The 332nd. Fighter Squadron, Santa Ana, California, July, 1943 Bottom Row: Henry M.Higginbotham, Frank E. Birtciel, Donald Starbuck, Weinert, Garvey, James "Slick" Morris
Middle Row: Herman, Donald W.Cooper, Ferdinand E. "Frenchie" LeFevre, Chandler, James "Brad" Bradshaw, Dunforth, L.J. Taylor
Top Row: unknown, Ford, Smith, Gene Fair, Meyer, unknown, Bennie R. Carbajal.
Underlined pilots later went to the 20th.FG. LeFevre, Higginbotham, Carbajal, Taylor and Cooper were KIA, Bradshaw completed his tour, Morris became an ace and later became a POW. The indentities of the remaining men would be greatly appreciated by the webmaster. |