Meta Tags Tutorial part 3

Note: The capitalization I use in these tags is not required. Just as ordinary tags may be upper or lower case, the keywords in Meta tags may be written in various ways. I like to use all caps to make the tags stand out, and I use lower case for string values.

Special Meta NAME Tags

Before I discuss the tags used by search robots, I would like to explain a couple of other Meta tags.


The first tag is Generator, and it tells what program (if any) was used to create the web page. Not only is the use of this tag optional, but I do not know of any browsers or tools that look at it. Here are a few examples taken from actual pages:
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I) [Netscape]">
<meta NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="vi -- who needs a WYSIWYG editor">
<meta name="generator" value="GeoCities GeoBuilder 1.0">
<meta name="generator" content="Created Using Yahoo! PageBuilder V2.51b9/2.0">
Netscape includes lots of information, while the others simply state the program name and version. Notice the various ways the words were capitalized. I have no idea why GeoCities used value instead of CONTENT.


This tag no longer exists, but I've left it here as an example

There was a Meta tag that was unique to GeoCities. If you clicked on the old watermark in the lower right hand corner of any page in GeoCities, you were shown a menu with links to a GeoAvenue of similar pages.

The Meta command looked like this:

<META NAME="mytopic" CONTENT="Avenue:SubAvenue:Topic">
where Avenue:SubAvenue:Topic defined the category your page belonged to. For Petsburgh, the Avenue:SubAvenue was Family:Pets and the Topic was something like Birds, Cats, Dogs, or Horses.
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