Abby's Page

photo of Abby

Hi! My name is Abby and I'm the oldest in Mom's little menagerie.
I was born on July 16, 1995 in a small town north of Daytona Beach, Florida. I'm a smooth, red miniature dachshund. Though I'm a very little girl, I make my wishes known and make sure that things go as I want!

I was given to my Mom as a Christmas present from her sister, Debbie. The day I met Mom was the best day! Auntie Debbie hid me in her bedroom until everyone was ready to open their Christmas presents. Then Auntie Debbie brought me into the living room and put me in Mom's arms and it was love at first sight for both of us!! Even though everybody wanted to hold me, I kept running back to Mom. And that's the way it's been ever since!

After Christmas was over, Mom and I took a trip in a big plane to her home in a very cold place called Massachusetts. I was not at all happy when she let me out of the car and all I could see were these really, really big hills that were all white and VERY, VERY cold!! She told me that those hills were snow, but I was not interested at all - I was shivering so badly that I couldn't even understand what she was telling me!! I'm a Florida girl (a very little one, at that!) and I'll have NONE of that awful snow and cold!! So I knew right away that the first lesson I had to teach my Mom was that I just could not and WOULD not go outside if the weather was anything less than PERFECT. And given that my Mom is very smart and easily trained, she figured that one out right away!

There's not much time for fun - I have a big household to run. Believe me, with all the characters around here, it's a full time job!

In January, 1997, Mom got Cody because she thought I was lonely and would like some company while she was at work. It's okay having Cody around because he plays with me and sleeps with me, but most importantly, he lets me be boss!

In September, 1997, Mom fell in love with Heidi and brought her home. She's been a problem because she doesn't accept the fact that I run this show. She insists on waking me up first thing in the morning with lots and lots of kisses. Which is very annoying when a girl needs to catch up on her beauty sleep. Then she follows me around all day like.... well, like a puppy dog. But she makes a pretty good pillow, so I guess I'll let Mom keep her around.

"Heidi DOES make a pretty good pillow..."

"Mom, I TOLD you I did NOT want my picture taken!"

"But Mom, we were just trying to help!"

"This year, I got to go to Florida and meet my friend, Dudley! He was so sweet, that I decided to give him his own page on our site. Come meet Dudley!"

My Friend, Dudley's Page

Cody's Page

Heidi's Page

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