My life has been richly blessed by knowing and interacting with veterans. My Father was a WWII veteran, a Cpl in the QMC US Army. He was one of the ones that got the call on D-Day. My husband is a disabled Vietnam Veteran. My father would not talk about his
experiences during WWII so I learned about it the only way I could by reading. I had a library of over 1400 hardback books when my house burnt down in 1996. I lost them all along with over 300 interviews that I had done with veterans that I have had the priviledge of meeting over the years.
I was also commander of our local Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and I have the priviledge of sharing time with veterans both in our chapter at our VA hospital. We have several WWII veterans remaining but the majority or our members are Vietnam Vets.
Our DAVA chapter erected a monument to Departed Veterans of All Wars and dedicated it on 11/11/93 the date the "War to End All Wars" ended. Would that it were true, the memory should be enough to prevent another. But alas, our memories are short. I will continue to put items from veterans and veterans families on these pages as I piece burnt paper together. . . . Please if you have anything you would like to share send me an email or sign my guestbook.
Since those paragraphs were written, much has changed in my life. My husband passed in 1998 and I have recently married again. Another Vietnam Veteran. Please contact me. I would love to hear your experience and if you agree, add them to these pages.
Thank you for visiting these pages, and taking the time to read the words of the veterans listed here.
Being a product of the late 60's and early 70's I experienced the Vietnam War; like most on the television, and through the friends of mine who would talk about it upon their completion of tour in country,the horror of it all was only imagined to what the vets brought home with them, to a thankless country. I have not had the priviledge of visiting the "Wall". I have visited the "Moving Wall" and the experience was one I will never forget. Touching the names of my friends, I had to be torn away from it. Each name bears its own personal triumphs, heartbreaks, and a sacrifice to this nation.