"Total Army XXI Force Structure"

An uncertain future and the potential of the Revolution in Military Affairs argue for a new structure to replace our Cold War-era Army. The Army needs deployable divisions able to fight enemies not yet apparent. A modified round-out brigade concept could create a Total Army XXI that will win tomorrow across the full conflict spectrum with today's weapons and in a generation with new equipment.

The Army envisions 21st Century Army based on Division XXI. The heavy version is digitized and smaller than today's division but critics denounce it as unduly conservative in light of the radical restructuring proposed in Breaking the Phalanx. These visionaries are premature and would risk defeat tomorrow to leap directly to the Objective. Division XXI is based on sound assumptions although it is too large to be strategically deployable. Nor does it adequately integrate the active and reserve components to fight a protracted major theater war or a large-scale ground war.

Using Division XXI's brigade structure in two-brigade divisions will create powerful but deployable divisions. Total Army XXI is organized in tiers based on when the units are needed and would include ten Contingency Force divisions with 2 active brigades to halt an enemy in a major theater war. Each division would have a third National Guard brigade mobilizable as needed (the 82nd and 101st divisions retain 3 brigades). Eight Campaign Force divisions with 1 active and 1 Guard brigade and 2 Combined Arms divisions can mobilize to counterattack and defeat an enemy decisively. Campaign Force divisions could also serve as the core of joint and allied peace operations without tapping Contingency Force divisions. Six War Reserve Force divisions with 2 Guard brigades, including two Integrated Divisions, will be a general reserve. With more divisional flags, the Army is also expandable and can provide cadre for reconstitution for a large land war.

A modified round-out brigade organization will enhance integration of the active and reserve components and will forge an Army capable of fighting across the full conflict spectrum. By avoiding radical changes now, it avoids disruption to win tomorrow yet sets the stage for evolution to the Objective Force. Total Army XXI will defeat any enemy.