The Key Volunteer Network was adopted into the Marine Corps to assist families of Marines. The Key Volunteers are trained by the Marine Corps to assist and provide families with the resources available to handle situations that occur in the home front. The initial goal was to assist and support during deployment. It has become much bigger than that. It has also become personalized. Some KV's have coffees where the wives would get together and share ideas, concerns and welcome new wives into the command. This is a great opportunity for a KV to provide information to wives with either a guest speaker from an organization such as Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society, or by handing out literature on the available resources. Coffees are not boring, if that is what you are thinking. They can be quite fun. What happens at my coffees is, we all bring snacks and refreshments and have a raffle donated by the last raffle winner. We have had what we call "baby wipe & diaper drive". It is kind of like a baby shower except cheaper.

What I have mentioned are just a few things that I have done. There are some really clever KVs out there and I suggest you attend one of the coffees and see how much fun you have.

For some of you who have heard of this program, you know that it is an excellent program. It works and it is helpful. It is called a "network" because that is how it works. The goal is to connect you with the right person or organization that can help you. IT IS NOT a gossip group, or a group that will get your husbands in trouble. It is a group solely for the purpose of helping each other out. We are all family. Often times you are away from home and have no one to relate to or talk to, your KV is that person for you. She will also be able to provide you with information around the base on MWR activities, school, employment and anything else you can think of. If you have any questions, ask her. She is equipped with the material and knowledge to assist you. We aim to help. Don't think for one moment that you are alone. You are never alone. You have me and the rest of the wives out there in the military. The Marines call themselves "band of brothers," what do you think we are? This is your other family, and you have sisters all over the world.

If you have any questions or interested in being a Key Volunteer, just contact your husband's command Key Coordinator. You can also contact your local Marine Corps Family Team Building. Below is the link you should check out. It is the official Key Volunteer site. I hope this helps you in your transition or has answered your question. If you would like to contact me with questions that I did not cover, please click on the E-Mail button below.

"Semper Gumby" is an e-mail discussion group I have created to further assist you. It is exclusively for information and support for Marine spouses, and mothers of Marines. It will answer your military related issues and concerns. Please click on the image to find out more.

Click to subscribe to SemperGumby


If you or anyone you know has a KV website, official or non-official, please e-mail me the URL so I can add it as a link in my links page. If your unit does not have a KV website, then e-mail me the KV e-mail addy so I can add you as a contact. This is really very helpful for those who need information on the command they have received orders to.

Key Volunteer Network

The rest of my site

These are the FAQs
List Of Base Resources
We're moving?
Pre-Deployment Preparations
While He's gone
Homecoming Preparations
New to the Military?
Transition Out
Official Marine Corps Sites

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