, cleaning weapons, or studying maps. If you require the soldier to write the report, provide paper and pencil.

Brief Soldier: Accompany the soldier to be tested to a location from which he can observe the setup. Tell the soldier to report the activity observed.

Evaluation Guide

Performance Measures Results
The following requirements must be met to
perform Report Enemy Information(SALUTE).
1.S - size. P F
2.A - activity. P F
3.L - location. P F
4.U - unit. P F
5.T - time. P F
6.E - equipment. P F


Score the soldier a GO if all steps are passed (P).
Score the soldier a NO-GO if any step(s) are failed (F).
If the soldier fails any step(s), show what was done worng and how to do it correctly.


FM 21-75


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