E Troop, 151st Cavalry Regiment

Unit Information

This site is in no way connected to the Arkansas Army National Guard or any
of it's subordinate units. This site will conform to national security protocols
and agenda's. So if you are looking for juicy tidbits of explicit military info
or are a spy,,forget it!!!
Thank You,, The Webmaster!!!!

Troop "E" 151st Cavalry is a unit of the
Arkansas Army National Guard's
39th Infantry Brigade.
"E" Troop is actually made up of two units,
Troop "E" "minus" (-) at Marianna, Arkansas and,
Troop "E" Detachment "1" at West Helena, Arkansas.

Based upon the fact that E TRP is located in the Mississippi River delta,
we took the name of DELTA RAIDER'S to ascertain the fact that we are the dominate
force in the region. When it all comes down to brass tacks, we are the ones that
has the ball fall into their laps. I hope that you enjoy the site. Have a good time
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© 1997 jawood@conwaycorp.net