This page is dedicated to our Mums: Featherhill Fanny and Jean's Butterscotch Carmel. Also all responsible, loving, and caring pet owners and caregivers everywhere.


These wonderful awards were presented to us and to our HuMom by very special people and we are very proud of each and every one of them.
Many no longer have links but the spirit in which they were given and accepted has not gone away so we proudly post them for all to see.

Boomer is very proud of this award:

AHROOS!!! We were awarded Pet Site of the Week for the week of 25-29 January 1999. Thank you everyone for your votes.

We are pleased to have been selected as one of the winners of
the Blue Ribbon Pet Site of the Week Award, for the week 13-18 December 1998. Thank you to all who voted for our pages.

We are honored to have been the runner-up site for the week of 6 December 1998

for the coveted Home & Heart Award

Peke Avenue

We are so please to have this as our very first award for our new pages. Thank you so much Ms. Editor.

We received this wonderful award from our friend and Doglover's List helper

Thanks Corley! We are proud to accept.

We just received this wonderful award, on 14 December 1998, from the little residents of Tiny Paws. Thank you so much!!

AhrooS we received this wonderful award fromLizard Heaven on 27 February 1999.

Our HuMom Gets Awards Too:

AhroooS look at this!!! Our HuMom was given this special award on 26 February 1999, by her peers. She was humbled and wishes to thank all of them very much. Our HuMom is no longer a CL but she was very honored to have been able to serve our friends and neighbors for three years in Heartland and Petsburgh.

To say hello e-mail us:

We would love to hear from you. Include your homepage address and we'll stop by for a visit real soon.
If you don't leave a message when you stop by we will never know and might miss a wonderful experience and friendly visit at your pages.


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We see you peeking at us Boomer!