Aaron's Home On The Web

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Welcome to my home on the web!! This site has been lovingly put together for me as a present for Father's Day from my wife. This will take you on a trip that will cover the world of my likes, hobbies, and life. I hope you enjoy it!!
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DawgFirst a little about me and my life. My name is Aaron. We live in North Carolina. We are originally from Lubbock Texas, but we have been moved around some because I am a United States Marine. I love being a Marine. Check out my Marine Corps Page when you have a chance. I have a wonderful wife named Kelly. Check out her homepage when you have a chance too, Dizzy Tig's Home Page. We have been married 4 years. We have two wonderful boys. Dalton, who is four, and Daryl, who is almost 2 years old. Check out Dalton's Very Own Bat Cave. It is just a little page about him. Daryl will have his own page coming soon too.

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SaxI guess you've probably noticed that I'm a Sax player. I am a good saxophone player too. My wife tells me that everytime I play. Our son, who is 4, loves to sit and listen to me. When he was a baby he used to sleep while I played. And his little baby brother seems to be following that trend so far. I also love to play guitar. I used to serenade my wife. Those are some of her favorite memories. I am really the romantic kind of guy. I love doing things like this and anything else that is sweet enough to make my wife cry. Here are a couple of links.
ISHP: The International Saxophone Home Page
Charles W
Guitar Notes - links, lessons, licks, and more!

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rocketOk. On to some of my other hobbies. I really love model rockets. I have turned our family garage into a club house of sorts. It is where I have all my rocket stuff. I can go there and just hang out with my buddies and build my rockets and whatever. And I don't get in my wife's hair doing it. haha
Rocketry Online!
Model Rockets
The Hitchiker's Guide to Model Rocketry

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BladesI also just took up rollerblading recently. I LOVE IT!! I take my 2 year old with me and he has a blast too. What a way to play Superman! HaHa
Aggressive Inline Skating World
ESPN SportsZone: 1997 X Games
Blading Central: In-line Skating with Your Dog

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One of my biggest dreams in life is to go to Antartica. My wife says I will be going alone. She doesn't even like snow. haha So maybe someday I will be able to talk her into going with me. But in the meantime. Here are some great Antartica links.
Fieldtrip - Antartica

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adoptI have also adopted a missing POW/MIA. Please check out his story. Every little bit helps. This is very close to me since some day it could be me.....

Patrick Lewis Ott

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M&M Saxman
Email Me!!!

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