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Wizzkid's Tank

My Fish

My TankMy tank has been running now since early August, 1998, and has been running pretty smoothly. My current residents include:

My aquarium has been through a lot in the past year, and I have had many deaths. Most of these deaths, however, are caused by my kribensis fish. So far, these two fish have claimed the lives of 3 neon tetras, 5 zebra danios, 2 corydoras catfish, and 1 gold gourami. They are territorial while breeding and attack any fish that comes near them during that time. Yet, they are tolerant of other fish while not 'planning a family'. Other past residents include a short trial with a pair of swordtails, but they couldn't adapt to my relatively low pH (6.4).

Overview of Kribs

Kribensis Cichlids (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)
Female KribThese dwarf cichlids from West Africa are a real charm for my aquarium. Shown here is the female krib guarding her fry (hard to see). So far they have laid eggs about 6 times (as of July 14th, 1999), and have raised the last two spawns into free-swimming fry. During the first semi-successful spawn, I decided to let the kribs do what they had to do raise their babies. Unfortunately, they decided after a few weeks that they would fight with each other and let the babies fend for themselves (the babie all perished).
The second successful spawn I bought a fry raising container that sits in the water and allows water to flow through it freely. After about a week with the mother, I moved the fry into the container. However, the next morning I woke up to find that all but three fry (of a group of approx. 25) had escaped from the container. I guess they were still small enough to fit through the gaps in the sides of the container. About 10 of the escapees has managed to swim back to the female krib, while I'm guessing that the others became brunch for my gourami. They will likely spawn again while I'm on vacation this summer, so I hope that they can raise them themselves this time!

My Equipment

My Chemicals