He then made all the animals, the fish, the birds, and bees.
And when at last He'd finished, not one was quite the same.
He said, "I'll walk this world of mine and give each one a name."
And so He travelled far and wide, and everywhere He went,
a little creature followed Him until its strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth and in the sky and sea,
the little creature said, "Dear Lord, there's no name left for me".
Kindly the Father said to him, "I've left you to the end.
I've turned my own name back to front and called you DOG, my friend".
This is a very happy place where Mister Samson and Miss Lady can romp freely and smell the smells without the boundaries of fences or the restrictions of leashes. Before you come in, a word of warning. Miss Lady will bark her head off. She's a redhead who likes to voice her opinion, and being a fellow redhead, how can I begrudge her that right because, after all, this is her territory. She won't bite, but she'll make you THINK she will! Mister Samson, on the other hand, is VERY cordial, LOVES company, and may try to lick you to death. If you've brought along a ball, that's perfect . . . if not, they have 3 in their toy chest, and rest assured they will run for them after they get used to you being there. Sam is a great ballplayer and likes to run, jump, and catch the ball in the air. He will bring the ball back to you for another run. Miss Lady will bring the ball back to you but won't give it to you. They are very glad you dropped by. Click on the doghouse and come on in! Dog-E-Mail Us! KEEP KEWL! Miss Lady says, "Yeah . . . right!" We have made friends since January 1, 1998! This Petsburgh Pups Webring site is owned by Samson & Lady. [ Prev |Next | Next 5 | Random ] Want to join the ring? Click here. Music by Dug on the Web This Doggone Free Home Page hosted by Thanks GeoCities!
Before you come in, a word of warning. Miss Lady will bark her head off. She's a redhead who likes to voice her opinion, and being a fellow redhead, how can I begrudge her that right because, after all, this is her territory. She won't bite, but she'll make you THINK she will! Mister Samson, on the other hand, is VERY cordial, LOVES company, and may try to lick you to death. If you've brought along a ball, that's perfect . . . if not, they have 3 in their toy chest, and rest assured they will run for them after they get used to you being there. Sam is a great ballplayer and likes to run, jump, and catch the ball in the air. He will bring the ball back to you for another run. Miss Lady will bring the ball back to you but won't give it to you.
They are very glad you dropped by. Click on the doghouse and come on in! Dog-E-Mail Us! KEEP KEWL! Miss Lady says, "Yeah . . . right!" We have made friends since January 1, 1998! This Petsburgh Pups Webring site is owned by Samson & Lady. [ Prev |Next | Next 5 | Random ] Want to join the ring? Click here. Music by Dug on the Web This Doggone Free Home Page hosted by Thanks GeoCities!
Music by Dug on the Web